modify Engine and rule automatic test case
Issue-ID: HOLMES-104
Change-Id: Ibc5702bed70b42be13a9ab2aa3313912d71f701c
Signed-off-by: Shiwei Tian <>
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/holmes/testcase/RuleMgt/Rule-Mgt.robot b/test/csit/tests/holmes/testcase/RuleMgt/Rule-Mgt.robot
index a28bc36..19d0f74 100644
--- a/test/csit/tests/holmes/testcase/RuleMgt/Rule-Mgt.robot
+++ b/test/csit/tests/holmes/testcase/RuleMgt/Rule-Mgt.robot
@@ -8,17 +8,17 @@
*** Test Cases ***
[Documentation] Add a valid rule.
- ${dict2} create dictionary rulename=youbowu0314 description=create a new rule! content=package ruleqwertasd;\n\nimport java.util.Locale; enabled=1 loopcontrolname=closedControlLoop
+ ${dict2} create dictionary ruleName=you1212121121 description=create a new rule! content=package ruleqwertasd;\n\nimport java.util.Locale; enabled=1 loopControlName=closedControlLoop
${jsonParams} encode ${dict2}
${response} createRule ${jsonParams}
${respJson} to json ${response.content}
- ${RULEID} get from dictionary ${respJson} ruleid
+ ${RULEID} get from dictionary ${respJson} ruleId
set global variable ${RULEID}
log ${RULEID}
[Documentation] Add an invalid rule of which the content is incorrect!!
- ${dict1} create dictionary rulename=gy0307001 description=create a new rule! content=123123123 enabled=1
+ ${dict1} create dictionary ruleName=gy0307001 description=create a new rule! content=123123123 enabled=1
${jsonParams} encode ${dict1}
${response} createRule ${jsonParams} -1
log ${response.content}
@@ -39,21 +39,21 @@
[Documentation] Query a rule with a non-existing ID.
- ${response} queryConditionRule {"rid":"invalidid"}
+ ${response} queryConditionRule {"ruleid":"invalidid"}
${respJson} to json ${response.content}
${count} get from dictionary ${respJson} totalCount
run keyword if ${count}!=0 fail
[Documentation] Query rules with (a part of) an existing name.
- ${response} queryConditionRule {"rulename":"youbowu"}
+ ${response} queryConditionRule {"ruleName":"youbowu"}
${respJson} to json ${response.content}
${count} get from dictionary ${respJson} totalCount
run keyword if ${count}<1 fail Can't find the rule with (a part of) an existing name
[Documentation] Query rules with (a part of) a non-existing name.
- ${response} queryConditionRule {"name":"zte2017"}
+ ${response} queryConditionRule {"rulename":"zte2017"}
${respJson} to json ${response.content}
${count} get from dictionary ${respJson} totalCount
run keyword if ${count}!=0 fail
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
[Documentation] Query rules using the combination of different fields.
- ${dic} create dictionary rulename=youbowu0314 enabled=1
+ ${dic} create dictionary ruleName=youbowu0314 enabled=1
${paramJson} encode ${dic}
${response} queryConditionRule ${paramJson}
${respJson} to json ${response.content}
@@ -91,27 +91,28 @@
[Documentation] modify the rule with a valid status.
- ${dic} create dictionary ruleid=${RULEID} enabled=0 content=package rule03140002 loopcontrolname=closedControlLoop
+ ${dic} create dictionary ruleId=${RULEID} enabled=0 content=package rule03140002 loopControlName=closedControlLoop
${modifyParam} encode ${dic}
${modifyResp} modifyRule ${modifyParam}
- ${response} queryConditionRule {"ruleid":"${RULEID}"}
+ ${response} queryConditionRule {"ruleId":"${RULEID}"}
${respJson} to json ${response.content}
${count} get from dictionary ${respJson} totalCount
run keyword if ${count}!=1 fail query rule fails! (can't find the rule modified!) ELSE traversalRuleAttribute ${respJson}
... ${dic}
+ log "response:" ${response}
[Documentation] modify the rule with an invalid status.
- ${dic} create dictionary ruleid=${RULEID} enabled=88 content=package rule03140002
+ ${dic} create dictionary ruleId=${RULEID} enabled=88 content=package rule03140002
${modifyParam} encode ${dic}
${modifyResponse} modifyRule ${modifyParam} -1
[Documentation] modify the description of the rule with the new string.
- ${dic} create dictionary ruleid=${RULEID} description=now, i modifying the description of the rule. content=package rule03140002 loopcontrolname=closedControlLoop
+ ${dic} create dictionary ruleId=${RULEID} description=now, i modifying the description of the rule. content=package rule03140002 loopControlName=closedControlLoop
${modifyParam} encode ${dic}
${modifyResp} modifyRule ${modifyParam}
- ${response} queryConditionRule {"ruleid":"${RULEID}"} 1
+ ${response} queryConditionRule {"ruleId":'${RULEID}'} 1
${respJson} to json ${response.content}
${count} get from dictionary ${respJson} totalCount
run keyword if ${count}!=1 fail query rule fails! ELSE traversalRuleAttribute ${respJson}