Merge "Update rancher k8s template ID"
diff --git a/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/dr-sim/Dockerfile b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/dr-sim/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc903d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/dr-sim/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#Common image for both dmmapDR and dmaapDR_redir
+FROM node:8
+COPY dmaapDR.js ./
+COPY dmaapDR_redir.js ./
+COPY package*.json ./
+COPY cert/ cert/
+RUN npm install express
+RUN npm install argparse
+EXPOSE 3906
+EXPOSE 3907
+EXPOSE 3908
+EXPOSE 3909
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/dr-sim/ b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/dr-sim/
index 38ad1c5..f0cdf58 100644
--- a/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/dr-sim/
+++ b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/dr-sim/
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+#Alternative to running python (as described below) on your machine, use the docker files.
+1. Build docker container with ```docker build -t drsim_common:latest .```
+2. Run the container ```docker-compose up```
 1. install nodejs
 2. install npm
 Make sure that you run these commands in the application directory "dr-sim"
diff --git a/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/dr-sim/dmaapBusController.js b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/dr-sim/dmaapBusController.js
index cca85f9..a1b2770 100644
--- a/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/dr-sim/dmaapBusController.js
+++ b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/dr-sim/dmaapBusController.js
@@ -6,35 +6,38 @@
 var app = express();
 var fs = require("fs");
 var path = require('path');
-var privateKey  = fs.readFileSync('cert/private.key', 'utf8');
+var privateKey = fs.readFileSync('cert/private.key', 'utf8');
 var certificate = fs.readFileSync('cert/certificate.crt', 'utf8');
-var credentials = {key: privateKey, cert: certificate};
+var credentials = {
+	key: privateKey,
+	cert: certificate
 var parser = new ArgumentParser({
-	  version: '0.0.1',
-	  addHelp:true,
-	  description: 'Datarouter simulator'
-	});
+	version: '0.0.1',
+	addHelp: true,
+	description: 'Datarouter simulator'
-parser.addArgument('--tc' , { help: 'TC $NoOfTc' } );
-parser.addArgument('--printtc' ,
-		{
-			help: 'Print complete usage help',
-			action: 'storeTrue'
-		}
-	);
+parser.addArgument('--tc', {
+	help: 'TC $NoOfTc'
+parser.addArgument('--printtc', {
+	help: 'Print complete usage help',
+	action: 'storeTrue'
 var args = parser.parseArgs();
-if ("100") {
+if ( == "100") {
 	console.log("TC: 100")
-if ("101") {
+if ( == "101") {
 	console.log("TC: 101")
-if ("102") {
+if ( == "102") {
 	console.log("TC: 102")
@@ -47,30 +50,66 @@
 var bodyParser = require('body-parser')
-app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }))
+	extended: false
 // parse application/json
 // parse application/vnd.api+json as json
-app.use(bodyParser.json({ type: 'application/vnd.api+json' }))
+	type: 'application/vnd.api+json'
 // parse some custom thing into a Buffer
-app.use(bodyParser.raw({limit:1024*1024*20, type: 'application/octet-stream' }))
+	limit: 1024 * 1024 * 20,
+	type: 'application/octet-stream'
 // parse an HTML body into a string
-app.use(bodyParser.text({ type: 'text/html' }))
-app.get("/",function(req, res){
+	type: 'text/html'
+app.get("/", function (req, res) {
 })'/webapi/feeds/', function (req, res) {
-	res.send("ok");
+	res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
+	var feedName = req.body.feedName;
+	console.log(feedName);
+	res.end(JSON.stringify({
+		"type": "feed",
+		"lastMod": "2019-03-21T16:00:40.489",
+		"status": "VALID",
+		"asprClassification": "unclassified",
+		"feedDescription": "generated for CSIT",
+		"feedId": "3",
+		"feedName": feedName,
+		"feedVersion": "csit",
+		"logURL": "https://dmaap-dr-prov/feedlog/3",
+		"owner": "dgl",
+		"publishURL": "https://dmaap-dr-prov/publish/3",
+		"pubs": [{
+			"lastMod": "2019-01-24T16:00:40.484",
+			"status": "VALID",
+			"dcaeLocationName": "san-francisco",
+			"feedId": "3",
+			"pubId": "3.4gh53",
+			"username": "tmp_i63w8psh6ycnoqu",
+			"userpwd": "6jkc1uwywrc8q4w"
+		}],
+		"subs": [],
+		"subscribeURL": "https://dmaap-dr-prov/subscribe/3",
+		"suspended": false
+	}));
 var httpServer = http.createServer(app);
 var httpsServer = https.createServer(credentials, app);
-var httpPort=6665
-var httpsPort=6666
+var httpPort = 6665
+var httpsPort = 6666
-console.log("DR-simulator listening (http) at "+httpPort)
+console.log("DR-simulator listening (http) at " + httpPort)
-console.log("DR-simulator listening (https) at "+httpsPort)
\ No newline at end of file
+console.log("DR-simulator listening (https) at " + httpsPort)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/dr-sim/docker-compose.yml b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/dr-sim/docker-compose.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ad4788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/dr-sim/docker-compose.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+version: '2'
+  drsim:
+    image: drsim_common:latest
+    ports:
+     - "3906:3906"
+     - "3907:3907"
+    container_name: drsim
+    command: node dmaapDR.js
+  drsim_redir:
+    image: drsim_common:latest
+    ports:
+     - "3908:3908"
+     - "3909:3909"
+    container_name: drsim_redir
+    command: node dmaapDR_redir.js    
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/ftps-sftp-server/ b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/ftps-sftp-server/
index 5a16601..3bd6740 100644
--- a/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/ftps-sftp-server/
+++ b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/ftps-sftp-server/
@@ -15,6 +15,12 @@
 then logout-login to activate it.
+###Prepare files for the simulator
+Run `` with an argument found in `test_cases.yml` (or add a new tc in that file) to create files (1MB, 5MB and 50MB files) and a large number of 
+symbolic links to these files to simulate PM files. The files names maches the files in
+the events produced by the MR simulator. The dirs with the files will be mounted
+by the ftp containers, defined in the docker-compse file, when started
 ###Starting/stopping the FTPS/SFTP server(s)
 Start: `docker-compose up`
diff --git a/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/ftps-sftp-server/ b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/ftps-sftp-server/
index f1146a6..086d43a 100755
--- a/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/ftps-sftp-server/
+++ b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/ftps-sftp-server/
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 		# Create symlinks
-		for ((l=1;l<=$N_SYMLINKS;l++))
+		for ((l=0;l<=$N_SYMLINKS;l++))
diff --git a/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/ftps-sftp-server/test_cases.yml b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/ftps-sftp-server/test_cases.yml
index 8dba114..61275df 100644
--- a/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/ftps-sftp-server/test_cases.yml
+++ b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/ftps-sftp-server/test_cases.yml
@@ -9,3 +9,8 @@
   size_files: 0.5 1 5
   number_files: 2 3 1
   directory_files: ftps ftps sftp
+  size_files: 1 1 5 5 50 50
+  number_files: 10000 10000 10000 10000 1 1
+  directory_files: ftps sftp ftps sftp ftps sftp
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/mr-sim/Dockerfile b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/mr-sim/Dockerfile
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5341bb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/mr-sim/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+FROM python:3.6-alpine
+COPY . /app
+RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
+EXPOSE 2222
diff --git a/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/mr-sim/ b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/mr-sim/
index b04b9ec..5746345 100644
--- a/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/mr-sim/
+++ b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/mr-sim/
@@ -1,3 +1,52 @@
+#Alternative to running python (as described below) on your machine, use the docker files.
+1. Build docker container with ```docker build -t mrsim:latest .```
+2. Run the container ```docker-compose up```
+The behavior can be changed by argument to the python script in the docker-compose.yml
+The simulator can be queried for statistics
+localhost:2222/ctr_requests   - return an integer of the number of get request to the event poll path
+localhost:2222/ctr_responses  - return an integer of the number of get responses to the event poll path
+localhost:2222/ctr_unique_files - returns an integer or the number of unique files. A unique file is the combination of node+file_sequence_number 
+##Common TC info
+File names for 1MB, 5MB and 50MB files
+Files in the format: <size-in-mb>MB_<sequence-number>.tar.gz    Ex. for 5MB file with sequence number 12:  5MB_12.tar.gz
+The sequence numbers are stepped so that all files have unique names
+Missing files (files that are not expected to be found in the ftp server. Format: MissingFile_<sequence-number>.tar.gz
+Limited event streams
+When the number of events are exhausted, empty replies are returned '[]'
+TC100 - One ME, SFTP, 1 1MB file, 1 event
+TC101 - One ME, SFTP, 1 5MB file, 1 event
+TC102 - One ME, SFTP, 1 50MB file, 1 event
+TC110 - One ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 1 file per event, 100 events, 1 event per poll.
+TC111 - One ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 100 files per event, 100 events, 1 event per poll.
+TC112 - One ME, SFTP, 5MB files, 100 files per event, 100 events, 1 event per poll.
+TC113 - One ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 100 files per event, 100 events. All events in one poll.
+TC120 - One ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 100 files per event, 100 events, 1 event per poll. 10% of replies each: no response, empty message, slow response, 404-error, malformed json
+TC121 - One ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 100 files per event, 100 events, 1 event per poll. 10% missing files
+TC122 - One ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 100 files per event, 100 events. 1 event per poll. All files with identical name. 
+Endless event streams
+TC1000 - One ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 100 files per event, endless number of events, 1 event per poll
+TC1001 - One ME, SFTP, 5MB files, 100 files per event, endless number of events, 1 event per poll
+TC510 - 5 ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 1 file per event, 100 events, 1 event per poll.
+TC200-TC202 same as TC100-TC102 but with FTPS
+TC210-TC213 same as TC110-TC113 but with FTPS
+TC2000-TC2001 same as TC1000-TC1001 but with FTPS
+TC610 same as TC510 but with FTPS
 ## Developer workflow
 1. ```sudo apt install python3-venv```
diff --git a/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/mr-sim/docker-compose.yml b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/mr-sim/docker-compose.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7315e4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/mr-sim/docker-compose.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+version: '2'
+  mrsim:
+    image: mrsim:latest
+    ports:
+     - "2222:2222"
+    container_name: mrsim
+    command: python --tc100
+# Change -tc100 to other tc number for desired behavior.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/mr-sim/ b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/mr-sim/
index c37ae69..ef46535 100644
--- a/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/mr-sim/
+++ b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/mr-sim/
@@ -8,73 +8,432 @@
 from flask import Flask
 app = Flask(__name__)
-DEFAULT_IP = "localhost"
+#Server info
+HOST_IP = ""
+HOST_PORT = 2222
+#Test function to check server running
+    methods=['GET'])
+def index():
+    return 'Hello world'
+#Returns number of polls
+    methods=['GET'])
+def counter_requests():
+    global ctr_requests
+    return str(ctr_requests)
+#Returns number of replies
+    methods=['GET'])
+def counter_responses():
+    global ctr_responses
+    return str(ctr_responses)
+#Returns number of unique files
+    methods=['GET'])
+def counter_uniquefiles():
+    global fileMap
+    return str(len(fileMap))
+#Returns tc info
+    methods=['GET'])
+def testcase_info():
+    global tc_num
+    return tc_num
+#Messages polling function
 def MR_reply():
-    global mr_counter
-    global mr_replies
+    global ctr_requests
+    global args
-    mr_counter = mr_counter + 1
-    print("MR receiver counter: " + str(mr_counter))
+    ctr_requests = ctr_requests + 1
+    print("MR: poll request#: " + str(ctr_requests))
-    if mr_replies[mr_counter].sleepMs != 0:
-        sleep(mr_replies[mr_counter].sleepMs / 1000.0)
-        print("Sleeping: " + str(mr_replies[mr_counter].sleepMs) + " ms")
+    if args.tc100:
+      return tc100("sftp")
+    elif args.tc101:
+      return tc101("sftp")
+    elif args.tc102:
+      return tc102("sftp")
-    if mr_replies[mr_counter].replytype == 0:
-        #print (str(mr_replies[mr_counter].jsonreply))
-        print("Regular reply")
-        response = app.response_class(
-            response=mr_replies[mr_counter].jsonreply,
-            status=200,
-            mimetype='application/json')
+    elif args.tc110:
+      return tc110("sftp")
+    elif args.tc111:
+      return tc111("sftp")
+    elif args.tc112:
+      return tc112("sftp")
+    elif args.tc113:
+      return tc113("sftp")
-        return response
+    elif args.tc120:
+      return tc120("sftp")
+    elif args.tc121:
+      return tc121("sftp")
+    elif args.tc122:
+      return tc122("sftp")
-    if mr_replies[mr_counter].replytype == 2:
+    elif args.tc1000:
+      return tc1000("sftp")
+    elif args.tc1001:
+      return tc1001("sftp")
-        print("error: 404")
-        response = app.response_class(
-            response="",
-            status=404,
-            mimetype='application/json')
-        return response
-    if mr_replies[mr_counter].replytype == 1:
-        print("do nothing, sink request")
-        return
+    elif args.tc510:
+      return tc510("sftp")      
-class Reply:
-    """An instance of the reply event, which can be configured to behave in a certain way
-    (delay, error code, reply body"""
+    elif args.tc200:
+      return tc200("ftps")
+    elif args.tc201:
+      return tc201("ftps")
+    elif args.tc202:
+      return tc202("ftps")
-    def to_json(self):
-        return self.jsonreply
+    elif args.tc210:
+      return tc210("ftps")
+    elif args.tc211:
+      return tc211("ftps")
+    elif args.tc212:
+      return tc212("ftps")
+    elif args.tc213:
+      return tc213("ftps")
-    def __init__(
-            self,
-            ip=DEFAULT_IP,
-            file="1MB.tar.gz",
-            sleepMs=0,
-            replyType=0,
-            port=1022,
-            type="ftps"):
-        self.sleepMs = sleepMs
-        self.ip = ip
-        self.file = file
-        self.port = port
-        self.replytype = replyType  # 0 for reply, 1 timeout, 2 deny
-        self.user = "onap"
-        self.passwd = "pano"
-        self.type = type
-        self.jsonreply = str.encode("""
-        [{
+    elif args.tc220:
+      return tc220("ftps")
+    elif args.tc221:
+      return tc221("ftps")
+    elif args.tc222:
+      return tc222("ftps")
+    elif args.tc2000:
+      return tc2000("ftps")
+    elif args.tc2001:
+      return tc2001("ftps")
+    elif args.tc610:
+      return tc510("ftps")     
+#### Test case functions
+def tc100(ftptype):
+  global ctr_responses
+  global ctr_unique_files
+  ctr_responses = ctr_responses + 1
+  if (ctr_responses > 1):
+    return buildOkResponse("[]")
+  seqNr = (ctr_responses-1)
+  msg = getEventHead() + getEventName("1MB_" + str(seqNr) + ".tar.gz",ftptype,"onap","pano","localhost",1022) + getEventEnd()
+  fileMap[seqNr] = seqNr
+  return buildOkResponse("["+msg+"]")
+def tc101(ftptype):
+  global ctr_responses
+  global ctr_unique_files
+  ctr_responses = ctr_responses + 1
+  if (ctr_responses > 1):
+    return buildOkResponse("[]")  
+  seqNr = (ctr_responses-1)
+  msg = getEventHead() + getEventName("5MB_" + str(seqNr) + ".tar.gz",ftptype,"onap","pano","localhost",1022) + getEventEnd()
+  fileMap[seqNr] = seqNr
+  return buildOkResponse("["+msg+"]")
+def tc102(ftptype):
+  global ctr_responses
+  global ctr_unique_files
+  ctr_responses = ctr_responses + 1
+  if (ctr_responses > 1):
+    return buildOkResponse("[]")  
+  seqNr = (ctr_responses-1)
+  msg = getEventHead() + getEventName("50MB_" + str(seqNr) + ".tar.gz",ftptype,"onap","pano","localhost",1022) + getEventEnd()
+  fileMap[seqNr] = seqNr
+  return buildOkResponse("["+msg+"]")
+def tc110(ftptype):
+  global ctr_responses
+  global ctr_unique_files
+  ctr_responses = ctr_responses + 1
+  if (ctr_responses > 100):
+    return buildOkResponse("[]")  
+  seqNr = (ctr_responses-1)
+  msg = getEventHead() + getEventName("1MB_" + str(seqNr) + ".tar.gz",ftptype,"onap","pano","localhost",1022) + getEventEnd()
+  fileMap[seqNr] = seqNr
+  return buildOkResponse("["+msg+"]")
+def tc111(ftptype):
+  global ctr_responses
+  global ctr_unique_files
+  ctr_responses = ctr_responses + 1
+  if (ctr_responses > 100):
+    return buildOkResponse("[]")  
+  msg = getEventHead()
+  for i in range(100):
+    seqNr = i+(ctr_responses-1)
+    if i != 0: msg = msg + ","
+    msg = msg + getEventName("1MB_" + str(seqNr) + ".tar.gz",ftptype,"onap","pano","localhost",1022)
+    fileMap[seqNr] = seqNr
+  msg = msg + getEventEnd()
+  return buildOkResponse("["+msg+"]")
+def tc112(ftptype):
+  global ctr_responses
+  global ctr_unique_files
+  ctr_responses = ctr_responses + 1
+  if (ctr_responses > 100):
+    return buildOkResponse("[]")  
+  msg = getEventHead()
+  for i in range(100):
+    seqNr = i+(ctr_responses-1)
+    if i != 0: msg = msg + ","
+    msg = msg + getEventName("5MB_" + str(seqNr) + ".tar.gz",ftptype,"onap","pano","localhost",1022)
+    fileMap[seqNr] = seqNr
+  msg = msg + getEventEnd()
+  return buildOkResponse("["+msg+"]")
+def tc113(ftptype):
+  global ctr_responses
+  global ctr_unique_files
+  ctr_responses = ctr_responses + 1
+  if (ctr_responses > 1):
+    return buildOkResponse("[]")  
+  msg = ""
+  for evts in range(100):  # build 100 evts
+    if (evts > 0):
+      msg = msg + ","
+    msg = msg + getEventHead()
+    for i in range(100):   # build 100 files
+      seqNr = i+evts+100*(ctr_responses-1)
+      if i != 0: msg = msg + ","
+      msg = msg + getEventName("1MB_" + str(seqNr) + ".tar.gz",ftptype,"onap","pano","localhost",1022)
+      fileMap[seqNr] = seqNr
+    msg = msg + getEventEnd()
+  return buildOkResponse("["+msg+"]")
+def tc120(ftptype):
+  global ctr_responses
+  global ctr_unique_files
+  ctr_responses = ctr_responses + 1
+  if (ctr_responses > 100):
+    return buildOkResponse("[]")  
+  if (ctr_responses % 10 == 2):
+    return  # Return nothing
+  if (ctr_responses % 10 == 3):
+    return buildOkResponse("") # Return empty message
+  if (ctr_responses % 10 == 4):
+    return buildOkResponse(getEventHead()) # Return part of a json event
+  if (ctr_responses % 10 == 5):
+    return buildEmptyResponse(404) # Return empty message with status code
+  if (ctr_responses % 10 == 6):
+    sleep(60)
+  msg = getEventHead()
+  for i in range(100):
+    seqNr = i+(ctr_responses-1)
+    if i != 0: msg = msg + ","
+    msg = msg + getEventName("1MB_" + str(seqNr) + ".tar.gz",ftptype,"onap","pano","localhost",1022)
+    fileMap[seqNr] = seqNr
+  msg = msg + getEventEnd()
+  return buildOkResponse("["+msg+"]")
+def tc121(ftptype):
+  global ctr_responses
+  global ctr_unique_files
+  ctr_responses = ctr_responses + 1
+  if (ctr_responses > 100):
+    return buildOkResponse("[]")  
+  msg = getEventHead()
+  for i in range(100):
+    seqNr = i+(ctr_responses-1)
+    if (seqNr%10 == 0):     # Every 10th file is "missing"
+      fn = "MissingFile_" + str(seqNr) + ".tar.gz"
+    else:
+      fn = "1MB_" + str(seqNr) + ".tar.gz"
+      fileMap[seqNr] = seqNr
+    if i != 0: msg = msg + ","
+    msg = msg + getEventName(fn,ftptype,"onap","pano","localhost",1022)
+  msg = msg + getEventEnd()
+  return buildOkResponse("["+msg+"]")
+def tc122(ftptype):
+  global ctr_responses
+  global ctr_unique_files
+  ctr_responses = ctr_responses + 1
+  if (ctr_responses > 100):
+    return buildOkResponse("[]")  
+  msg = getEventHead()
+  for i in range(100):
+    fn = "1MB_0.tar.gz"  # All files identical names
+    if i != 0: msg = msg + ","
+    msg = msg + getEventName(fn,ftptype,"onap","pano","localhost",1022)
+  fileMap[0] = 0
+  msg = msg + getEventEnd()
+  return buildOkResponse("["+msg+"]")
+def tc1000(ftptype):
+  global ctr_responses
+  global ctr_unique_files
+  ctr_responses = ctr_responses + 1
+  msg = getEventHead()
+  for i in range(100):
+    seqNr = i+(ctr_responses-1)
+    if i != 0: msg = msg + ","
+    msg = msg + getEventName("1MB_" + str(seqNr) + ".tar.gz",ftptype,"onap","pano","localhost",1022)
+    fileMap[seqNr] = seqNr
+  msg = msg + getEventEnd()
+  return buildOkResponse("["+msg+"]")
+def tc1001(ftptype):
+  global ctr_responses
+  global ctr_unique_files
+  ctr_responses = ctr_responses + 1
+  msg = getEventHead()
+  for i in range(100):
+    seqNr = i+(ctr_responses-1)
+    if i != 0: msg = msg + ","
+    msg = msg + getEventName("5MB_" + str(seqNr) + ".tar.gz",ftptype,"onap","pano","localhost",1022)
+    fileMap[seqNr] = seqNr
+  msg = msg + getEventEnd()
+  return buildOkResponse("["+msg+"]")
+def tc510(ftptype):
+  global ctr_responses
+  global ctr_unique_files
+  ctr_responses = ctr_responses + 1
+  if (ctr_responses > 5):
+    return buildOkResponse("[]")  
+  msg = ""
+  for evts in range(700):  # build events for 5 MEs
+    if (evts > 0):
+      msg = msg + ","
+    msg = msg + getEventHeadNodeName("PNF"+str(evts))
+    seqNr = (ctr_responses-1)
+    msg = msg + getEventName("1MB_" + str(seqNr) + ".tar.gz",ftptype,"onap","pano","localhost",1022)
+    seqNr = seqNr + evts*1000000 #Create unique id for this node and file
+    fileMap[seqNr] = seqNr
+    msg = msg + getEventEnd()
+  return buildOkResponse("["+msg+"]")
+#Mapping FTPS TCs
+def tc200(ftptype):
+  return tc100(ftptype)
+def tc201(ftptype):
+  return tc101(ftptype)
+def tc202(ftptype):
+  return tc102(ftptype)
+def tc210(ftptype):
+  return tc110(ftptype)
+def tc211(ftptype):
+  return tc111(ftptype)
+def tc212(ftptype):
+  return tc112(ftptype)
+def tc213(ftptype):
+  return tc113(ftptype)
+def tc220(ftptype):
+  return tc120(ftptype)
+def tc221(ftptype):
+  return tc121(ftptype)
+def tc222(ftptype):
+  return tc122(ftptype)
+def tc2000(ftptype):
+  return tc1000(ftptype)
+def tc2001(ftptype):
+  return tc1001(ftptype)
+#### Functions to build json messages and respones ####
+# Function to build fixed beginning of an event
+def getEventHead():
+  return getEventHeadNodeName("oteNB5309")
+def getEventHeadNodeName(nodename):
+  headStr = """
+        {
           "event": {
             "commonEventHeader": {
               "startEpochMicrosec": 8745745764578,
@@ -85,205 +444,267 @@
               "priority": "Normal",
               "version": "4.0.1",
-              "reportingEntityName": "otenb5309",
+              "reportingEntityName": \"""" + nodename + """",
               "sequence": 0,
               "domain": "notification",
               "lastEpochMicrosec": 8745745764578,
               "eventName": "Noti_RnNode-Ericsson_FileReady",
               "vesEventListenerVersion": "7.0.1",
-              "sourceName": "oteNB5309"
+              "sourceName": \"""" + nodename + """"
             "notificationFields": {
               "notificationFieldsVersion": "2.0",
               "changeType": "FileReady",
               "changeIdentifier": "PM_MEAS_FILES",
               "arrayOfNamedHashMap": [
-                {
-                  "name": \"""" +
-                                    self.file +
-                                    """",
+          """ 
+  return headStr
+# Function to build the variable part of an event
+def getEventName(fn,type,user,passwd,ip,port):
+    nameStr =        """{
+                  "name": \"""" + fn + """",
                   "hashMap": {
                     "fileFormatType": "org.3GPP.32.435#measCollec",
-                    "location": \"""" +
-                                    self.type +
-                                    """://""" +
-                                    self.user +
-                                    """:""" +
-                                    self.passwd +
-                                    """@""" +
-                                    self.ip +
-                                    """:""" +
-                                    str(self.port) +
-                                    """/""" +
-                                    self.file +
-                                    """",
+                    "location": \"""" + type + """://""" + user + """:""" + passwd + """@""" + ip + """:""" + str(port) + """/""" + fn + """",
                     "fileFormatVersion": "V10",
                     "compression": "gzip"
-                }
+                } """
+    return nameStr
+# Function to build fixed end of an event
+def getEventEnd():
+    endStr =  """
-        }]
-        """)
+        }
+        """
+    return endStr
+# Function to build an OK reponse from a message string
+def buildOkResponse(msg):
+  response = app.response_class(
+      response=str.encode(msg),
+      status=200,
+      mimetype='application/json')
+  return response
-def replyFactory(
-        ip=DEFAULT_IP,
-        file="1MB.tar.gz",
-        factoryport=1022,
-        count=1,
-        factorytype="ftps"):
-    aggregatedReply = ""
-    # first item does not require .
-    aggregatedReply = Reply(ip, file, port=factoryport).to_json()
-    for i in range(count - 1):
-        aggregatedReply = aggregatedReply + b", " + \
-            Reply(ip, file, port=factoryport, type=factorytype).to_json()
-    #print(b"aggregated reply: " + aggregatedReply)
-    return b"[" + aggregatedReply + b"]"
-def prepareMrRespArrSftp():
-    global mr_replies
-    for i in range(400):  # prepare 400 regular replies
-        mr_replies.append(
-            Reply(
-                port=1022,
-                ip="localhost",
-                type="sftp",
-                file="1MB.tar.gz"))
-    #mr_replies[0] is not used
-def prepareMrRespArrFtps():
-    global mr_replies
-    for i in range(400):
-        mr_replies.append(
-            Reply(
-                port=21,
-                ip="localhost",
-                type="ftps",
-                file="1MB.tar.gz"))
-def tc1():
-    prepareMrRespArrSftp()
-    # no mutation needed in this TC
-def tc2():
-    global mr_replies
-    for i in range(7):
-        mr_replies.append(
-            Reply(
-                port=1022,
-                ip="localhost",
-                type="sftp",
-                file="1MB.tar.gz"))
-    # inserting and empty reply message
-    mr_replies[1].jsonreply = b""
-    mr_replies[2].jsonreply = b""
-    # inserting a 404 error and delay
-    mr_replies[3].replytype = 2
-    mr_replies[3].sleepMs = 2000
-    # inserting and empty reply message
-    mr_replies[4].jsonreply = b""
-    # sink the message
-    mr_replies[5].replytype = 1
-    # reply with one proper file finally
-    mr_replies[6] = Reply(
-        port=1022,
-        ip="localhost",
-        type="sftp",
-        file="1MB.tar.gz")
-def tc3():
-    prepareMrRespArrFtps()
-def tc4():
-    global mr_replies
-    for i in range(7):
-        mr_replies.append(
-            Reply(
-                port=21,
-                ip="localhost",
-                type="ftps",
-                file="1MB.tar.gz"))
-    # inserting and empty reply message
-    mr_replies[1].jsonreply = b""
-    mr_replies[2].jsonreply = b""
-    # inserting a 404 error and delay
-    mr_replies[3].replytype = 2
-    mr_replies[3].sleepMs = 2000
-    # inserting and empty reply message
-    mr_replies[4].jsonreply = b""
-    # sink the message
-    mr_replies[5].replytype = 1
-    # reply with one proper file finally
-    mr_replies[6] = Reply(
-        port=21,
-        ip="localhost",
-        type="fftp",
-        file="1MB.tar.gz")
+# Function to build an empty message with status
+def buildEmptyResponse(status_code):
+  response = app.response_class(
+      response=str.encode(""),
+      status=status_code,
+      mimetype='application/json')
+  return response
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    mr_replies = []
-    mr_counter = 0  # counting hits reaching MR instance
-    DR_block_single_req = 0
+    #Counters
+    ctr_responses = 0
+    ctr_requests = 0
+    ctr_unique_files = 0
+    #Keeps all reponded file names
+    fileMap = {}
+    tc_num = "Not set"
+    tc_help = "Not set"
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+#SFTP TCs with single ME 
-        '--tc1',
+        '--tc100',
-        help='TC1: reply all queries with 1-1 files using SFTP')
+        help='TC100 - One ME, SFTP, 1 1MB file, 1 event')
-        '--tc2',
+        '--tc101',
-        help='TC2: Reply according to error scenarios, then return 1 file finally for SFTP ---NOTE: updated keys required')
+        help='TC101 - One ME, SFTP, 1 5MB file, 1 event')
-        '--tc3',
+        '--tc102',
-        help='TC3: reply all queries with 1-1 files using FTPS')
+        help='TC102 - One ME, SFTP, 1 50MB file, 1 event')
-        '--tc4',
+        '--tc110',
-        help='TC4: Reply according to error scenarios, then return 1 file finally for FTPS ---NOTE: updated keys required')
+        help='TC110 - One ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 1 file per event, 100 events, 1 event per poll.')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--tc111',
+        action='store_true',
+        help='TC111 - One ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 100 files per event, 100 events, 1 event per poll.')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--tc112',
+        action='store_true',
+        help='TC112 - One ME, SFTP, 5MB files, 100 files per event, 100 events, 1 event per poll.')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--tc113',
+        action='store_true',
+        help='TC113 - One ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 100 files per event, 100 events. All events in one poll.')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--tc120',
+        action='store_true',
+        help='TC120 - One ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 100 files per event, 100 events, 1 event per poll. 10% of replies each: no response, empty message, slow response, 404-error, malformed json')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--tc121',
+        action='store_true',
+        help='TC121 - One ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 100 files per event, 100 events, 1 event per poll. 10% missing files')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--tc122',
+        action='store_true',
+        help='TC122 - One ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 100 files per event, 100 events. 1 event per poll. All files with identical name. ')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--tc1000',
+        action='store_true',
+        help='TC1000 - One ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 100 files per event, endless number of events, 1 event per poll')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--tc1001',
+        action='store_true',
+        help='TC1001 - One ME, SFTP, 5MB files, 100 files per event, endless number of events, 1 event per poll')
+# SFTP TCs with multiple MEs
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--tc510',
+        action='store_true',
+        help='TC510 - 5 MEs, SFTP, 1MB files, 1 file per event, 100 events, 1 event per poll.')
+# FTPS TCs with single ME
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--tc200',
+        action='store_true',
+        help='TC200 - One ME, FTPS, 1 1MB file, 1 event')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--tc201',
+        action='store_true',
+        help='TC201 - One ME, FTPS, 1 5MB file, 1 event')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--tc202',
+        action='store_true',
+        help='TC202 - One ME, FTPS, 1 50MB file, 1 event')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--tc210',
+        action='store_true',
+        help='TC210 - One ME, FTPS, 1MB files, 1 file per event, 100 events, 1 event per poll.')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--tc211',
+        action='store_true',
+        help='TC211 - One ME, FTPS, 1MB files, 100 files per event, 100 events, 1 event per poll.')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--tc212',
+        action='store_true',
+        help='TC212 - One ME, FTPS, 5MB files, 100 files per event, 100 events, 1 event per poll.')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--tc213',
+        action='store_true',
+        help='TC213 - One ME, FTPS, 1MB files, 100 files per event, 100 events. All events in one poll.')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--tc220',
+        action='store_true',
+        help='TC220 - One ME, FTPS, 1MB files, 100 files per event, 100 events, 1 event per poll. 10% of replies each: no response, empty message, slow response, 404-error, malformed json')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--tc221',
+        action='store_true',
+        help='TC221 - One ME, FTPS, 1MB files, 100 files per event, 100 events, 1 event per poll. 10% missing files')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--tc222',
+        action='store_true',
+        help='TC222 - One ME, FTPS, 1MB files, 100 files per event, 100 events. 1 event per poll. All files with identical name. ')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--tc2000',
+        action='store_true',
+        help='TC2000 - One ME, FTPS, 1MB files, 100 files per event, endless number of events, 1 event per poll')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--tc2001',
+        action='store_true',
+        help='TC2001 - One ME, FTPS, 5MB files, 100 files per event, endless number of events, 1 event per poll')    
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--tc610',
+        action='store_true',
+        help='TC510 - 5 MEs, FTPS, 1MB files, 1 file per event, 100 events, 1 event per poll.')
     args = parser.parse_args()
-    if args.tc1:
-        print("TC: #1")
-        tc1()
-    elif args.tc2:
-        print("TC: #2")
-        tc2()
-    elif args.tc3:
-        print("TC: #3")
-        tc3()
-    elif args.tc4:
-        print("TC: #4")
-        tc4()
+    if args.tc100:
+        tc_num = "TC# 100"
+    elif args.tc101:
+        tc_num = "TC# 101"
+    elif args.tc102:
+        tc_num = "TC# 102"
+    elif args.tc110:
+        tc_num = "TC# 110"
+    elif args.tc111:
+        tc_num = "TC# 111"
+    elif args.tc112:
+        tc_num = "TC# 112"
+    elif args.tc113:
+        tc_num = "TC# 113"
+    elif args.tc120:
+        tc_num = "TC# 120"
+    elif args.tc121:
+        tc_num = "TC# 121"
+    elif args.tc122:
+        tc_num = "TC# 122"
+    elif args.tc1000:
+        tc_num = "TC# 1000"
+    elif args.tc1001:
+        tc_num = "TC# 1001"
+    elif args.tc510:
+        tc_num = "TC# 510"
+    elif args.tc200:
+        tc_num = "TC# 200"
+    elif args.tc201:
+        tc_num = "TC# 201"
+    elif args.tc202:
+        tc_num = "TC# 202"
+    elif args.tc210:
+        tc_num = "TC# 210"
+    elif args.tc211:
+        tc_num = "TC# 211"
+    elif args.tc212:
+        tc_num = "TC# 212"
+    elif args.tc213:
+        tc_num = "TC# 213"
+    elif args.tc220:
+        tc_num = "TC# 220"
+    elif args.tc221:
+        tc_num = "TC# 221"
+    elif args.tc222:
+        tc_num = "TC# 222"
+    elif args.tc2000:
+        tc_num = "TC# 2000"
+    elif args.tc2001:
+        tc_num = "TC# 2001"
+    elif args.tc610:
+        tc_num = "TC# 610"
         print("No TC was defined")
         print("use --help for usage info")
+    print(tc_num)
+, host=HOST_IP)
diff --git a/test/mocks/mass-pnf-sim/ b/test/mocks/mass-pnf-sim/
index 1ed90b5..ffa82c1 100644
--- a/test/mocks/mass-pnf-sim/
+++ b/test/mocks/mass-pnf-sim/
@@ -15,19 +15,21 @@
 For debug purposes, you can use your own IP address as VES collector, use "ip" command to determine it.
-python3 ./  --bootstrap 2 --ipves http://10.148.95.??:10000 --ipstart
+./  --bootstrap 2 --ipves http://10.148.95.??:10000 --ipfileserver 10.148.95.??? --ipstart
 ###Replacing VES for test purposes
-`nc -l 10000`
+`sudo nc -vv -l -k -p 10000`
 Define the amount of simulators to be launched
-python3 ./  --start 2
+./  --start 2
+./  --trigger 2
 ###Stop and clean
-python3 ./  --stop 2
-python3 ./  --clean
+./  --stop 2
+./  --clean
 ###Cleaning and recovery after incorrect configuration
 docker stop $(docker ps -aq); docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
diff --git a/test/mocks/mass-pnf-sim/ b/test/mocks/mass-pnf-sim/
index ba05986..898cd65 100755
--- a/test/mocks/mass-pnf-sim/
+++ b/test/mocks/mass-pnf-sim/
@@ -14,11 +14,21 @@
+    '--trigger',
+    help='Trigger one single VES event from each simulator',
     help='IP of the VES collector',
+    '--ipfileserver',
+    help='Visible IP of the file server (SFTP/FTPS) to be included in the VES event',
     help='IP address range beginning',
@@ -49,6 +59,8 @@
 if args.bootstrap and args.ipstart and args.ipves:
+    start_port=2000
     for i in range(int(args.bootstrap)):
         print("PNF simulator instance: " + str(i) + ".")
@@ -63,9 +75,15 @@
         IpPnfSim = ipaddress.ip_address(args.ipstart) + int(2 + (i * 16))
         print("\tIp Pnf SIM:" + str(IpPnfSim))
+        IpFileServer = args.ipfileserver
+        PortSftp=start_port +1
+        PortFtps=start_port +2 
+        start_port +=2
         IpFtps = ipaddress.ip_address(args.ipstart) + int(3 + (i * 16))
         print("\tIp Ftps: " + str(IpFtps))
         IpSftp = ipaddress.ip_address(args.ipstart) + int(4 + (i * 16))
         print("\tIp Sftp:" + str(IpSftp))
@@ -84,6 +102,9 @@
             str(i) + " " +\
             str(args.ipves) + " " +\
             str(IpPnfSim) + " " +\
+            str(IpFileServer) + " " +\
+            str(PortSftp) + " " +\
+            str(PortFtps) + " " +\
             str(IpFtps) + " " +\
@@ -139,6 +160,20 @@
         print('Stopping:', completed.stdout)
+if args.trigger:
+    print("Triggering VES sending:")
+    for i in range(int(args.trigger)):
+        foldername = "pnf-sim-lw-" + str(i)
+        completed =
+            'cd ' +
+            foldername +
+            "; ./ trigger-simulator",
+            shell=True)
+        print('Status:', completed.stdout)
     print("No instruction was defined")
diff --git a/test/mocks/mass-pnf-sim/pnf-sim-lightweight/ b/test/mocks/mass-pnf-sim/pnf-sim-lightweight/
index 2b20d26..2940b65 100644
--- a/test/mocks/mass-pnf-sim/pnf-sim-lightweight/
+++ b/test/mocks/mass-pnf-sim/pnf-sim-lightweight/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ##Local development shortcuts:
 ####To start listening on port 10000 for test purposes
-`nc -l 10000`
+`nc -l -k -p 10000`
 ####Test the command above: 
 `echo "Hello World" | nc localhost  10000`
@@ -27,10 +27,12 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/mocks/mass-pnf-sim/pnf-sim-lightweight/docker-compose-template.yml b/test/mocks/mass-pnf-sim/pnf-sim-lightweight/docker-compose-template.yml
index f532268..aa0261c 100644
--- a/test/mocks/mass-pnf-sim/pnf-sim-lightweight/docker-compose-template.yml
+++ b/test/mocks/mass-pnf-sim/pnf-sim-lightweight/docker-compose-template.yml
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
         ipv4_address: "${IPSFTP}"
+    ports:
+      - "${PORTSFTP}:22"
       - ./files/onap/:/home/onap/
     restart: on-failure
@@ -40,6 +42,8 @@
         ipv4_address: "${IPFTPS}"
+    ports:
+         - "${PORTFTPS}:21"
       FTP_USER: onap
       FTP_PASSWORD: pano
diff --git a/test/mocks/mass-pnf-sim/pnf-sim-lightweight/ b/test/mocks/mass-pnf-sim/pnf-sim-lightweight/
index bed64b0..86f15a8 100755
--- a/test/mocks/mass-pnf-sim/pnf-sim-lightweight/
+++ b/test/mocks/mass-pnf-sim/pnf-sim-lightweight/
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
     case $COMMAND in
-            compose $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8;;
+            compose $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 "${10}" "${11}" ;;
@@ -64,8 +64,11 @@
 	export I=$3
 	export IPVES=$4
 	export IPPNFSIM=$5
-	export IPFTPS=$6
-	export IPSFTP=$7
+	export IPFILESERVER=$6
+	export PORTSFTP=$7
+	export PORTFTPS=$8
+	export IPFTPS=$9
+	export IPSFTP=${10}
 	#will insert $I to distinguish containers, networks properly
 	#docker compose cannot substitute these, as they are keys, not values.
@@ -78,7 +81,7 @@
@@ -99,9 +102,9 @@
 function write_config(){
 	#building a YML file for usage in Java
 	echo "vesip: $1" > config/config.yml
-	echo "ipftps: $2" >> config/config.yml
-	echo "ipsftp: $3" >> config/config.yml
-	echo "ippnfsim: $4" >> config/config.yml
+	echo "ipsftp: $2:$3" >> config/config.yml
+	echo "ipftps: $2:$4" >> config/config.yml
+	echo "ippnfsim: $5" >> config/config.yml
 function start(){
diff --git a/test/mocks/mass-pnf-sim/pnf-sim-lightweight/src/main/java/org/onap/pnfsimulator/message/ b/test/mocks/mass-pnf-sim/pnf-sim-lightweight/src/main/java/org/onap/pnfsimulator/message/
index d59e829..839d402 100644
--- a/test/mocks/mass-pnf-sim/pnf-sim-lightweight/src/main/java/org/onap/pnfsimulator/message/
+++ b/test/mocks/mass-pnf-sim/pnf-sim-lightweight/src/main/java/org/onap/pnfsimulator/message/
@@ -114,24 +114,6 @@
         JSONArray jsonArrayOfNamedHashMap = new JSONArray();
-        // // notification.put("name", "NAME_DUMMY");
-        // JSONObject notification = new JSONObject();
-        //
-        // notificationParams.ifPresent(jsonObject -> {
-        // copyParametersToFields(notification, notificationFields);
-        // commonEventHeader.put(DOMAIN, DOMAIN_NOTIFICATION);
-        // event.put(NOTIFICATION_FIELDS, notificationFields);
-        // });
-        // notificationParams.ifPresent(jsonObject -> {
-        // copyParametersToFields(jsonObject.toMap(), notificationFields);
-        // commonEventHeader.put(DOMAIN, DOMAIN_NOTIFICATION);
-        // event.put(NOTIFICATION_FIELDS, notificationFields);
-        // });
         event.put(COMMON_EVENT_HEADER, commonEventHeader);
         JSONObject root = new JSONObject();
         root.put(EVENT, event);
@@ -141,7 +123,6 @@
     public JSONObject createOneVesEvent(String xnfUrl, String fileName) {
-        String notificationFields;
         JSONObject nof = new JSONObject();
         nof.put("notificationFieldsVersion", "2.0");
@@ -150,20 +131,20 @@
         nof.put("changeIdentifier", "PM_MEAS_FILES");
         JSONObject hm = new JSONObject();
-        hm.put("location", xnfUrl.concat(fileName));
+        hm.put("location", "ftpes://".concat(xnfUrl).concat(fileName));
         hm.put("fileFormatType", "org.3GPP.32.435#measCollec");
         hm.put("fileFormatVersion", "V10");
         hm.put("compression", "gzip");
-        JSONObject aonh = new JSONObject();
-        aonh.put("name", fileName);
+        JSONObject aonhElement = new JSONObject();
+        aonhElement.put("name", fileName);
+        aonhElement.put("hashMap", hm);
-        aonh.put("hashMap", hm);
+        JSONArray aonh = new JSONArray();
+        aonh.put(aonhElement);
         nof.put("arrayOfNamedHashMap", aonh);
-        String nofString = nof.toString();
         JSONObject ceh = new JSONObject(); // commonEventHandler
         ceh.put("startEpochMicrosec", "1551865758690");
         ceh.put("sourceId", "val13");
@@ -183,18 +164,23 @@
         JSONObject ihf = new JSONObject(); // internalHeaderFields
         ceh.put("internalHeaderFields", ihf);
-        JSONObject event = new JSONObject();
-        event.put("commonEventHeader", ceh);
-        event.put("notificationFields", nof);
+        JSONObject eventContent = new JSONObject();
+        eventContent.put("commonEventHeader", ceh);
+        eventContent.put("notificationFields", nof);
-        System.out.println("event: ");
+        JSONObject event = new JSONObject();
+        event.put("event", eventContent);
+        System.out.println("VES messages to be sent: ");
         return event;
      // @formatter:off
-        {
+    {
+        "event": {
             "commonEventHeader": {                          <== "ceh"
                 "startEpochMicrosec": "1551865758690",
                 "sourceId": "val13",
@@ -217,21 +203,21 @@
                 "notificationFieldsVersion": "2.0",
                 "changeType": "FileReady",
                 "changeIdentifier": "PM_MEAS_FILES",
-                "arrayOfNamedHashMap": {                    <== "aonh"
-                    "name": "A20161224.1030-1045.bin.gz",
-                    "hashMap": {                            <== "hm"
-                        "location": "ftpes://",
-                        "fileFormatType": "org.3GPP.32.435#measCollec",
-                        "fileFormatVersion": "V10",
-                        "compression": "gzip"
+                "arrayOfNamedHashMap": [                    <== "aonh"
+                    {                                       <== "aonhElement"
+                        "name": "A20161224.1030-1045.bin.gz",
+                        "hashMap": {                            <== "hm"
+                            "location": "ftpes://",
+                            "fileFormatType": "org.3GPP.32.435#measCollec",
+                            "fileFormatVersion": "V10",
+                            "compression": "gzip"
+                         }
-                }
+                ]
-        */
-     // @formatter:on
+    */
+     // @formatter:on
+    }
diff --git a/test/mocks/pnf-onboarding/unsecureAcmePnf.csar b/test/mocks/pnf-onboarding/unsecureAcmePnf.csar
index 92ff8fc..37e4733 100644
--- a/test/mocks/pnf-onboarding/unsecureAcmePnf.csar
+++ b/test/mocks/pnf-onboarding/unsecureAcmePnf.csar
Binary files differ