Write HV-VES testcase for multiple clients

- renamed messages routing suite file to reflect what
tests it's covering
- extracted common robot keywords related to xNF simulators creation
from messages routing suite to separate resource file
- written test suite for handling multiple clients at once

Change-Id: If80d2d91ae96a0432fd4b6e51bce26796ee9200b
Issue-ID: DCAEGEN2-687
Signed-off-by: pbiniek <pawel.biniek@nokia.com>
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/multiple-clients.robot b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/multiple-clients.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bac8539
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/multiple-clients.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Library       DcaeAppSimulatorLibrary
+Resource      resources/common-keywords.robot
+Suite Setup       Multiple Clients Handling Suite Setup
+Suite Teardown    VES-HV Collector Suite Teardown
+Test Teardown     VES-HV Collector Test Shutdown
+*** Keywords ***
+Multiple Clients Handling Suite Setup
+    Log   Started Suite: VES-HV Multiple Clients Handling
+    ${XNF_PORTS_LIST}=    Create List    7000   7001   7002
+    Configure xNF Simulators On Ports    ${XNF_PORTS_LIST}
+    Log   Suite setup finished
+*** Test Cases ***
+Handle Multiple Connections
+    [Documentation]   VES-HV Collector should handle multiple incoming transmissions
+    ${SIMULATORS_LIST}=   Get xNF Simulators   3
+    Send Messages From xNF Simulators   ${SIMULATORS_LIST}   ${XNF_SMALLER_PAYLOAD_REQUEST}
+    Wait until keyword succeeds   60 sec   5 sec
+    ...     Assert Dcae App Consumed   ${DCAE_APP_API_MESSAGES_COUNT_URL}   ${AMOUNT_15000}
+*** Variables ***
+${VES_HV_SCENARIOS}                            %{WORKSPACE}/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/resources/scenarios
+${XNF_SMALLER_PAYLOAD_REQUEST}                 ${VES_HV_SCENARIOS}/multiple-simulators-payload/xnf-simulator-smaller-valid-request.json
+${DCAE_SMALLER_PAYLOAD_REQUEST}                ${VES_HV_SCENARIOS}/multiple-simulators-payload/dcae-smaller-valid-request.json
+${AMOUNT_15000}                                15000