#Alternative to running python (as described below) on your machine, use the docker files.

  1. Build docker container with docker build -t mrsim:latest .
  2. Run the container docker-compose up The behavior can be changed by argument to the python script in the docker-compose.yml

The simulator can be queried for statistics (use curl from cmd line or open in browser, curl used below):

curl localhost:2222/ctr_requests - return an integer of the number of get request to the event poll path

curl localhost:2222/ctr_responses - return an integer of the number of get responses to the event poll path

curl localhost:2222/ctr_unique_files - returns an integer or the number of unique files. A unique file is the combination of node+file_sequence_number

curl localhost:2222/tc_info - returns the tc string (as given on the cmd line)

curl localhost:2222/ctr_events - returns the total number of events

curl localhost:2222/execution_time - returns the execution time in mm:ss

curl localhost:2222/ctr_unique_PNFs - return the number of unique PNFS in alla events.

##Common TC info File names for 1MB, 5MB and 50MB files Files in the format: MB_.tar.gz Ex. for 5MB file with sequence number 12: 5MB_12.tar.gz The sequence numbers are stepped so that all files have unique names Missing files (files that are not expected to be found in the ftp server. Format: MissingFile_.tar.gz

Limited event streams When the number of events are exhausted, empty replies are returned '[]'

TC100 - One ME, SFTP, 1 1MB file, 1 event

TC101 - One ME, SFTP, 1 5MB file, 1 event

TC102 - One ME, SFTP, 1 50MB file, 1 event

TC110 - One ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 1 file per event, 100 events, 1 event per poll.

TC111 - One ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 100 files per event, 100 events, 1 event per poll.

TC112 - One ME, SFTP, 5MB files, 100 files per event, 100 events, 1 event per poll.

TC113 - One ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 100 files per event, 100 events. All events in one poll.

TC120 - One ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 100 files per event, 100 events, 1 event per poll. 10% of replies each: no response, empty message, slow response, 404-error, malformed json

TC121 - One ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 100 files per event, 100 events, 1 event per poll. 10% missing files

TC122 - One ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 100 files per event, 100 events. 1 event per poll. All files with identical name.

TC510 - 700 MEs, SFTP, 1MB files, 1 file per event, 3500 events, 700 event per poll.

TC200-TC202 same as TC100-TC102 but with FTPS

TC210-TC213 same as TC110-TC113 but with FTPS

TC2000-TC2001 same as TC1000-TC1001 but with FTPS

TC610 same as TC510 but with FTPS

Endless event streams

TC1000 - One ME, SFTP, 1MB files, 100 files per event, endless number of events, 1 event per poll

TC1001 - One ME, SFTP, 5MB files, 100 files per event, endless number of events, 1 event per poll

Developer workflow

  1. sudo apt install python3-venv

  2. source .env/bin/activate/

  3. pip3 install "anypackage" #also include in source code

  4. pip3 freeze | grep -v "pkg-resources" > requirements.txt #to create a req file

  5. FLASK_APP=mr-sim.py flask run


    python3 mr-sim.py

  6. Check/lint/format the code before commit/amed by autopep8 --in-place --aggressive --aggressive mr-sim.py

User workflow on *NIX

When cloning/fetching from the repository first time:

  1. git clone

  2. cd "..." #navigate to this folder

  3. source setup.sh #setting up virtualenv and install requirements

    you'll get a sourced virtualenv shell here, check prompt

  4. (env) $ python3 mr-sim.py --help


    (env) $ python3 mr-sim.py --tc1

Every time you run the script, you'll need to step into the virtualenv by following step 3 first.

User workflow on Windows

When cloning/fetching from the repository first time:

  1. 'git clone'
  2. then step into the folder
  3. 'pip3 install virtualenv'
  4. 'pip3 install virtualenvwrapper-win'
  5. 'mkvirtualenv env'
  6. 'workon env'
  7. 'pip3 install -r requirements.txt' #this will install in the local environment then
  8. 'python3 dfc-sim.py'

Every time you run the script, you'll need to step into the virtualenv by step 2+6.