Add an EMS simulator

Change-Id: I4fedf9a812e19033e7f9a1bff55eae264bc5122f
Issue-ID: INT-1041
Signed-off-by: Enbo Wang <>
diff --git a/test/mocks/emssimulator/swm/downloadNESw b/test/mocks/emssimulator/swm/downloadNESw
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..06a8d6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/mocks/emssimulator/swm/downloadNESw
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+import sys
+import argparse
+import json
+import os
+import shutil
+import random
+import time
+import tempfile
+import conf
+import ems_util
+def do_download_sw(sw_info, sw_download_dir):
+    """
+    return err, reason, file_location_in_nes
+    """
+    sw_location = sw_info['swLocation']
+    # Use copy file from SW_SERVER_SIMULATOR to simulate download file
+    sw_file_name = sw_location.split('/')[-1]
+    file_location_in_server = conf.SW_SERVER_SIMULATOR + '/' + sw_file_name
+    file_location_in_ne = sw_download_dir + '/' + sw_file_name
+    try:
+        shutil.copy(file_location_in_server, sw_download_dir)
+    except IOError as e:
+        return True, "Download %s to %s error: %s" % (sw_file_name, sw_download_dir, str(e)), file_location_in_ne
+    return False, None, file_location_in_ne
+def generate_notification(download_process_id, download_status, downloaded_ne_sw_info, failed_sw_info):
+    notification = {
+        "objectClass": "EMSClass",
+        "objectInstance": "EMSInstance",
+        "notificationId": random.randint(1, conf.MAX_INT),
+        "eventTime": time.asctime(),
+        "systemDN": "emssimulator",
+        "notificationType": "notifyDownloadNESwStatusChanged",
+        "downloadProcessId": download_process_id,
+        "downloadOperationStatus": download_status
+    }
+    if downloaded_ne_sw_info:
+        notification["downloadedNESwInfo"] = downloaded_ne_sw_info
+    if failed_sw_info:
+        notification["failedSwInfo"] = failed_sw_info
+    return notification
+def download_ne_sw(sw_to_be_downloaded, ne_id):
+    ne_info = ems_util.get_ne_info_from_db_by_id(ne_id)
+    download_process_id = random.randint(1, conf.MAX_INT)
+    result = conf.REQ_SUCCESS
+    ret_value = {
+        "downloadProcessId": download_process_id,
+        "result": result
+    }
+    if not ne_info:
+        ret_value["result"] = conf.REQ_FAILURE
+        ret_value["reason"] = "Can not find NE %s" % ne_id
+        return ret_value
+    ne_info["status"] = conf.STATUS_DOWNLOADING
+    ems_util.update_ne_info(ne_info)
+    num_sw_to_be_downloaded = len(sw_to_be_downloaded)
+    downloaded_ne_sw_info = []
+    failed_sw_info = []
+    sw_download_parent_dir = conf.PNF_SIMULATORS_DIR + '/' + ne_info['omIP'] + conf.PNF_SW_DOWNLOAD_DIR
+    sw_download_dir = ne_info.get("downloadedSwLocation", "")
+    try:
+        if not os.path.isdir(sw_download_parent_dir):
+            os.makedirs(sw_download_parent_dir)
+        if sw_download_dir and not os.path.isdir(sw_download_dir):
+            os.makedirs(sw_download_dir)
+    except OSError as e:
+        ret_value["result"] = conf.REQ_FAILURE
+        ret_value["reason"] = str(e)
+        return ret_value
+    if not sw_download_dir:
+        sw_download_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=sw_download_parent_dir)
+    for sw_info in sw_to_be_downloaded:
+        err, reason, file_location = do_download_sw(sw_info, sw_download_dir)
+        if not err:
+            downloaded_ne_sw_info.append(file_location)
+        else:
+            result = conf.REQ_FAILURE
+            failed_sw_entry = {
+                "failedSw": file_location,
+                "failureReason": reason
+            }
+            failed_sw_info.append(failed_sw_entry)
+    num_downloaded_ne_sw = len(downloaded_ne_sw_info)
+    if num_downloaded_ne_sw == num_sw_to_be_downloaded:
+        download_status = "NE_SWDOWNLOAD_SUCCESSFUL"
+    elif num_downloaded_ne_sw == 0:
+        download_status = "NE_SWDOWNLOAD_FAILED"
+    else:
+        download_status = "NE_SWDOWNLOAD_PARTIALLY_SUCCESSFUL"
+    notification = generate_notification(download_process_id, download_status, downloaded_ne_sw_info, failed_sw_info)
+    ems_util.send_notification(notification, download_process_id)
+    if result == conf.REQ_SUCCESS:
+        ne_info["downloadedSwLocation"] = sw_download_dir
+        ems_util.update_ne_info(ne_info)
+    else:
+        shutil.rmtree(sw_download_dir, ignore_errors=True)
+        ret_value["result"] = result
+        ret_value["reason"] = json.dumps(failed_sw_info)
+    # for automated software management, there is no listOfStepNumbersAndDurations
+    return ret_value
+def main():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument("--swToBeDownloaded", help="The NE software to be downloaded", required=True)
+    parser.add_argument("--neIdentifier", help="The NE where the software can be downloaded", required=True)
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    sw_to_be_downloaded = json.loads(args.swToBeDownloaded)
+    ret_value = download_ne_sw(sw_to_be_downloaded, args.neIdentifier)
+    print json.dumps(ret_value)
+    if ret_value["result"] == conf.REQ_SUCCESS:
+        sys.exit(conf.RET_CODE_SUCCESS)
+    else:
+        sys.exit(conf.RET_CODE_FAILURE)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()