#MR-simulator This readme contains:
Building and running
###Introduction### The MR-sim is a python script delivering batches of events including one or more fileReady for one or more PNFs. It is possible to configure number of events, PNFs, consumer groups, exising or missing files, file prefixes and change identifier. In addition, MR sim can be configured to deliver file url for up to 5 FTP servers (simulating the PNFs).
###Building and running### It is possible build and run MR-sim manually as a container if needed. In addition MR-sim can be executed as python script, see instuctions further down. Otherwise it is recommended to use the test scripts in the auto-test dir or run all simulators in one go using scripts in the simulator-group dir.
To build and run manually as a docker container:
docker build -t mrsim:latest .
docker-compose up
###Configuration### The event pattern, called TC, of the MR-sim is controlled with a arg to python script. See section TC info for available patterns. All other configuration is done via envrionment variables. The simulator listens to port 2222.
The following envrionment vaiables are used:
FTPS_SIMS - A comma-separated list of hostname:port for the FTP servers to generate ftps file urls for. If not set MR sim will assume 'localhost:21'. Minimum 1 and maximum 5 host-port pairs can be given.
SFTP_SIMS - A comma-separated list of hostname:port for the FTP servers to generate sftp file urls for. If not set MR sim will assume 'localhost:1022'. Minimum 1 and maximum 5 host-port pairs can be given.
NUM_FTP_SERVERS - Number of FTP servers to use out of those specified in the envrioment variables above. The number shall be in the range 1-5.
MR_GROUPS - A comma-separated list of consummer-group:changeId[:changeId]*. Defines which change identifier that should be used for each consumer gropu. If not set the MR-sim will assume 'OpenDcae-c12:PM_MEAS_FILES'.
MR_FILE_PREFIX_MAPPING - A comma-separated list of changeId:filePrefix. Defines which file prefix to use for each change identifier, needed to distinguish files for each change identifiers. If not set the MR-sim will assume 'PM_MEAS_FILES:A
###Statistics read-out and commands### The simulator can be queried for statistics and started/stopped (use curl from cmd line or open in browser, curl used below):
curl localhost:2222
- Just returns 'Hello World'.
curl localhost:2222/tc_info
- returns the tc string (as given on the cmd line)
curl localhost:2222/start
- start event delivery (default status).
curl localhost:2222/stop
- stop event delivery.
curl localhost:2222/status
- returns the status, started or stopped .
curl localhost:2222/execution_time
- returns the execution time in mm:ss
curl localhost:2222/groups
- returns a comma-separated list of configured consumer groups..
curl localhost:2222/changeids
- returns a commar-separated list of configured change id sets, where each set is a list of colon-separated change for each configured consumer group.
curl localhost:2222/fileprefixes
- returns the setting of env var MR_FILE_PREFIX_MAPPING.
curl localhost:2222/ctr_requests
- returns an integer of the number of get requests, for all groups, to the event poll path
curl localhost:2222/groups/ctr_requests
- returns a list of integers of the number of get requests, for each consumer group, to the event poll path
curl localhost:2222/ctr_requests/<consumer-group>
- returns an integer of the number of get requests, for the specified consumer group, to the event poll path
curl localhost:2222/ctr_responses
- returns an integer of the number of get responses, for all groups, to the event poll path
curl localhost:2222/groups/ctr_responses
- returns a list of integers of the number of get responses, for each consumer group, to the event poll path
curl localhost:2222/ctr_responses/<consumer-group>
- returns an integer of the number of get responses, for the specified consumer group, to the event poll path
curl localhost:2222/ctr_files
- returns an integer of the number generated files for all groups
curl localhost:2222/groups/ctr_files
- returns a list of integers of the number generated files for each group
curl localhost:2222/ctr_files/<consumer-group>
- returns an integer or the number generated files for the specified group
curl localhost:2222/ctr_unique_files
- returns an integer of the number generated unique files for all groups
curl localhost:2222/groups/ctr_unique_files
- returns a list of integers of the number generated unique files for each group
curl localhost:2222/ctr_unique_files/<consumer-group>
- returns an integer or the number generated unique files for the specified group
curl localhost:2222/ctr_events
- returns the total number of events for all groups
curl localhost:2222/groups/ctr_events
- returns a list the integer of the total number of events for each group
curl localhost:2222/ctr_events/<consumer-group>
- returns the total number of events for a specified group
curl localhost:2222/exe_time_first_poll
- returns the execution time in mm:ss from the first poll
curl localhost:2222/groups/exe_time_first_poll
- returns a list of the execution time in mm:ss from the first poll for each group
curl localhost:2222/exe_time_first_poll/<consumer-group>
- returns the execution time in mm:ss from the first poll for the specified group
curl localhost:2222/ctr_unique_PNFs
- returns the number of unique PNFS in all events.
curl localhost:2222/groups/ctr_unique_PNFs
- returns a list of the number of unique PNFS in all events for each group.
curl localhost:2222/ctr_unique_PNFs/<consumer-group>
- returns the number of unique PNFS in all events for the specified group.
#Alternative to running python (as described below) on your machine, use the docker files.
docker build -t mrsim:latest .
docker-compose up
The behavior can be changed by argument to the python script in the docker-compose.yml##Common TC info File names for 1MB, 5MB and 50MB files Files in the format: MB_.tar.gz Ex. for 5MB file with sequence number 12: 5MB_12.tar.gz The sequence numbers are stepped so that all files have unique names Missing files (files that are not expected to be found in the ftp server. Format: MissingFile_.tar.gz
When the number of events are exhausted, empty replies are returned '[]', for the limited test cases. For endless tc no empty replies will be given. Test cases are limited unless noted as 'endless'.
TC100 - One ME, SFTP, 1 1MB file, 1 event
TC101 - One ME, SFTP, 1 5MB file, 1 event
TC102 - One ME, SFTP, 1 50MB file, 1 event
TC110 - One ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 1 file per event, 100 events, 1 event per poll.
TC111 - One ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 100 files per event, 100 events, 1 event per poll.
TC112 - One ME, SFTP, 5MB files, 100 files per event, 100 events, 1 event per poll.
TC113 - One ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 100 files per event, 100 events. All events in one poll.
TC120 - One ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 100 files per event, 100 events, 1 event per poll. 10% of replies each: no response, empty message, slow response, 404-error, malformed json
TC121 - One ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 100 files per event, 100 events, 1 event per poll. 10% missing files
TC122 - One ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 100 files per event, 100 events. 1 event per poll. All files with identical name.
TC500 - 700 MEs, SFTP, 1MB files, 2 new files per event, 700 events, all event in one poll
TC501 - 700 MEs, SFTP, 5MB files, 2 new files per event, 700 events, all event in one poll
TC502 - 700 MEs, SFTP, 50MB files, 2 new files per event, 700 events, all event in one poll
TC510 - 700 MEs, SFTP, 1MB files, 1 file per event, 3500 events, 700 event per poll.
TC511 - 700 MEs, SFTP, 1KB files, 1 file per event, 3500 events, 700 event per poll
TC550 - 700 MEs, SFTP, 50MB files, 1 file per event, 3500 events, 700 event per poll
TC710 - 700 MEs, SFTP, 1MB files, 100 files per event, 3500 events, 35 event per poll
TC1000 - One ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 100 files per event, endless number of events, 1 event per poll
TC1001 - One ME, SFTP, 5MB files, 100 files per event, endless number of events, 1 event per poll
TC1100 - 700 ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 100 files per event, endless number of events, 35 event per poll
TC1101 - 700 ME, SFTP, 5MB files, 100 files per event, endless number of events, 35 event per poll
TC1102 - 700 ME, SFTP, 50MB files, 100 files per event, endless number of events, 35 event per poll
TC1200 - 700 ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 100 new files per event, endless number of events, 35 event per poll
TC1201 - 700 ME, SFTP, 5MB files, 100 new files per event, endless number of events, 35 event per poll
TC1202 - 700 ME, SFTP, 50MB files, 100 new files per event, endless number of events, 35 event per poll
TC1300 - 700 ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 100 files per event, endless number of events, 35 event per poll, 20 event polls every 15min
TC1301 - 700 ME, SFTP, 5MB files, 100 files per event, endless number of events, 35 event per poll, 20 event polls every 15min
TC1302 - 700 ME, SFTP, 50MB files, 100 files per event, endless number of events, 35 event per poll, 20 event polls every 15min
TC1500 - 700 ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 100 files per event, 35 events per poll, simulating 25h backlog of decreasing number of outdated files and then 20 event polls every 15min for 1h
Changing the first digit in tc number will change the test case to run FTPS instead. Eg. TC201 is FTPS version of TC101.
TC2XX is same as TC1XX but with FTPS
TC6XX is same as TC5XX but with FTPS
TC8XX is same as TC7XX but with FTPS
TC2XXX is same as TC1XXX but with FTPS
sudo apt install python3-venv
source .env/bin/activate/
pip3 install "anypackage"
#also include in source code
pip3 freeze | grep -v "pkg-resources" > requirements.txt
#to create a req file
FLASK_APP=mr-sim.py flask run
python3 mr-sim.py
Check/lint/format the code before commit/amed by autopep8 --in-place --aggressive --aggressive mr-sim.py
When cloning/fetching from the repository first time:
git clone
cd "..."
#navigate to this folder
source setup.sh
#setting up virtualenv and install requirements
you'll get a sourced virtualenv shell here, check prompt
(env) $ python3 mr-sim.py --help
(env) $ python3 mr-sim.py --tc1
Every time you run the script, you'll need to step into the virtualenv by following step 3 first.
When cloning/fetching from the repository first time:
Every time you run the script, you'll need to step into the virtualenv by step 2+6.