Add HTTP to DFC CSIT tests

- use recently added http functionalities from integration
- small ftp part refactoring
- add compulsory variables to recent tests

Issue-ID: DCAEGEN2-2527
Signed-off-by: Krzysztof Gajewski <>
Change-Id: I4b805e99756cfb8197d0a082eb04cb19374ab0d0
diff --git a/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-datafile/testsuites/Functional-Single-File-Http-suite/FuncSingleFileHttp.robot b/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-datafile/testsuites/Functional-Single-File-Http-suite/FuncSingleFileHttp.robot
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e37a910
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-datafile/testsuites/Functional-Single-File-Http-suite/FuncSingleFileHttp.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Library        OperatingSystem
+Library        RequestsLibrary
+Library        Process
+Resource    ../../resources/common-keywords.robot
+*** Variables ***
+${CONSUL_UPL_APP}                   /usr/bin/curl -v -X PUT -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' --data-binary @${SIMGROUP_ROOT}/consul/c12_feed2_PM_MEAS.json
+${CONSUL_GET_APP}                   /usr/bin/curl -v
+${CBS_GET_MERGED_CONFIG}            /usr/bin/curl -v
+*** Test Cases ***
+######## Single file, HTTP
+Verify single event with single 1MB HTTP file. From event poll to published file
+    [TAGS]                         DFC_FUNCTIONAL_20
+    [Documentation]                Verify single event with single HTTP 1MB file from event poll to published file.
+    ${cli_cmd_output}=              Run Process             ${DFC_ROOT}/../           stderr=STDOUT
+    Verify Single Event From Event Poll To Published File   1    --tc300    HTTP
+Verify single event with single 5MB HTTP file. From event poll to published file
+    [TAGS]                         DFC_FUNCTIONAL_21
+    [Documentation]                Verify single event with single HTTP 5MB file from event poll to published file.
+    Verify Single Event From Event Poll To Published File   5    --tc301    HTTP
+Verify single event with single 50MB HTTP file. From event poll to published file
+    [TAGS]                         DFC_FUNCTIONAL_22
+    [Documentation]                Verify single event with single HTTP 50MB file from event poll to published file.
+    Verify Single Event From Event Poll To Published File   50   --tc302    HTTP
+*** Keywords ***
+Verify Single Event From Event Poll To Published File
+    [Documentation]                 Keyword to verify single event with file with given parameters.
+    [Arguments]                     ${file_size_in_mb}    ${mr_tc}    ${http_type}
+    Set Environment Variable        MR_TC                   ${mr_tc}
+    Set Environment Variable        FILE_SIZE               ${file_size_in_mb}MB
+    Set Environment Variable        HTTP_TYPE                ${http_type}
+    Set Default Environment Variables
+    ${cli_cmd_output}=              Run Process     ./    cwd=${SIMGROUP_ROOT}
+    Log To Console                  Simulator-start:
+    Log To Console                  ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} ${cli_cmd_output.stderr}
+    MR Sim Emitted Files Equal      0                                                                                   #Verify 0 file emitted from MR sim
+    DR Sim Published Files Equal    0                                                                                   #Verify 0 file published to DR sim
+    ${cli_cmd_output}=              Run Process                     ${CONSUL_UPL_APP}           shell=yes
+    Log To Console                  Consul APP write:
+    Log To Console                  ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} ${cli_cmd_output.stderr}
+    ${cli_cmd_output}=              Run Process                     ${CONSUL_GET_APP}           shell=yes
+    Log To Console                  Consul APP read:
+    Log To Console                  ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} ${cli_cmd_output.stderr}
+    ${cli_cmd_output}=              Run Process                     ${CBS_GET_MERGED_CONFIG}    shell=yes
+    Log To Console                  CBS merged configuration:
+    Log To Console                  ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} ${cli_cmd_output.stderr}
+    Sleep                           10
+    Start DFC
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds     1 minute      10 sec    MR Sim Emitted Files Equal          1                       #Verify 1 file emitted from MR sim
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds     1 minute      10 sec    DR Sim Query Not Published Equal    1                       #Verify 1 query response for not published files
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds     1 minute      10 sec    DR Sim Published Files Equal        1                       #Verify 1 file published to DR sim
+    DR Redir Sim Downloaded Volume Equal          ${file_size_in_mb} 000 000                                            #Verify correct number of bytes published file data in DR redir sim
+    [Teardown]                      Test Teardown
+Set Default Environment Variables
+    [Documentation]                 Set default environment variables for simulators setup
+    Set Environment Variable        DR_TC                   --tc normal
+    Set Environment Variable        DR_REDIR_TC             --tc normal
+    Set Environment Variable        MR_GROUPS               OpenDcae-c12:PM_MEAS_FILES
+    Set Environment Variable        MR_FILE_PREFIX_MAPPING  PM_MEAS_FILES:A
+    Set Environment Variable        DR_REDIR_FEEDS          2:A
+    Set Environment Variable        FTP_FILE_PREFIXES       A
+    Set Environment Variable        FTP_TYPE                SFTP
+    Set Environment Variable        HTTP_FILE_PREFIXES      A
+    Set Environment Variable        NUM_FTPFILES            1
+    Set Environment Variable        NUM_HTTPFILES           1
+    Set Environment Variable        NUM_PNFS                1
+    Set Environment Variable        NUM_FTP_SERVERS         1
+    Set Environment Variable        NUM_HTTP_SERVERS        1
+    Set Environment Variable        DR_FEEDS                2:A
+    Set Environment Variable        DR_REDIR_SIM            drsim_redir
+    Set Environment Variable        SFTP_SIMS               sftp-server0:22
+    Set Environment Variable        FTPES_SIMS              ftpes-server-vsftpd0:21
+    Set Environment Variable        HTTP_SIMS               http-server0:80