Update git submodules

* Update docs/submodules/so.git from branch 'master'
  to 92060fb87e64a984fb13c5f9be1cee741ea58637
  - Merge "fix potential nullpointer from sonar"
  - fix potential nullpointer from sonar
    MsoMulticloudUtils: multicloudClient may be null
    throw MsoException if it is null (instead of NullPointer)
    removed unnecessary StackInfo object creation
    using format specifiers for a logger instead of String concatenation
    removed else block to make the code easier to read
    Added tests for the method
    Change-Id: I80d2e0ba2ef2d20c488cdfcf103d9cfa5784ab65
    Issue-ID: SO-1516
    Signed-off-by: k.kazak <k.kazak@samsung.com>
diff --git a/docs/submodules/so.git b/docs/submodules/so.git
index 368a5da..92060fb 160000
--- a/docs/submodules/so.git
+++ b/docs/submodules/so.git
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 368a5dae984044557a5fb974bd5008a0893536d3
+Subproject commit 92060fb87e64a984fb13c5f9be1cee741ea58637