Update git submodules

* Update docs/submodules/oom.git from branch 'master'
  to 8f5004939a58a7a3d7c2398678a449a1767debe9
  - Configuration changes to make osdf ssl enabled
    Add common_config.yaml file to enable SSL
    Add the cert and key files
    Modify the deployment to mount the cert files
    Increment the docker image version
    Securing HAS api with https
    Modifying the health check protocol to https and credentials
    Updating certs to add has hostnames
    Change-Id: I860a0c436234b31d675ca0447fa92d511be0b140
    Signed-off-by: vrvarma <vv8305@att.com>
    Issue-ID: OPTFRA-293
1 file changed