Rename some variables

Rename "totalcount" to "totalCount"

Change-Id: I1784cbd6f03d35c91dfb02bb8c2160bec9eb592b
Issue-ID: HOLMES-117
Signed-off-by: GuangrongFu <>
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/holmes/testcase/RuleMgt/Rule-Mgt.robot b/test/csit/tests/holmes/testcase/RuleMgt/Rule-Mgt.robot
index ac25cbf..796ed0d 100644
--- a/test/csit/tests/holmes/testcase/RuleMgt/Rule-Mgt.robot
+++ b/test/csit/tests/holmes/testcase/RuleMgt/Rule-Mgt.robot
@@ -34,49 +34,49 @@
     should not be empty    ${RULEID}
     ${response}    queryConditionRule    {"ruleid":"${RULEID}"}
     ${respJson}    to json    ${response.content}
-    ${count}    get from dictionary    ${respJson}    totalcount
+    ${count}    get from dictionary    ${respJson}    totalCount
     run keyword if    ${count}!=1    fail    Can't find the rule with the specified ruleid.
     [Documentation]    Query a rule with a non-existing ID.
     ${response}    queryConditionRule    {"ruleid":"invalidid"}
     ${respJson}    to json    ${response.content}
-    ${count}    get from dictionary    ${respJson}    totalcount
+    ${count}    get from dictionary    ${respJson}    totalCount
     run keyword if    ${count}!=0    fail
     [Documentation]    Query rules with (a part of) an existing name.
     ${response}    queryConditionRule    {"rulename":"youbowu"}
     ${respJson}    to json    ${response.content}
-    ${count}    get from dictionary    ${respJson}    totalcount
+    ${count}    get from dictionary    ${respJson}    totalCount
     run keyword if    ${count}<1    fail    Can't find the rule with (a part of) an existing name
     [Documentation]    Query rules with (a part of) a non-existing name.
     ${response}    queryConditionRule    {"rulename":"zte2017"}
     ${respJson}    to json    ${response.content}
-    ${count}    get from dictionary    ${respJson}    totalcount
+    ${count}    get from dictionary    ${respJson}    totalCount
     run keyword if    ${count}!=0    fail
     [Documentation]    Query rules with a valid status.
     ${response}    queryConditionRule    {"enabled":1}
     ${respJson}    to json    ${response.content}
-    ${count}    get from dictionary    ${respJson}    totalcount
+    ${count}    get from dictionary    ${respJson}    totalCount
     run keyword if    ${count}<0    fail    Can't find the rule with the status valued 1.
     [Documentation]    Query rules with an invalid status.
     ${response}    queryConditionRule    {"enabled":99}
     ${respJson}    to json    ${response.content}
-    ${count}    get from dictionary    ${respJson}    totalcount
+    ${count}    get from dictionary    ${respJson}    totalCount
     run keyword if    ${count}!=0    fail
     [Documentation]    Query rules with the status left empty.
     ${response}    queryConditionRule    {"enabled":""}
     ${respJson}    to json    ${response.content}
-    ${count}    get from dictionary    ${respJson}    totalcount
+    ${count}    get from dictionary    ${respJson}    totalCount
     run keyword if    ${count}!=0    fail
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
     ${paramJson}    encode    ${dic}
     ${response}    queryConditionRule    ${paramJson}
     ${respJson}    to json    ${response.content}
-    ${count}    get from dictionary    ${respJson}    totalcount
+    ${count}    get from dictionary    ${respJson}    totalCount
     run keyword if    ${count}<1    fail    Can't find the rules with the combination of different fields.    ELSE    traversalRuleAttribute    ${respJson}
     ...    ${dic}
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
     ${modifyResp}    modifyRule    ${modifyParam}
     ${response}    queryConditionRule    {"ruleid":"${RULEID}"}
     ${respJson}    to json    ${response.content}
-    ${count}    get from dictionary    ${respJson}    totalcount
+    ${count}    get from dictionary    ${respJson}    totalCount
     run keyword if    ${count}!=1    fail    query rule fails! (can't find the rule modified!)    ELSE    traversalRuleAttribute    ${respJson}
     ...    ${dic}
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
     ${modifyResp}    modifyRule    ${modifyParam}
     ${response}    queryConditionRule    {"ruleid":"${RULEID}"}    1
     ${respJson}    to json    ${response.content}
-    ${count}    get from dictionary    ${respJson}    totalcount
+    ${count}    get from dictionary    ${respJson}    totalCount
     run keyword if    ${count}!=1    fail    query rule fails!    ELSE    traversalRuleAttribute    ${respJson}
     ...    ${dic}