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.. Copyright 2019 ONAP Doc Team. All rights reserved.
.. _doc_guide_user_des_vf-cre:
VF/PNF Creation and Testing
**Goal**: Using VSPs, create one or more VFs/PNFs as the building blocks for a
service. Validate and certify the VFs/PNFs.
**ONAP Component**: SDC
**SDC user roles**: Designer
- `Create a VF/PNF by VSP import`_
- `Create a VF/PNF manually`_
- `Update a VF/PNF [optional]`_
- `Certify VF/PNF`_
.. _doc_guide_user_des_vf-cre_cre-imp:
Create a VF/PNF by VSP import
**Prerequisites:** (see :ref:`doc_guide_user_des_res-onb` )
- Create a license for each VF/PNF
- Create a Vendor Software Product.
#. From the SDC HOME page, hover over *Import*, then click on *IMPORT VSP*
#. From the *Import VSP* box, expand a VSP name and click the *Import VSP* icon.
#. In the General section, complete all fields.
#. Click *Create*.
- A message displays while creation is in progress. (This can take up to
10 minutes.)
- A message displays when creation is complete.
#. [Optional] At any time before checking in the VF/PNF, click
these options to update VF/PNF information:
.. note:: These tasks can be done only before certifying the VF/PNF.
- **General->Icon** change the icon associated with the VF/PNF
(vendor-supplied icons are preferred)
- **Deployment Artifacts** download, view, modify, or change deployment
artifacts (for example, the contents of the Heat .zip file, which contains
the Heat volume template, the license, CDS Blueprints,...)
- **Information Artifacts** view or upload artifacts, such as test
scripts, test results, or the AIC questionnaire
- **TOSCA Artifacts** view or upload the TOSCA model or the TOSCA template
- **Composition** view or edit the graphical representation of the resource-level
TOSCA model (generated from the Heat template)
- **Activity Log** view activity related to assets associated with the VF/PNF
(displays the action, date, user, status, and any comments related to each
- **Deployment** view VF modules defined in the Heat template
- **Properties Assignment** define or update properties and input parameters
and policies
- **Req.& Capabilities** view and add requirements and capabilities
#. Click *Check In* to save changes.
- A box to enter comments for confirming the changes open.
#. Enter a comment and click *OK*.
- A message displays when the VF/PNF is checked in and you are redirected
to the Home screen.
#. After creating and checking a VF/PNF, certify it (see `Certify VF/PNF`_).
.. _doc_guide_user_des_vf-cre_cre-man:
Create a VF/PNF manually
#. From the SDC HOME page, hover over *Add*, then click on *ADD VF* or *ADD PNF*.
#. In the General section, complete all fields.
#. Click *Create*.
- A message displays while creation is in progress. (This can take up to
10 minutes.)
- A message displays when creation is complete.
#. Before check-in the VF/PNF, click these
options to update VF/PNF information:
.. note:: These tasks can be done only before certifying the VF/PNF.
- **General->Icon** change the icon associated with the VF/PNF
(vendor-supplied icons are preferred)
- **Deployment Artifacts** download, view, modify, or change deployment
artifacts (for example, the contents of the Heat .zip file, which contains
the Heat volume template, the license, CDS Blueprints,...)
- **Information Artifacts** view or upload artifacts, such as test
scripts, test results, or the AIC questionnaire
- **TOSCA Artifacts** view or upload the TOSCA model or the TOSCA template
- **Composition** view or edit the graphical representation of the resource-level
TOSCA model (generated from the Heat template)
- **Activity Log** view activity related to assets associated with the VF/PNF
(displays the action, date, user, status, and any comments related to each
- **Deployment** view VF modules defined in the Heat template
- **Properties Assignment** define or update properties and input parameters
and policies
- **Req.& Capabilities** view and add requirements and capabilities
#. Click *Check In* to save changes.
- A box to enter comments for confirming the changes open.
#. Enter a comment and click *OK*.
- A message displays when the VF/PNF is checked in and you are redirected
to the Home screen.
#. After creating and checking a VF/PNF, certify it (see `Certify VF/PNF`_).
.. _doc_guide_user_des_vf-cre_vf-upd:
Update a VF/PNF [optional]
- Update the VSP and other artifacts in a VF/PNF.
- Upload a new version the VSP to the VF/PNF whenever the VSP is updated
(see steps 3 to 5).
- Other reasons for updating a VF/PNF include:
- artifact changes at the VF/PNF level that need be uploaded, for example,
changes to ENV values (see step 6)
- `Create a VF/PNF by VSP import`_ or `Create a VF/PNF manually`_
- If the VSP was updated: :ref:`doc_guide_user_des_res-onb_upd-vsp`
#. From the SDC HOME page, click *CATALOG* and search for the VF/PNF, click on selected VF/PNF to update.
#. In the General section, click *Check Out*.
The *VSP* field is displays.
#. In the *VSP* field, click *Browse*.
The *Import VSP* box displays and shows the VSP that was used to create the VF/PNF.
#. Expand the VSP field and click.
#. Click *Update VSP*
A progress bar displays.
#. Click *Deployment Artifact* to edit, upload, or delete associated [Optional]
deployment artifacts.
#. Click *Information Artifact* and edit, upload, or delete associated
[Optional] information artifacts.
#. Click *Check In* to save changes.
- A box to enter comments for confirming the changes open.
#. Enter a comment and click *OK*.
- A message displays when the VF/PNF is checked in and you are redirected
to the Home screen.
#. After updating the VF/PNF:
- Certify it (see `Certify VF/PNF`_).
- Update the VF/PNF version in any service that contains the VF/PNF,
please go to :ref:`doc_guide_user_des_ser-upd_serv`
.. _doc_guide_user_des_vf-cre_sub-tst:
Certify VF/PNF
**Prerequisites:** `Create a VF/PNF by VSP import`_ or
`Create a VF/PNF manually`_
#. When a VF/PNF is ready for certification,
On the SDC HOME page, click *CATALOG* and search for the checked-in VF/PNF.
Bottom half of the VN/PNF will say In Design Check In”.
#. Click the VF/PNF and click *Certify*.
#. Enter a comment and click *OK*.
#. A Message appears, that the VF/PNF is certified.
.. |image1| image:: media/sdc-vf-workflow.png
.. |image2| image:: media/sdc-home.png
.. |image3| image:: media/sdc-Import.png
.. |image4| image:: media/sdc-vsp-update.png
.. |image5| image:: media/sdc_artifact_update.png
.. |image6| image:: media/design_vf_updatevspmessage.png
.. |image7| image:: media/sdc-vf-general-certify.png
.. |image8| image:: media/sdc-vf-certify-confirm.png
.. |image9| image:: media/SDC-Add.png
.. |image10| image:: media/sdc-vf-general.png