Update git submodules

* Update docs/submodules/so.git from branch 'master'
  to 4202f59f4c3b8675ab4f7ad215845361688ce86e
  - Merge "Fix CreateSDNCNetworkResource.updateResourceInput() for BBS use case"
  - Fix CreateSDNCNetworkResource.updateResourceInput() for BBS use case
    Added AccessConnectivity and InternetProfile to the switch cases. OLT and EdgeInternetProfile are not in use anymore.
    The use of getMetadatum needs further investigation, service instance metadata is only populated by SDNC DG and it is
    not available at this stage.
    Issue-ID: SO-2611
    Signed-off-by: Pérez Caparrós David <David.PerezCaparros@swisscom.com>
    Change-Id: Ia035dd9fb2aa33e361fe78b8a97d8148a106bbb2
1 file changed