Updated git submodules

Project: oom master 799ae16776823e5f12412eab4bd21368480d682e

Add onap parent chart

This is a top-level parent helm chart which deploys customizations
of the ONAP platform.

The parent ONAP chart represents the start of OOM's move away from
the oneclick bash scripts and towards the direct use of Helm to
manage configuration and deployment of ONAP.

How to deploy onap chart from local oom/kubernetes codebase.

** need to create/update dependencies defined in the chart's
** requirements.yaml
helm dep update onap/

** deploy the onap parent chart (and all referenced subcharts)
** with the "release" name of 'onap'
helm install onap/ -n onap

Change-Id: I71bee25770bdce82a47bfabb04946bb4fad069a2
Issue-ID: OOM-265
Signed-off-by: Mike Elliott <mike.elliott@amdocs.com>

1 file changed
tree: 00e0ba8f0929ed9cf5c1c2e65be13a0c3040d203
  1. docs/
  2. etc/
  3. .gitignore
  4. .gitmodules
  5. .gitreview
  7. readthedocs.yml
  8. tox.ini