Update git submodules

* Update docs/submodules/vnfrqts/requirements.git from branch 'master'
  to b9ca074e4fac2c647b4916173246ce9fe928152e
  - Adding Schema VES Common Event for 7.1.1
    NOTE: Corresponding spec updates will be published under a separate
    review.  This is to allow DCAE to move forward with updates for
    the ONAP Frankfurt release.  This file was previously reviewed
    as part of VNFRQTS-802 and was broken out to allow further debate
    on the other review feedback on that ticket
    Issue-ID: VNFRQTS-814
    Signed-off-by: Lovett, Trevor <trevor.lovett@att.com>
    Change-Id: Ie38c80a12106372d326db6cdca38e005857d85f5
1 file changed