Change Management Schedule Optimization
Adding scripts and robot test suites for cmso as per CSIT procedure
Fixing the start up scripts to use docker
Removing .pyc files
Fix copyright headers for the shell scripts
Change-Id: I61492abd5d5060b5a773dec74320f2ecfc0fcbf5
Issue-ID: OPTFRA-382
Signed-off-by: sv764t <>
Signed-off-by: vrvarma <>
diff --git a/tests/optf-cmso/cmso/resources/misc.robot b/tests/optf-cmso/cmso/resources/misc.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e20640c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/optf-cmso/cmso/resources/misc.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Library Collections
+Library String
+#Library UUID
+Library ../attlibs/
+Library Process
+Library HttpLibrary.HTTP
+Documentation Miscellaneous keywords
+Resource json_templater.robot
+Resource create_schedule.robot
+*** Variables ***
+*** Keywords ***
+Validate Status
+ [Documentation] Fail unless the Request response is in the passed list of valid HTTP status codes.
+ [Arguments] ${resp} ${valid_status_list}
+ ${status_code} Convert To String ${resp.status_code}
+ Return From Keyword If '${resp.status_code}' in ${valid_status_list}
+ Fail ${resp.status_code}
+Validate JSON Error
+ [Documentation] Fails if messageIds do not match. expected_errors should be a list but a string would likely work as well
+ [Arguments] ${resp_json} ${expected_errors}
+ ${result}= Get From Dictionary ${resp_json['requestError']} messageId
+ Should Contain ${expected_errors} ${result} #checks expected_errors list for the actual error received from schedule
+Check ATTIDs Template
+ [Documentation] This just checks a list of uuids
+ [Arguments] ${expected_status_code} ${template_folder}
+ ${request_file}= Convert to String OneVnfImmediateATTID.json.template
+ ${attid_file}= OperatingSystem.Get File robot/assets/AOTS_CM_IDs.txt
+ @{attids}= Split to lines ${attid_file}
+ :for ${attid} in @{attids}
+ \ ${uuid}= Generate UUID
+ \ ${resp}= Run Keyword and Continue on Failure Create Schedule ${uuid} ${request_file} ${template_folder} attid=${attid}
+ \ Run Keyword and Continue on Failure Should Be Equal as Strings ${resp.status_code} ${expected_status_code}
+ \ ${reps}= Delete Change Management auth schedules/${uuid}