Add instructions for the simulator wrapper

The instructions include samples for:
1. Deploying Helm release with a simulator
2. Starting the simulator via an API call
3. Undeploying the release

Issue-ID: INT-1906
Signed-off-by: Illia Halych <>
Change-Id: I6849df15ece2e2dee2cbc1aa6ee1114ca4cbcc00
diff --git a/docs/integration-simulators.rst b/docs/integration-simulators.rst
index 2105d3f..7f6688f 100644
--- a/docs/integration-simulators.rst
+++ b/docs/integration-simulators.rst
@@ -53,7 +53,59 @@
 It is recommended to create a helm chart in order to run the simulators.
-Start your simulator from pythonsdk
+Wrapper for simulators
+1. In order to deploy the Helm release with a simulator, place a YAML file
+describing the Helm release in src/onaptests/templates/helm_charts.
+  The structure of the YAML file should be like in the example below.
+  Dependencies contain all the charts that need to be pulled.
+  .. code-block:: YAML
+    # Helm release information
+    api_version:       # API_VERSION
+    app_version:       # APP_VERSION
+    chart_name:        # SIMULATOR_NAME
+    version:           # CHART_VERSION
+    # Helm charts that need to be pulled
+    dependencies:
+    - name:            # SIMULATOR_NAME
+      version:         # CHART_VERSION
+      repository:      # URL
+      local_repo_name: # REPO_NAME
+2. Install the Helm release:
+  .. code-block:: Python
+     from onaptests.steps.wrapper.helm_charts import HelmChartStep
+     chart = HelmChartStep(
+         cleanup         = BOOLEAN,
+         chart_info_file = YAML_FILE_NAME  # name, not the path
+     )
+     chart.execute()
+3. Start the simulator via an API call:
+  .. code-block:: Python
+     start = SimulatorStartStep(
+         cleanup   = BOOLEAN,
+         https     = BOOLEAN,
+         host      = HOSTNAME,
+         port      = PORT,
+         endpoint  = START_ENDPOINT,  # if applicable
+         method    = REQUEST_METHOD,  # GET, POST etc.
+         data      = PAYLOAD  # {"json": {...}, ...}
+    )
+    start.execute()
+4. Undeploy the Helm release:
+  .. code-block:: Python
+     chart.cleanup()