The purpose of this simulator is to mimic the PNF for benchmark purposes. This variant is based on the PNF simulator and use several components. The modification are focusing on the following areas:
The ipstart should align to a /28 Ip address range start (e.g.,
For debug purposes, you can use your own IP address as VES collector, use "ip" command to determine it.
./ --bootstrap 2 --urlves http://10.148.95.??:10000/eventListener/v7 --ipfileserver 10.148.95.??? --typefileserver sftp --ipstart
Note that the file creator is started at a time of the bootstrapping. Stop/start will not re-launch it.
sudo nc -vv -l -k -p 10000
Define the amount of simulators to be launched
./ --start 2
./ --trigger 2
The following command will trigger 0,1,2,3:
./ --triggerstart 0 --triggerend 3
The following command will trigger 4 and 5:
./ --triggerstart 4 --triggerend 5
./ --stop 2 ./ --clean
python3 -m trace --trace --count -C . ./ .....
docker stop $(docker ps -aq); docker rm $(docker ps -aq)