| var http = require('http'); |
| var https = require('https'); |
| |
| var express = require('express'); |
| const stream = require('stream'); |
| var app = express(); |
| var fs = require("fs"); |
| var path = require('path'); |
| const sleep = (milliseconds) => { |
| return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, milliseconds)) |
| } |
| var ArgumentParser = require('argparse').ArgumentParser; |
| var privateKey = fs.readFileSync('cert/private.key', 'utf8'); |
| var certificate = fs.readFileSync('cert/certificate.crt', 'utf8'); |
| var credentials = {key: privateKey, cert: certificate}; |
| |
| var total_first_publish=0; |
| var total_last_publish=0 |
| var total_files=0; |
| var speed=0; |
| |
| var feeds="1:A"; //Comma separated list of feedId:filePrefix. Default is feedId=1 and file prefix 'A' |
| var feedNames=[]; |
| var filePrefixes=[]; |
| var feedIndexes=[]; |
| |
| var bodyParser = require('body-parser') |
| var startTime = Date.now(); |
| |
| var dr_callback_ip = ''; //IP for DR when running as container. Can be changed by env DR_SIM_IP |
| |
| //Counters |
| var ctr_publish_requests = []; |
| var ctr_publish_requests_bad_file_prefix = []; |
| var ctr_publish_responses = []; |
| var lastPublish = []; |
| var dwl_volume = []; |
| |
| var parser = new ArgumentParser({ |
| version: '0.0.1', |
| addHelp:true, |
| description: 'Datarouter redirect simulator' |
| }); |
| |
| parser.addArgument('--tc' , { help: 'TC $NoOfTc' } ); |
| parser.addArgument('--printtc' , |
| { |
| help: 'Print complete usage help', |
| action: 'storeTrue' |
| } |
| ); |
| |
| var args = parser.parseArgs(); |
| const tc_normal = "normal"; |
| const tc_no_publish ="no_publish" |
| const tc_10p_no_response = "10p_no_response"; |
| const tc_10first_no_response = "10first_no_response"; |
| const tc_100first_no_response = "100first_no_response"; |
| const tc_all_delay_1s = "all_delay_1s"; |
| const tc_all_delay_10s = "all_delay_10s"; |
| const tc_10p_delay_10s = "10p_delay_10s"; |
| const tc_10p_error_response = "10p_error_response"; |
| const tc_10first_error_response = "10first_error_response"; |
| const tc_100first_error_response = "100first_error_response"; |
| |
| if (args.tc==tc_normal) { |
| console.log("TC: " + args.tc) |
| |
| } else if (args.tc==tc_no_publish) { |
| console.log("TC: " + args.tc) |
| |
| } else if (args.tc==tc_10p_no_response) { |
| console.log("TC: " + args.tc) |
| |
| } else if (args.tc==tc_10first_no_response) { |
| console.log("TC: " + args.tc) |
| |
| } else if (args.tc==tc_100first_no_response) { |
| console.log("TC: " + args.tc) |
| |
| } else if (args.tc==tc_all_delay_1s) { |
| console.log("TC: " + args.tc) |
| |
| } else if (args.tc==tc_all_delay_10s) { |
| console.log("TC: " + args.tc) |
| |
| } else if (args.tc==tc_10p_delay_10s) { |
| console.log("TC: " + args.tc) |
| |
| } else if (args.tc==tc_10p_error_response) { |
| console.log("TC: " + args.tc) |
| |
| } else if (args.tc==tc_10first_error_response) { |
| console.log("TC: " + args.tc) |
| |
| } else if (args.tc==tc_100first_error_response) { |
| console.log("TC: " + args.tc) |
| } else { |
| console.log("No TC specified, use: --tc <tc-id>"); |
| process.exit(0); |
| } |
| |
| if (args.printtc) { |
| console.log("TC " + tc_normal + ": Normal case, all files publish and DR updated"); |
| console.log("TC " + tc_no_publish + ": Ok response but no files published"); |
| console.log("TC " + tc_10p_no_response + ": 10% % no response (file not published)"); |
| console.log("TC " + tc_10first_no_response + ": 10 first requests give no response (files not published)"); |
| console.log("TC " + tc_100first_no_response + ": 100 first requests give no response (files not published)"); |
| console.log("TC " + tc_all_delay_1s + ": All responses delayed 1s, normal publish"); |
| console.log("TC " + tc_all_delay_10s + ": All responses delayed 10s, normal publish"); |
| console.log("TC " + tc_10p_delay_10s + ": 10% of responses delayed 10s, normal publish"); |
| console.log("TC " + tc_10p_error_response + ": 10% error response (file not published)"); |
| console.log("TC " + tc_10first_error_response + ": 10 first requests give error response (file not published)"); |
| console.log("TC " + tc_100first_error_response + ": 100 first requests give error responses (file not published)"); |
| |
| process.exit(0); |
| } |
| |
| // parse application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
| app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false })) |
| |
| // parse application/json |
| app.use(bodyParser.json()) |
| |
| // parse application/vnd.api+json as json |
| app.use(bodyParser.json({ type: 'application/vnd.api+json' })) |
| |
| // parse some custom thing into a Buffer |
| app.use(bodyParser.raw({limit:1024*1024*60, type: 'application/octet-stream' })) |
| |
| // parse an HTML body into a string |
| app.use(bodyParser.text({ type: 'text/html' })) |
| |
| //Formatting |
| function fmtMSS(s){ |
| return(s-(s%=60))/60+(9<s?':':':0')+s //Format time diff to mm:ss |
| } |
| function fmtLargeNumber(x) { |
| return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, " "); //Format large with space, eg: 1 000 000 |
| } |
| |
| //I'm alive function |
| app.get("/",function(req, res){ |
| res.send("ok"); |
| }) |
| |
| function toCommaList(ctrArray) { |
| var str=""; |
| for(i=0;i<feedNames.length;i++) { |
| if (i!=0) { |
| str=str+","; |
| } |
| str=str+ctrArray[i]; |
| } |
| return str; |
| } |
| |
| function toCommaListTime(ctrArray) { |
| var str=""; |
| for(i=0;i<feedNames.length;i++) { |
| if (i!=0) { |
| str=str+","; |
| } |
| if (ctrArray[i] < 0) { |
| str=str+"--:--"; |
| } else { |
| str=str+fmtMSS(ctrArray[i]); |
| } |
| } |
| return str; |
| } |
| |
| function sumList(ctrArray) { |
| var tmp=0; |
| for(i=0;i<feedNames.length;i++) { |
| tmp=tmp+ctrArray[i]; |
| } |
| return ""+tmp; |
| } |
| |
| function largestInListTime(ctrArray) { |
| var tmp=-1; |
| var str="" |
| for(i=0;i<feedNames.length;i++) { |
| if (ctrArray[i] > tmp) { |
| tmp = ctrArray[i]; |
| } |
| } |
| if (tmp < 0) { |
| str="--:--"; |
| } else { |
| str=fmtMSS(tmp); |
| } |
| return str; |
| } |
| |
| //Counter readout |
| app.get("/ctr_publish_requests",function(req, res){ |
| res.send(""+sumList(ctr_publish_requests)); |
| }) |
| app.get("/feeds/ctr_publish_requests/",function(req, res){ |
| res.send(toCommaList(ctr_publish_requests)); |
| }) |
| app.get("/ctr_publish_requests/:feedId",function(req, res){ |
| var feedId = req.params.feedId; |
| res.send(""+ctr_publish_requests[feedIndexes[feedId]]); |
| }) |
| |
| app.get("/ctr_publish_requests_bad_file_prefix",function(req, res){ |
| res.send(""+sumList(ctr_publish_requests_bad_file_prefix)); |
| }) |
| app.get("/feeds/ctr_publish_requests_bad_file_prefix/",function(req, res){ |
| res.send(toCommaList(ctr_publish_requests_bad_file_prefix)); |
| }) |
| app.get("/ctr_publish_requests_bad_file_prefix/:feedId",function(req, res){ |
| var feedId = req.params.feedId; |
| res.send(""+ctr_publish_requests_bad_file_prefix[feedIndexes[feedId]]); |
| }) |
| |
| app.get("/ctr_publish_responses",function(req, res){ |
| res.send(""+sumList(ctr_publish_responses)); |
| }) |
| app.get("/feeds/ctr_publish_responses/",function(req, res){ |
| res.send(toCommaList(ctr_publish_responses)); |
| }) |
| app.get("/ctr_publish_responses/:feedId",function(req, res){ |
| var feedId = req.params.feedId; |
| res.send(""+ctr_publish_responses[feedIndexes[feedId]]); |
| }) |
| |
| app.get("/execution_time",function(req, res){ |
| var diff = fmtMSS(Math.floor((Date.now()-startTime)/1000)); |
| res.send(""+diff); |
| }) |
| app.get("/time_lastpublish",function(req, res){ |
| res.send(""+largestInListTime(lastPublish)); |
| }) |
| app.get("/feeds/time_lastpublish/",function(req, res){ |
| res.send(toCommaListTime(lastPublish)); |
| }) |
| app.get("/time_lastpublish/:feedId",function(req, res){ |
| var feedId = req.params.feedId; |
| if (lastPublish[feedIndexes[feedId]] < 0) { |
| res.send("--:--"); |
| } |
| res.send(""+fmtMSS(lastPublish[feedIndexes[feedId]])); |
| }) |
| |
| app.get("/dwl_volume",function(req, res){ |
| res.send(""+fmtLargeNumber(sumList(dwl_volume))); |
| }) |
| app.get("/feeds/dwl_volume/",function(req, res){ |
| var str=""; |
| for(i=0;i<feedNames.length;i++) { |
| if (i!=0) { |
| str=str+","; |
| } |
| str=str+fmtLargeNumber(dwl_volume[i]); |
| } |
| res.send(str); |
| }) |
| app.get("/dwl_volume/:feedId",function(req, res){ |
| var feedId = req.params.feedId; |
| res.send(""+fmtLargeNumber(dwl_volume[feedIndexes[feedId]])); |
| }) |
| |
| app.get("/tc_info",function(req, res){ |
| res.send(args.tc); |
| }) |
| |
| app.get("/feeds",function(req, res){ |
| res.send(feeds); |
| }) |
| |
| app.get("/speed",function(req, res){ |
| res.send(""+speed); |
| }) |
| |
| function filenameStartsWith(fileName, feedIndex) { |
| var i=0; |
| for(i=0;i<filePrefixes[feedIndex].length;i++) { |
| var prefix=filePrefixes[feedIndex][i]; |
| if (fileName.startsWith(prefix)) { |
| return true; |
| } |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| app.put('/publish/:feedId/:filename', function (req, res) { |
| |
| console.log(req.url); |
| var feedId=req.params.feedId; |
| // console.log("First 25 bytes of body: " + req.body.slice(0,25)) |
| console.log(req.headers) |
| ctr_publish_requests[feedIndexes[feedId]]++; |
| var filename = req.params.filename; |
| if (!filenameStartsWith(filename, feedIndexes[feedId])) { |
| ctr_publish_requests_bad_file_prefix[feedIndexes[feedId]]++; |
| } |
| var ctr = ctr_publish_requests[feedIndexes[feedId]]; |
| if (args.tc == tc_no_publish) { |
| ctr_publish_responses[feedIndexes[feedId]]++; |
| res.send("ok") |
| return; |
| } else if (args.tc==tc_10p_no_response && (ctr%10)==0) { |
| return; |
| } else if (args.tc==tc_10first_no_response && ctr<11) { |
| return; |
| } else if (args.tc==tc_100first_no_response && ctr<101) { |
| return; |
| } else if (args.tc==tc_10p_error_response && (ctr%10)==0) { |
| ctr_publish_responses[feedIndexes[feedId]]++; |
| res.send(400, ""); |
| return; |
| } else if (args.tc==tc_10first_error_response && ctr<11) { |
| ctr_publish_responses[feedIndexes[feedId]]++; |
| res.send(400, ""); |
| return; |
| } else if (args.tc==tc_100first_error_response && ctr<101) { |
| ctr_publish_responses[feedIndexes[feedId]]++; |
| res.send(400, ""); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| //Remaining part if normal file publish |
| |
| console.log(filename); |
| //Create filename (appending file size and feedid to name) to store |
| var storedFilename = path.resolve(__dirname, filename+"-"+feedId+"-"+req.body.length); |
| fs.writeFile(storedFilename, "", function (error) { //Store file with zero size |
| if (error) { console.error(error); } |
| }); |
| |
| //Make callback to update list of publish files in DR sim |
| //Note the hard code ip-adress, DR sim get this ip if simulators started from the |
| //script in the 'simulatorgroup' dir. |
| //Work around: Could not get a normal http put to work from nodejs, using curl instead |
| var util = require('util'); |
| var exec = require('child_process').exec; |
| |
| var command = 'curl -s -X PUT http://' + dr_callback_ip + ':3906/dr_redir_publish/'+feedId+'/'+filename; |
| |
| console.log("Callback to DR sim to report file published, cmd: " + command); |
| var child = exec(command, function(error, stdout, stderr){ |
| console.log('stdout: ' + stdout); |
| console.log('stderr: ' + stderr); |
| if(error !== null) { |
| console.log('exec error: ' + error); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| //Update status variables |
| ctr_publish_responses[feedIndexes[feedId]]++; |
| lastPublish[feedIndexes[feedId]] = Math.floor((Date.now()-startTime)/1000); |
| dwl_volume[feedIndexes[feedId]] = dwl_volume[feedIndexes[feedId]] + req.body.length; |
| |
| if (args.tc==tc_10p_delay_10s && (ctr%10)==0) { |
| sleep(10000).then(() => { |
| res.send("ok"); |
| }); |
| return; |
| } else if (args.tc==tc_all_delay_10s) { |
| sleep(10000).then(() => { |
| res.send("ok"); |
| }); |
| return; |
| } else if (args.tc==tc_all_delay_1s) { |
| sleep(1000).then(() => { |
| res.send("ok"); |
| }); |
| return; |
| } |
| if (total_first_publish == 0) { |
| total_first_publish=Date.now()/1000; |
| } |
| total_last_publish=Date.now()/1000; |
| total_files++; |
| if (total_last_publish > total_first_publish) { |
| speed = Math.round((total_files/(total_last_publish-total_first_publish))*10)/10; |
| } |
| |
| res.send("ok") |
| }); |
| |
| |
| var httpServer = http.createServer(app); |
| var httpsServer = https.createServer(credentials, app); |
| |
| var httpPort=3908 |
| var httpsPort=3909 |
| httpServer.listen(httpPort); |
| console.log("DR-simulator listening (http) at "+httpPort) |
| httpsServer.listen(httpsPort); |
| console.log("DR-simulator listening (https) at "+httpsPort) |
| |
| if (process.env.DR_SIM_IP) { |
| dr_callback_ip=process.env.DR_SIM_IP; |
| } |
| console.log("Using IP " + dr_callback_ip + " for callback to DR sim"); |
| |
| if (process.env.DR_REDIR_FEEDS) { |
| feeds=process.env.DR_REDIR_FEEDS; |
| } |
| console.log("Configured list of feeds: " + feeds); |
| |
| var i=0; |
| feedNames=feeds.split(','); |
| for(i=0;i<feedNames.length;i++) { |
| var tmp=feedNames[i].split(':'); |
| feedNames[i]=tmp[0].trim(); |
| feedIndexes[feedNames[i]]=i; |
| filePrefixes[i]=[] |
| var j=0; |
| for(j=1;j<tmp.length;j++) { |
| filePrefixes[i][j-1]=tmp[j]; |
| } |
| |
| ctr_publish_requests[i] = 0; |
| ctr_publish_requests_bad_file_prefix[i] = 0; |
| ctr_publish_responses[i] = 0; |
| lastPublish[i] = -1; |
| dwl_volume[i] = 0; |
| } |
| console.log("Parsed mapping between feed id and file name prefix"); |
| for(i=0;i<feedNames.length;i++) { |
| var fn = feedNames[i]; |
| for (j=0;j<filePrefixes[i].length;j++) { |
| console.log("Feed id: " + fn + ", file name prefix: " + filePrefixes[i][j]); |
| } |
| } |