Update git submodules

* Update docs/submodules/so.git from branch 'master'
  to 203d188b6f5274f1a97565b4d8474297d8a2baab
  - Merge "Prepare the x_directives inputs for multicloud API"
  - Prepare the x_directives inputs for multicloud API
    Prepare the sdnc_directives from the list of parameters
    provided by SDNC.
    Prepare the user_directives from the User input parameters.
    Add these two directives strings to the parameter map
    to be passed to Multicloud API by the multicloud adapter.
    Change-Id: I15c5737596e89b7ff147ae71fec0b143abeffdeb
    Issue-ID: SO-1442
    Signed-off-by: Eric Multanen <eric.w.multanen@intel.com>
1 file changed