The recommended way is to checkout PNF Simulator project from ONAP Git repository and use script. If you copy script to another location, keep in mind to copy also docker-compose.yml and directories: config,json_schema and netconf. In order to run simulator, invoke ./ start Script downloads if necessary needed Docker images and runs instances of these images.
###Logging It is possible to get access to logs by invocation of ./ logs. The content of the logs is related to the last simulator run. Every start of simulator will generate new logs.
###SFTP support PNF Simulator allows to serve files via SFTP server. SFTP server has predefined user sftp-user. Connection to SFTP server is being done with usage of SSH keys. Private key is stored in ssh directory. In order to download sftp-file.txt file simply run sftp -P 2222 -i ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key sftp-user@localhost:sftp/sftp-file.txt In order to add a new file (e.g., put the file into sftp directory and run simulator. After that again execute sftp command: sftp -P 2222 -i ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key sftp-user@localhost:sftp/ In order to disable usage of SSH keys and start using password, change in docker-compose.yml service sftp-service entry command from sftp-user::1001 to sftp-user:password:1001
###FTPES support PNF Simulator allows to serve files via FTPES server. FTPES server has predefined user onap with password pano. In order to connect execute command ftp -p localhost 2221 and then when requested provide user and password. In order to download a file execute while being logged in get file-name-to-be-downloaded.
###Developer mode For development of PNF Simulator, run start-dev in order to run Netopeer. After that it is possible to run PNF Simulator from IDE.