Add expected failures list for HTTP endpoints tests

This patch is heavily based on previous work by
Morgan Richomme <>
(Change-Id: Ibaed4c5c0e5ae179af0ae317e543c1efdc9ddef2)

It is intended to suppress failure reports on known plain HTTP
endpoints. Introduced list of "expected failures" (or "xfail" for short)
will be shrunk after resolving tickets related to INT-1480 and this
patch will be eventually reverted.

Issue-ID: INT-1480
Change-Id: I4edbf3efaf66bfa2dbe2f265983eb0a27048ed4e
Signed-off-by: Pawel Wieczorek <>
diff --git a/test/security/ b/test/security/
index f86f777..5e2fd85 100755
--- a/test/security/
+++ b/test/security/
@@ -29,8 +29,16 @@
 # Output: List of pods exposing http endpoints
+usage() {
+	cat <<EOF
+Usage: $(basename $0) <k8s-namespace> [-l <list of HTTP endpoints expected to fail this test>]
+    -l: list of HTTP endpoints expected to fail this test
+	exit ${1:-0}
 #Prerequisities commands list
-REQ_APPS=(kubectl nmap awk column sort paste grep wc)
+REQ_APPS=(kubectl nmap awk column sort paste grep wc mktemp sed cat)
 # Check for prerequisites apps
 for cmd in "${REQ_APPS[@]}"; do
@@ -41,11 +49,31 @@
 if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]; then
-    echo "Usage: $0 <k8s-namespace>"
-    exit 1
+	usage 1
+FILTERED_PORTS_LIST=$(mktemp http_endpoints_XXXXXX)
+XF_RAW_FILE_PATH=$(mktemp raw_filtered_http_endpoints_XXXXXX)
+strip_white_list() {
+	if [ ! -f $XF_FILE_PATH ]; then
+		echo "File not found"
+		usage 1
+	fi
+	grep -o '^[^#]*' $XF_FILE_PATH > $XF_RAW_FILE_PATH
+### getopts
+while :
+	case $2 in
+		-h|--help|help) usage ;;
+		-l) XF_FILE_PATH=$3; strip_white_list; shift ;;
+		-*) usage 1 ;;
+		*) break ;;
+	esac
 # Get both values on single call as this may get slow
 PORTS_SVCS=`kubectl get svc --namespace=$K8S_NAMESPACE -o go-template='{{range $item := .items}}{{range $port := $item.spec.ports}}{{if .nodePort}}{{.nodePort}}{{"\t"}}{{$}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}' | column -t | sort -n`
@@ -67,13 +95,24 @@
 RESULTS=`paste <(printf %s "$SVCS") <(printf %s "$SCAN_RESULT") | column -t`
 # Find all plain http ports
-HTTP_PORTS=`grep http <<< "$RESULTS" | grep -v ssl/http`
+HTTP_PORTS=`grep http <<< "$RESULTS" | grep -v ssl/http | tee "$FILTERED_PORTS_LIST"`
+# Filter out whitelisted endpoints
+while IFS= read -r line; do
+	# for each line we test if it is in the white list with a regular expression
+	while IFS= read -r wl_line; do
+		wl_name=$(echo $wl_line | awk {'print $1'})
+		wl_port=$(echo $wl_line | awk {'print $2'})
+		if grep -e $wl_name.*$wl_port <<< "$line"; then
+			# Found in white list, exclude it
+			sed -i "/$line/d" $FILTERED_PORTS_LIST
+		fi
+	done < $XF_RAW_FILE_PATH
 # Count them
-N_HTTP=`wc -l <<<"$HTTP_PORTS"`
-if [ "$N_HTTP" -gt 0 ]; then
-	echo "$HTTP_PORTS"
-exit $N_HTTP
+echo "------------------------------------"
+echo "Nb error pod(s): $N_FILTERED_PORTS_LIST"