Initial code import for vcpe automation.

Initial code import for vCPE use case automation. Source code was validated
for Amsterdam release. Changes may be needed for Bejing.

- Remove unneeded files: and onap_dev

Issue-ID: INT-461

Change-Id: Ifc2665bf8069fdcebd052cecc95266a4b831d2e8
Signed-off-by: Kang Xi <>
diff --git a/test/vcpe/ b/test/vcpe/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c4efafd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/vcpe/
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python
+import requests
+import json
+import sys
+from datetime import datetime
+from vcpecommon import *
+import csar_parser
+import logging
+import base64
+class Preload:
+    def __init__(self, vcpecommon):
+        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+        self.vcpecommon = vcpecommon
+    def replace(self, sz, replace_dict):
+        for old_string, new_string in replace_dict.items():
+            sz = sz.replace(old_string, new_string)
+        if self.vcpecommon.template_variable_symbol in sz:
+            self.logger.error('Error! Cannot find a value to replace ' + sz)
+        return sz
+    def generate_json(self, template_file, replace_dict):
+        with open(template_file) as json_input:
+            json_data = json.load(json_input)
+            stk = [json_data]
+            while len(stk) > 0:
+                data = stk.pop()
+                for k, v in data.items():
+                    if type(v) is dict:
+                        stk.append(v)
+                    elif type(v) is list:
+                        stk.extend(v)
+                    elif type(v) is str or type(v) is unicode:
+                        if self.vcpecommon.template_variable_symbol in v:
+                            data[k] = self.replace(v, replace_dict)
+                    else:
+                        self.logger.warning('Unexpected line in template: %s. Look for value %s', template_file, v)
+        return json_data
+    def reset_sniro(self):
+        self.logger.debug('Clearing SNIRO data')
+        r = + '/reset', headers=self.vcpecommon.sniro_headers)
+        if 2 != r.status_code / 100:
+            self.logger.debug(r.content)
+            self.logger.error('Clearing SNIRO date failed.')
+            sys.exit()
+    def preload_sniro(self, template_sniro_data, template_sniro_request, tunnelxconn_ar_name, vgw_name, vbrg_ar_name,
+                      vgmux_svc_instance_uuid, vbrg_svc_instance_uuid):
+        self.reset_sniro()
+'Preloading SNIRO for homing service')
+        replace_dict = {'${tunnelxconn_ar_name}': tunnelxconn_ar_name,
+                        '${vgw_name}': vgw_name,
+                        '${brg_ar_name}': vbrg_ar_name,
+                        '${vgmux_svc_instance_uuid}': vgmux_svc_instance_uuid,
+                        '${vbrg_svc_instance_uuid}': vbrg_svc_instance_uuid
+                        }
+        sniro_data = self.generate_json(template_sniro_data, replace_dict)
+        self.logger.debug('SNIRO data:')
+        self.logger.debug(json.dumps(sniro_data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
+        base64_sniro_data = base64.b64encode(json.dumps(sniro_data))
+        self.logger.debug('SNIRO data: 64')
+        self.logger.debug(base64_sniro_data)
+        replace_dict = {'${base64_sniro_data}': base64_sniro_data, '${sniro_ip}': self.vcpecommon.hosts['robot']}
+        sniro_request = self.generate_json(template_sniro_request, replace_dict)
+        self.logger.debug('SNIRO request:')
+        self.logger.debug(json.dumps(sniro_request, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
+        r =, headers=self.vcpecommon.sniro_headers, json=sniro_request)
+        if 2 != r.status_code / 100:
+            response = r.json()
+            self.logger.debug(json.dumps(response, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
+            self.logger.error('SNIRO preloading failed.')
+            sys.exit()
+        return True
+    def preload_network(self, template_file, network_role, subnet_start_ip, subnet_gateway, common_dict, name_suffix):
+        """
+        :param template_file:
+        :param network_role: cpe_signal, cpe_public, brg_bng, bng_mux, mux_gw
+        :param subnet_start_ip:
+        :param subnet_gateway:
+        :param name_suffix: e.g. '201711201311'
+        :return:
+        """
+        network_name = '_'.join([self.vcpecommon.instance_name_prefix['network'], network_role.lower(), name_suffix])
+        subnet_name = self.vcpecommon.network_name_to_subnet_name(network_name)
+        common_dict['${' + network_role+'_net}'] = network_name
+        common_dict['${' + network_role+'_subnet}'] = subnet_name
+        replace_dict = {'${network_role}': network_role,
+                        '${service_type}': 'vCPE',
+                        '${network_type}': 'Generic NeutronNet',
+                        '${network_name}': network_name,
+                        '${subnet_start_ip}': subnet_start_ip,
+                        '${subnet_gateway}': subnet_gateway
+                        }
+'Preloading network ' + network_role)
+        return self.preload(template_file, replace_dict, self.vcpecommon.sdnc_preload_network_url)
+    def preload(self, template_file, replace_dict, url):
+        json_data = self.generate_json(template_file, replace_dict)
+        self.logger.debug(json.dumps(json_data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
+        r =, headers=self.vcpecommon.sdnc_headers, auth=self.vcpecommon.sdnc_userpass, json=json_data)
+        response = r.json()
+        if int(response.get('output', {}).get('response-code', 0)) != 200:
+            self.logger.debug(json.dumps(response, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
+            self.logger.error('Preloading failed.')
+            return False
+        return True
+    def preload_vgw(self, template_file, brg_mac, commont_dict, name_suffix):
+        replace_dict = {'${brg_mac}': brg_mac,
+                        '${suffix}': name_suffix
+                        }
+        replace_dict.update(commont_dict)
+'Preloading vGW')
+        return self.preload(template_file, replace_dict, self.vcpecommon.sdnc_preload_vnf_url)
+    def preload_vfmodule(self, template_file, service_instance_id, vnf_model, vfmodule_model, common_dict, name_suffix):
+        """
+        :param template_file:
+        :param service_instance_id:
+        :param vnf_model:  parsing results from csar_parser
+        :param vfmodule_model:  parsing results from csar_parser
+        :param common_dict:
+        :param name_suffix:
+        :return:
+        """
+        # examples:
+        # vfmodule_model['modelCustomizationName']: "Vspinfra111601..base_vcpe_infra..module-0",
+        # vnf_model['modelCustomizationName']: "vspinfra111601 0",
+        vfmodule_name = '_'.join([self.vcpecommon.instance_name_prefix['vfmodule'],
+                                  vfmodule_model['modelCustomizationName'].split('..')[0].lower(), name_suffix])
+        # vnf_type and generic_vnf_type are identical
+        replace_dict = {'${vnf_type}': vfmodule_model['modelCustomizationName'],
+                        '${generic_vnf_type}': vfmodule_model['modelCustomizationName'],
+                        '${service_type}': service_instance_id,
+                        '${generic_vnf_name}': vnf_model['modelCustomizationName'],
+                        '${vnf_name}': vfmodule_name,
+                        '${suffix}': name_suffix}
+        replace_dict.update(common_dict)
+'Preloading VF Module ' + vfmodule_name)
+        return self.preload(template_file, replace_dict, self.vcpecommon.sdnc_preload_vnf_url)
+    def preload_all_networks(self, template_file, name_suffix):
+        common_dict = {'${' + k + '}': v for k, v in self.vcpecommon.common_preload_config.items()}
+        for network, v in self.vcpecommon.preload_network_config.items():
+            subnet_start_ip, subnet_gateway_ip = v
+            if not self.preload_network(template_file, network, subnet_start_ip, subnet_gateway_ip,
+                                        common_dict, name_suffix):
+                return None
+        return common_dict
+    def test(self):
+        # this is for testing purpose
+        name_suffix ='%Y%m%d%H%M')
+        vcpecommon = VcpeCommon()
+        preloader = Preload(vcpecommon)
+        network_dict = {'${' + k + '}': v for k, v in self.vcpecommon.common_preload_config.items()}
+        template_file = 'preload_templates/'
+        for k, v in self.vcpecommon.preload_network_config.items():
+            if not preloader.preload_network(template_file, k, v[0], v[1], network_dict, name_suffix):
+                break
+        print('---------------------------------------------------------------')
+        print('Network related replacement dictionary:')
+        print(json.dumps(network_dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
+        print('---------------------------------------------------------------')
+        keys = ['infra', 'bng', 'gmux', 'brg']
+        for key in keys:
+            csar_file = self.vcpecommon.find_file(key, 'csar', 'csar')
+            template_file = self.vcpecommon.find_file(key, 'json', 'preload_templates')
+            if csar_file and template_file:
+                parser = csar_parser.CsarParser()
+                parser.parse_csar(csar_file)
+                service_instance_id = 'test112233'
+                preloader.preload_vfmodule(template_file, service_instance_id, parser.vnf_models[0],
+                                           parser.vfmodule_models[0], network_dict, name_suffix)
+    def test_sniro(self):
+        template_sniro_data = self.vcpecommon.find_file('sniro_data', 'json', 'preload_templates')
+        template_sniro_request = self.vcpecommon.find_file('sniro_request', 'json', 'preload_templates')
+        vcperescust_csar = self.vcpecommon.find_file('rescust', 'csar', 'csar')
+        parser = csar_parser.CsarParser()
+        parser.parse_csar(vcperescust_csar)
+        tunnelxconn_ar_name = None
+        brg_ar_name = None
+        vgw_name = None
+        for model in parser.vnf_models:
+            if 'tunnel' in model['modelCustomizationName']:
+                tunnelxconn_ar_name = model['modelCustomizationName']
+            elif 'brg' in model['modelCustomizationName']:
+                brg_ar_name = model['modelCustomizationName']
+            elif 'vgw' in model['modelCustomizationName']:
+                vgw_name = model['modelCustomizationName']
+        if not (tunnelxconn_ar_name and brg_ar_name and vgw_name):
+            self.logger.error('Cannot find all names from %s.', vcperescust_csar)
+            sys.exit()
+        vgmux_svc_instance_uuid = '88888888888888'
+        vbrg_svc_instance_uuid = '999999999999999'
+        self.preload_sniro(template_sniro_data, template_sniro_request, tunnelxconn_ar_name, vgw_name, brg_ar_name,
+                           vgmux_svc_instance_uuid, vbrg_svc_instance_uuid)