Cherry pick beijing improvements to master

Replicating changes made when finalizing Beijing branch
in the doc master branch.

Change-Id: Ib1da658aef8cb84f896c6abac23631579ec0b80c
Issue-ID: DOC-280
Signed-off-by: Rich Bennett <>
diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-developer/use-cases/vfw.rst b/docs/guides/onap-developer/use-cases/vfw.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f83102
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/guides/onap-developer/use-cases/vfw.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property.  All rights reserved.
+vFirewall Use Case
+.. uml::
+   @startuml
+   title vFW/vFWCL and vDNS VNF Onboarding (R1)\nVFW/vFWCL and vDNS use the same flows but they are separate VNFs/Services
+   ONAP_User -> SDC : vFW_vDNS resource onboarding  (HEAT)
+   note right : vFWCL (vpg & vfw,vsn)\nvFW (vpg, vfw, vsn)\nvDNS (vpg, vlb,vdns) + DNSScaling (vdns)\
+   ONAP_User -> SDC : vFW_vDNS service onboarding
+   ONAP_User -> SDC : vFW_vDNS distribution
+   |||
+   SDC -> SO : artifact distribution\nNOTIFY,DOWNLOAD,DEPLOY_OK
+   SDC -> AAI : artifact distribution\nNOTIFY,DOWNLOAD,DEPLOY_OK
+   SDC -> SDNC : artifact distribution\nNOTIFY,DOWNLOAD,DEPLOY_OK
+   @enduml
+.. uml::
+ @startuml
+   title vFW vDNS Instantiation (R1)\nvFW and vDNS use the same flows but they are separate VNFs/Services
+   participant ONAP_User
+   participant Robot
+   Participant SDC
+   Participant VID
+   Participant SO
+   ONAP_User -> AAI : populate cloud inventory
+   note left of AAI:  manual via curl or POSTMAN
+   |||
+   ONAP_User -> VID : vFW_vDNS deployment
+   VID -> SDC : Lookup VNF artifacts
+   VID -> AAI : Lookup cloud locations, subscriber
+   VID -> SO : vFW_vDNS Service \nInstantiation\n(base modules)
+   SO -> AAI : inventory update
+   VID -> SO : vFW_vDNS VNF Instantiation\n(base modules)
+   note left of AAI : VFWCL is two VNFs in one service\nso VNF instantiate occurs twice
+   SO -> AAI : inventory update
+   ONAP_User -> SDNC : VNF API Preload VNF/VF data
+   VID -> SO : vFW_vDNS VF Instantiation\n(base modules)
+   SO -> AAI : inventory update
+   SO -> SDNC : Generic VNF API\n(assign)
+   SO -> Multi_VIM : vFW_vDNS Heat template, \nENV file, preload parameters
+   Multi_VIM -> CloudAPI : vFW_vDNS Heat template,\nENV file, preload parameters or
+   CloudAPI -> Hypervisor : vFW_vDNS Infrastructure instantiation
+   Hypervisor -> vFW_vDNS : Nova/Neutron Instantiation
+   Hypervisor -> CloudAPI : complete
+   CloudAPI -> Multi_VIM : complete
+   Multi_VIM -> SO : complete
+   note right : SO may poll for completion
+   SO -> SDNC:  Generic VNF API\n(activated)
+   note left : on failure from Openstack SO issues rollback to SDNC
+   SDNC -> AAI : L3 Network resource update
+   SO -> VID : complete
+   note right : VID will poll for completion
+   ONAP_User -> Robot : run Heat Bridge
+   Robot -> CloudAPI  :  retrieve cloud data 
+   Robot -> AAI :  Update with cloud data
+   |||
+   @enduml