Move CSIT to integration/csit repo

To facilite branching of CSIT tests, all CSIT test
code and scripts are relocated to the integration/csit

Change-Id: I1e4c0eff44691f73f8098b3c52764107f6b8b8df
Issue-ID: INT-671
Signed-off-by: Gary Wu <>
diff --git a/plans/portal/testsuite/docker-compose.yml b/plans/portal/testsuite/docker-compose.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dda74c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plans/portal/testsuite/docker-compose.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+# docker-compose for ONAP portal containers: database, microservice, portal apps.
+# Relies on .env file, which CANNOT be specified via command-line option
+# Works in multiple environments; does not pull from a Nexus registry.
+# Exposes the portal apps docker (but not DB nor WMS dockers) on the host network.
+# Images must be pulled from ONAP Nexus registry after logging in like this:
+# docker login -u USER -p PASS
+# Uses healthcheck feature added in docker-compose v2.1
+version: '2.1'
+  cli:
+    image: ${CLI_IMG_NAME}:${PORTAL_TAG}
+    environment:
+      CLI_MODE: 'daemon'
+    ports:
+      - 8080:80
+      - 9090:8080
+    logging:
+      driver: json-file
+  # Config files may use hostname "portal-db"
+  portal-db:
+    image: ${DB_IMG_NAME}:${PORTAL_TAG}
+    environment:
+      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: 'Aa123456'
+    expose:
+      - 3306
+    volumes:
+      # Just specify a path and let the Engine create a volume
+      - /var/lib/mysql
+      # Inject the onboarding script at start time
+      - ./Apps_Users_OnBoarding_Script.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/zzz_apps_users_onboarding.sql
+    logging:
+      driver: json-file
+    healthcheck:
+      test: [ "CMD", "mysqladmin", "ping", "-h", "localhost" ]
+      timeout: 10s
+      retries: 30
+  # Config files may use hostname "portal-cassandra"
+  portal-cassandra:
+    image: ${CDR_IMG_NAME}:${PORTAL_TAG}
+    environment:
+      - CASSUSER=root
+      - CASSPASS=Aa123456
+    expose:
+      - 7000
+      - 7001
+      - 7199
+      - 9042
+      - 9160
+    ports:
+      - 7000:7000
+      - 7001:7001
+      - 7199:7199
+      - 9042:9042
+      - 9160:9160
+    volumes:
+      - ./portal.cql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/zzz_portal.cql
+      - ./portalsdk.cql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/zzz_portalsdk.cql
+    links:
+      - portal-db      
+    depends_on:
+      portal-db:
+        condition: service_healthy
+  # Config files may use hostname "portal-zk"
+  portal-zk:
+    image: ${ZK_IMG_NAME}:${PORTAL_TAG}
+    expose:
+      - 2181
+    ports:
+      - 2181:2181           
+  # The app config file uses the docker name above
+  portal-wms:
+    image: ${WMS_IMG_NAME}:${PORTAL_TAG}
+    expose:
+      - 8082
+    links:
+      - portal-db
+    depends_on:
+      portal-db:
+        condition: service_healthy
+    volumes:
+      - ${PROPS_DIR}/ONAPWIDGETMS/application.yml:/application.yml
+    command:
+      - /
+    logging:
+      driver: json-file
+  portal-app:
+    image: ${EP_IMG_NAME}:${PORTAL_TAG}
+    ports:
+      - 8989:8080
+      - 8010:8009
+      - 8006:8005
+    links:
+      - portal-db
+      - portal-wms
+      - portal-zk
+      - portal-cassandra
+    depends_on:
+      portal-db:
+        condition: service_healthy
+      portal-wms:
+        condition: service_started
+    volumes:
+      - ${PROPS_DIR}/ONAPPORTAL/logback.xml:${WEBAPPS_DIR}/ONAPPORTAL/WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml
+      - ${LOGS_DIR}:/opt/apache-tomcat-8.0.37/logs
+    command:
+      - /
+      # see comments in .env file
+      - -i
+      - $EXTRA_HOST_IP
+      - -n
+    logging:
+      driver: json-file
+  portal-sdk:
+    image: ${SDK_IMG_NAME}:${PORTAL_TAG}
+    ports:
+      - 8990:8080
+    links:
+      - portal-db
+      - portal-wms
+      - portal-zk
+      - portal-cassandra
+    depends_on:
+      portal-db:
+        condition: service_healthy
+    volumes:
+      - ${PROPS_DIR}/ONAPPORTALSDK/logback.xml:${WEBAPPS_DIR}/ONAPPORTALSDK/WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml
+      - ${LOGS_DIR}:/opt/apache-tomcat-8.0.37/logs
+    command:
+      - /
+    logging:
+      driver: json-file