Update git submodules

* Update docs/submodules/vid.git from branch 'master'
  to fc62274e8d15964d63c62bf0e2f4abc040252ee9
  - Merge "Send logs to logstash"
  - Send logs to logstash
    Removing logback from vid container as it is not used at all
    Setting eelf variable to read configuration from /tmp/logback.xml -place which is mounted in oom
    /tmp/logback.xml has logpath set to /var/log/onap/
    Change-Id: I8045e1d63f8f2b7574684f0758475555463fe8b1
    Issue-ID: VID-485
    Signed-off-by: Wojciech Sliwka <wojciech.sliwka@nokia.com>
1 file changed