Update git submodules

* Update docs/submodules/ccsdk/apps.git from branch 'master'
  to 49fc96a20d98a32e5bfbf88bf3595d09e419c7bd
  - Merge "Deleting target directory before BP enhance test"
  - Deleting target directory before BP enhance test
    The enhancement process reads a blueprint entry definition and creates
    the files describing the types used by it.
    At the end of the enhancement process, the blueprint files are copied
    to a directory. However, if it is not the first time the test is being
    run, the previous files won't be deleted beforehand.
    This does not represent a problem in case the blueprint has not added
    any extra file, but in the cases where a script is deleted, renamed or
    moved, the enhancement won't remove the old file.
    For test purposes, this is not a problem, but since the enhancement te-
    st is also used by developers to enhance their blueprints during deve-
    lopment, a small cleaning routine was added to remove the enhancement
    target directory before the operation starts, to avoid mistakes where a
    old version of a script is still being zipped as part of the blueprint
    Change-Id: I971f29f146b75d566a35cda0cb7a32a9a24be58e
    Issue-ID: CCSDK-926
    Signed-off-by: ottero <rodrigo.ottero@est.tech>
diff --git a/docs/submodules/ccsdk/apps.git b/docs/submodules/ccsdk/apps.git
index 274fda6..49fc96a 160000
--- a/docs/submodules/ccsdk/apps.git
+++ b/docs/submodules/ccsdk/apps.git
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 274fda687529f97d343d788a4e9da537cfeaa467
+Subproject commit 49fc96a20d98a32e5bfbf88bf3595d09e419c7bd