blob: af8c34b8238c280b1909796fdfadd4b5a0be7c37 [file] [log] [blame]
Use Case;Description;Test Framework
basic_vm;Onboard, distribute and instantiate a simple Ubuntu VM based on its heat template.;`onap-tests <>`__
clearwater_ims;Onboard, distribute and instantiate a clearwater vIMS (6 VMs).;`onap-tests <>`__
freeradius_nbi;Onboard, distribute and instantiate a simple VM including freeradius, the instantiation is realized through the external API module (not direct call to SO);`onap-tests <>`__
hv-ves;Automation of 5G Realtime PM and High Volume Stream Data Collection;`robot <>`__
5GBulkPm;Automation of 5G Bulk PM;`robot <>`__
pnf-registrate;Automation of 5G - PNF PnP;`robot <>`__