Sync latest changes for vagrant-onap

Given some internal procedures was not possible to submit all the
changes.  In the meantime, those changes were placed into an
non-official project. This change syncronizes the latest changes
into the official repository.

Issue-id: INT-17

Change-Id: Ia4125f4b70273401e4ed3cc1908d2e2ad7d1c2e9
Signed-off-by: Victor Morales <>
diff --git a/bootstrap/vagrant-onap/lib/_onap_functions b/bootstrap/vagrant-onap/lib/_onap_functions
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0d42155
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bootstrap/vagrant-onap/lib/_onap_functions
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# create_configuration_files() -  Store credentials in files
+function create_configuration_files {
+    mkdir -p /opt/config
+    echo $nexus_docker_repo > /opt/config/nexus_docker_repo.txt
+    echo $nexus_username > /opt/config/nexus_username.txt
+    echo $nexus_password > /opt/config/nexus_password.txt
+    echo $openstack_username > /opt/config/openstack_username.txt
+    echo $openstack_tenant_id > /opt/config/tenant_id.txt
+    echo $dmaap_topic > /opt/config/dmaap_topic.txt
+    echo $docker_version > /opt/config/docker_version.txt
+# TODO(electrocucaracha): Determine how to use this behind a proxy
+# docker_openecomp_login() - Login to OpenECOMP Docker Hub
+function docker_openecomp_login {
+    install_docker
+    docker login -u $nexus_username -p $nexus_password $nexus_docker_repo
+# pull_openecomp_image() - Pull Docker container image from a Docker Registry Hub
+function pull_openecomp_image {
+    local image=$1
+    local tag=$2
+    docker_openecomp_login
+    pull_docker_image $nexus_docker_repo/openecomp/${image}:$docker_version $tag
+    docker logout
+# configure_bind()- Configure bind utils
+function configure_bind {
+    _install_bind
+    mkdir /etc/bind/zones
+    curl -k $nexus_repo/org.openecomp.demo/boot/$artifacts_version/db_simpledemo_openecomp_org -o /etc/bind/zones/
+    curl -k $nexus_repo/org.openecomp.demo/boot/$artifacts_version/named.conf.options -o /etc/bind/named.conf.options
+    curl -k $nexus_repo/org.openecomp.demo/boot/$artifacts_version/named.conf.local -o /etc/bind/named.conf.local
+    modprobe ip_gre
+    sed -i "s/OPTIONS=.*/OPTIONS=\"-4 -u bind\"/g" /etc/default/bind9
+    service bind9 restart
+# _configure_maven() - This function creates a maven configuration file in case that doesn't exist
+function _configure_maven {
+    local proxies_start="  <!--"
+    local proxies="   \|"
+    local proxies_end="   \|-->"
+    local mvn_http=""
+    local mvn_https=""
+    if [ $http_proxy ] | [ $https_proxy ]; then
+        proxies_start="   "
+        proxies="   "
+        proxies_end="   "
+        if [ $http_proxy ]; then
+            proxy_domain=`echo $http_proxy | awk -F/ '{print $3}' | awk -F: '{print $1}'`
+            proxy_port=`echo $http_proxy | awk -F/ '{print $3}' | awk -F: '{print $2}'`
+            mvn_http="<proxy>\n      <id>http</id>\n      <active>true</active>\n      <protocol>http</protocol>\n      <host>$proxy_domain</host>\n      <port>$proxy_port</port>\n      <nonProxyHosts>${no_proxy}</nonProxyHosts>\n    </proxy>"
+        fi
+        if [ $https_proxy ]; then
+            proxy_domain=`echo $https_proxy | awk -F/ '{print $3}' | awk -F: '{print $1}'`
+            proxy_port=`echo $https_proxy | awk -F/ '{print $3}' | awk -F: '{print $2}'`
+            mvn_https="<proxy>\n      <id>https</id>\n      <active>true</active>\n      <protocol>https</protocol>\n      <host>$proxy_domain</host>\n      <port>$proxy_port</port>\n      <nonProxyHosts>${no_proxy}</nonProxyHosts>\n    </proxy>"
+        fi
+    fi
+    if [ ! -f $mvn_conf_file ]; then
+        cp /var/onap/files/settings.template $mvn_conf_file
+        sed -e "
+            s|%PROXIES_START%|$proxies_start|g;
+            s|%PROXIES%|$proxies|g;
+            s|%HTTP_PROXY%|$mvn_http|g;
+            s|%HTTPS_PROXY%|$mvn_https|g;
+            s|%PROXIES_END%|$proxies_end|g
+        " -i $mvn_conf_file
+    fi
+# configure_service() - Download and configure a specific service in upstart
+function configure_service {
+    local service_script=$1
+    curl -k $nexus_repo/org.openecomp.demo/boot/$artifacts_version/$service_script -o /etc/init.d/$service_script
+    chmod +x /etc/init.d/$service_script
+    update-rc.d $service_script defaults