Update git submodules

* Update docs/submodules/sdc.git from branch 'master'
  to 9e43b160bde937c32151c8ce5a3d07701bd31924
  - Fix interface types creation
    Interface types creation logic was not interpreting some allowed TOSCA
    entries, that, when declared, were breaking the interface type
    creation. Every entry under the interface type was being considered
    as an interface operation, but it is possible to have "derived_from",
    "version", "metadata" and "description". Also it is not considering
    the Interface Type entries "inputs", "operations" and "notifications".
    Another thing is that TOSCA 1.3 changes the way operations should be
    declared, deprecating the previous way. Now there should be an entry
    "operations" with the operations entries under it, instead of having
    the operations entries direct under the interface type. The change
    allows both types, following the TOSCA rule: if operations entry is
    not present, then the deprecated way is considered.
    Change-Id: I13218bda60b29d19b9c5565cbfd63ae3250a78bf
    Issue-ID: SDC-3075
    Signed-off-by: andre.schmid <andre.schmid@est.tech>
1 file changed