blob: 909ba3149b5bb31e28aace5f6e307d42e1b2be4c [file] [log] [blame]
5G Bulk PM Use Case
5G Bulk PM Package
- 5G Bulk PM Package:
The Bulk PM feature consists of an event-driven bulk transfer of monitoring data from an xNF to ONAP/DCAE. A micro-service will listen for 'FileReady' VES events sent from an xNF via the VES collector. Once files become available the collector micro-service will fetch them using protocol such as FTPES (committed) or SFTP. The collected data files are published internally on a DMaaP Data Router (DR) feed.
The ONAP 5G Bulk PM Use Case Wiki Page can be found here:
How to Use
See the following instructions on how to manually test the feature.
The tests can also be executed using the Robot framework, information can be found
Test Status and Plans
To see information on the status of the test see
Known Issues and Resolutions