Add xtesting to official ONAP repo

provides the files to build a xtesting-onap-repo docker file
it inherits xtesting capabilities

Issue-ID: INT-499

Change-Id: Ic30d1ef750e9a0ac25b1b1af49fb88d0ba8a64e8
Signed-off-by: mrichomme <>
diff --git a/test/xtesting/robot/Dockerfile b/test/xtesting/robot/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d8d26e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/xtesting/robot/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+FROM opnfv/xtesting
+ARG OPENSTACK_TAG=stable/pike
+ARG ONAP_TAG=master
+ENV PYTHONPATH $PYTHONPATH:/src/testing-utils/eteutils
+COPY thirdparty-requirements.txt thirdparty-requirements.txt
+RUN apk --no-cache add --virtual .build-deps --update \
+        python-dev build-base linux-headers libffi-dev \
+        openssl-dev libjpeg-turbo-dev && \
+    git clone --depth 1 -b $ONAP_TAG /var/opt/OpenECOMP_ETE && \
+    git clone --depth 1 -b $ONAP_TAG /share/config && \
+    git clone --depth 1 -b $ONAP_TAG /src/testing-utils && \
+    pip install \
+        -c$OPENSTACK_TAG \
+        -c$OPNFV_TAG \
+        -rthirdparty-requirements.txt \
+        -e /src/testing-utils && \
+    rm -r thirdparty-requirements.txt /src/testing-utils/.git /share/config/.git \
+        /var/opt/OpenECOMP_ETE/.git && \
+    apk del .build-deps
+COPY testcases.yaml /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/xtesting/ci/testcases.yaml
+CMD ["run_tests", "-t", "all"]
diff --git a/test/xtesting/robot/ b/test/xtesting/robot/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..428cb3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/xtesting/robot/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# Xtesting-onap-robot
+Reuse of the Xtesting framework to onboard ONAP robot tests
+It consists in 3 files:
+  * Dockerfile: create your dockerfile. For Beijing, it shall be generated manually. You can use a non official version [4]
+  * testcases.yaml: the list of the testcases based on robotframework tags as defined in ONAp repo [3]
+  * thirdparty-requirements.txt: dependencies needed by the Dockerfile
+## Configuration
+To launch Xtesting ONAP robot you need 2 files
+  * env
+  * list of ONAP endpoints (can be found on the robot VM). Depending from where you launch the tests,
+please check that the IP addresses are reachable.
+As Xtesting supports both Openstack and Kubernetes, the env files shall be set accordingly.
+env file
+All the values of the env file are not mandatory.
+It indicates how you deploy your ONAP solution. The possible values are heat or oom.
+If you do not precise DEPLOY_SCENARIO, it will be set to os-nosdn-nofeature-nohai by default, which means
+Openstack / No Additional SDN controller / No Additional feature / no HA mode
+This parameter can be useful if you manage several infrastructure and want to filter the results.
+Other possible scenario:
+  * k8-nosdn-nofeature-ha (Kubernetes with no add-ons)
+  * os-odl-nofeature-ha (Openstack with Opendaylight SDN controller)
+### EXTERNAL_NETWORK (Openstack only)
+You must precise it if it is not the first network with router:external=True
+### KUBERNETES_PROVIDER (Kubernetes only)
+This parameter is set to local by default
+### KUBE_MASTER_URL (Kubernetes only)
+You must indicate your Kubernetes Master URL.
+### KUBE_MASTER_IP (Kubernetes only)
+You must indicate your Kubernetes Master IP.
+The NODE_NAME is the name of the infrastructure that you declared in the Test DB. If you do not want to report the
+results to the Test Database, you do not need to precise this parameter.
+This parameter corresponds to the Test Database FQDN.
+If you do not want to report the results to the Test Database, you do not need to precise this parameter.
+You can reference either your own local database or a public Database (You must be sure that your NODE_NAME has been declared on
+this database). If so, and if you precise the flag to report the results, the test results will be automatically pushed.
+This parameter is used to retrieve the version (amsterdam in the example) for the publication in the test database.
+If you do not publish the results, you can omit it.
+It is based on an historical regex setup for OPNFV CI/CD chains. 
+All the parameters are detailed in Functest user guide [1].
+This file includes all the ONAP end points. It is built at ONAP installation and can be found on the ONAP Robot VM.
+# Launch xtesting-onap-robot
+You can run the test with the following command:
+sudo docker run --env-file <your env> -v <your onap properties>:/share/config/ colvert22/functest-onap:latest
+By default it will execute all the tests corresponding to the command bash -c 'run_tests -t all'
+If you want to execute only a subset of the tests you may precise the test cases using -t: bash -c 'run_tests -t robot_dcae'
+The possible test cases are indictaed in the testcases.yaml and are based on robotframework tags.
+If you want to push the results to the database, you can use the -r option:  bash -c 'run_tests -t all -r'
+# References
+* [1] Functest User Guide:
+* [2] Xtesting page:
+* [3] Onap robot repo:
+* [4]
diff --git a/test/xtesting/robot/testcases.yaml b/test/xtesting/robot/testcases.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..484a7f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/xtesting/robot/testcases.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+    -
+        name: onap
+        order: 1
+        ci_loop: '(daily)|(weekly)'
+        description: >-
+            Set of basic Functional tests to validate the ONAP installation.
+        testcases:
+            -
+                case_name: robot_healthcheck
+                project_name: functest
+                criteria: 100
+                blocking: true
+                description: >-
+                    This test case verifies the basic ONAP API: appc, sdnc,so,
+                    vid, ....based on the default robot tests
+                dependencies:
+                    installer: ''
+                    scenario: ''
+                run:
+                    module: 'xtesting.core.robotframework'
+                    class: 'RobotFramework'
+                    args:
+                        suites:
+                            - /var/opt/OpenECOMP_ETE/robot/testsuites/health-check.robot
+                        include:
+                            - core
+                        variablefile:
+                            - '/share/config/'
+                            - '/share/config/'
+                            - '/share/config/'
+            -
+                case_name: robot_api
+                project_name: functest
+                criteria: 100
+                blocking: false
+                description: >-
+                    This test case verifies DCAE api
+                    based on the default robot tests
+                dependencies:
+                    installer: ''
+                    scenario: ''
+                run:
+                    module: 'xtesting.core.robotframework'
+                    class: 'RobotFramework'
+                    args:
+                        suites:
+                            - /var/opt/OpenECOMP_ETE/robot/testsuites/health-check.robot
+                        include:
+                            - api
+                        variablefile:
+                            - '/share/config/'
+                            - '/share/config/'
+                            - '/share/config/'
+            -
+                case_name: robot_dcae
+                project_name: functest
+                criteria: 100
+                blocking: false
+                description: >-
+                    This test case verifies DCAE api
+                    based on the default robot tests
+                dependencies:
+                    installer: ''
+                    scenario: ''
+                run:
+                    module: 'xtesting.core.robotframework'
+                    class: 'RobotFramework'
+                    args:
+                        suites:
+                            - /var/opt/OpenECOMP_ETE/robot/testsuites/health-check.robot
+                        include:
+                            - dcae
+                        variablefile:
+                            - '/share/config/'
+                            - '/share/config/'
+                            - '/share/config/'
+            -
+                case_name: robot_multicloud
+                project_name: functest
+                criteria: 100
+                blocking: false
+                description: >-
+                    This test case verifies the multicloud features of ONAP
+                    based on the default robot tests
+                dependencies:
+                    installer: ''
+                    scenario: ''
+                run:
+                    module: 'xtesting.core.robotframework'
+                    class: 'RobotFramework'
+                    args:
+                        suites:
+                            - /var/opt/OpenECOMP_ETE/robot/testsuites/health-check.robot
+                        include:
+                            - multicloud
+                        variablefile:
+                            - '/share/config/'
+                            - '/share/config/'
+                            - '/share/config/'
+            -
+                case_name: robot_3rdparty
+                project_name: functest
+                criteria: 100
+                blocking: false
+                description: >-
+                    This test case verifies the ONAP 3rd party API
+                    especially the different drivers
+                    based on the default robot tests
+                dependencies:
+                    installer: ''
+                    scenario: ''
+                run:
+                    module: 'xtesting.core.robotframework'
+                    class: 'RobotFramework'
+                    args:
+                        suites:
+                            - /var/opt/OpenECOMP_ETE/robot/testsuites/health-check.robot
+                        include:
+                            - 3rdparty
+                        variablefile:
+                            - '/share/config/'
+                            - '/share/config/'
+                            - '/share/config/'
diff --git a/test/xtesting/robot/thirdparty-requirements.txt b/test/xtesting/robot/thirdparty-requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f85db2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/xtesting/robot/thirdparty-requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@