Update git submodules

* Update docs/submodules/vid.git from branch 'master'
  to db98c7976e57f8bacbcc93b802b4d05b1db7b8cf
  - Let API tests run without report_portal_integration, using dynamic loading
    - Removed @Step annotations, as pointcut is hardcoded in com.att->
    - Introduced ReportPortalListenerDelegator that loads com.att->
      .automation.common.report_portal_integration if available
    - Optimized and organized dependencies
    - Upgrade maven-assembly-plugin to resolve "Java heap space" error.
    Issue-ID: VID-378
    Change-Id: Iaf9279a48a1474d0ef6d0f514259dd383f6f5dbf
    Signed-off-by: Ittay Stern <ittay.stern@att.com>
1 file changed