| Use Case;Link;Last Valid Version;Comments |
| vCPE Use Case;:ref:`official doc <docs_vcpe>`;El Alto;No resources to test on Frankfurt |
| vIPsec with HPA Use Case;:ref:`official doc<docs_vipsec_hpa>`;El Alto;No resources to test on Frankfurt |
| Change Management Schedule Optimization;:ref:`official doc<docs_CM_schedule_optimizer>`;El Alto;No resources to test on Frankfurt |
| Change Management Flexible Designer and Orchestrator;:ref:`official doc<docs_CM_flexible_designer_orchestrator>`;El Alto;No resources to test on Frankfurt |
| vFirewall/vDNS with HPA;:ref:`official doc <docs_vfw_hpa>`;Frankfurt;No resources to test on Guilin |
| BBS (Broadband Service);:ref:`official doc <docs_bbs>`;Frankfurt;No resources to test on Guilin |
| vFirewall CNF with multicloud k8s plugin;:ref:`official doc <docs_vfw_edgex_multicloud_k8s>`;Frankfurt;No resources to test on Guilin |
| EdgeXFoundry CNF with multicloud k8s plugin;:ref:`official doc <docs_vfw_edgex_multicloud_k8s>`;Frankfurt;No resources to test on Guilin |
| vCPE with Tosca;:ref:`official doc <docs_vcpe_tosca_local>`;Frankfurt;No resources to test on Guilin |
| E2E Automation vLB with CDS;`wiki page <https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=71838891>`__; Frankfurt;No resources to test on Guilin |
| vFirewall In-Place Software Upgrade with Traffic Distribution;:ref:`official doc <docs_vfw_traffic>`;Frankfurt;APPC in maintenance mode |
| 5G Bulk PM; :ref:`official doc <docs_5g_bulk_pm>`;Frankfurt;No tested in Guilin |
| 5G OOF and PCI;:ref:`official doc <docs_5G_oof_pci>`;Frankfurt;No tested in Guilin |
| 5G NRM Network Resource Model (Configuration management);:ref:`official doc <docs_5G_NRM_Configuration>`;Frankfurt;No tested in Guilin |
| 5G NETCONF configuration;:ref:`official doc <docs_5G_Configuration_over_NETCONF>`;Frankfurt;No tested in Guilin |
| 5G OOF SON;:ref:`official doc <docs_5G_oof_pci>`;Frankfurt;No tested in Guilin |
| 5G E2E Network Slicing ;:ref:`official doc<docs_E2E_network_slicing>`;Frankfurt;No tested in Guilin |
| PNF Software Upgrade using direct Netconf Yang interface with PNF;:ref:`official doc <docs_5g_pnf_software_upgrade>`;Frankfurt;No tested in Guilin |
| PNF Software Upgrade with EM with Ansible;:ref:`official doc <docs_5G_PNF_Software_Upgrade_ansible_with_EM>`;Frankfurt;No tested in Guilin |
| PNF Software Upgrade with EM with Netconf; :ref:`official doc <docs_5g_pnf_software_upgrade_netconf_with_EM>`;Frankfurt;No tested in Guilin |
| PNF Software Upgrade in association to schema updates; :ref:`official doc <docs_5G_PNF_Software_Upgrade_With_Schema_Update>`;Frankfurt;No tested in Guilin |
| VSP Compliance and Validation Check within SDC;`wiki page <https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/VSP+Compliance+and+Validation+Check+within+SDC+%28Frankfurt%29+-+Phase+2#VSPComplianceandValidationCheckwithinSDC(Frankfurt)Phase2-VSPComplianceCheckwithinSDC-IntegrationTestPlan>`_;Frankfurt;No tested in Guilin |
| Enable PNF software version at onboarding;`wiki page <https://jira.onap.org/browse/REQ-88?src=confmacro>`__;Frankfurt;No tested in Guilin |
| xNF communication security enhancements; `wiki page <https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/xNF+communication+security+enhancements+-+Tests+Description+and+Status>`__;Frankfurt;No tested in Guilin |
| ETSI Alignment SO plugin to support SOL003 to connect to an external VNFM;`wiki page <https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/ETSI+Alignment+Support>`__;Frankfurt;No tested in Guilin |
| Integration of CDS as an Actor; `official doc <https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-ccsdk-cds/en/latest/ui/designer-guide.html>`_;Frankfurt;No tested in Guilin |
| 3rd Party Operational Domain Manager; `wiki page <https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Third-party+Operational+Domain+Manager>`__;Frankfurt;No tested in Guilin |
| Configuration & persistency; `wiki page <https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=64003184>`__;Frankfurt;No tested in Guilin |