Move CSIT to integration/csit repo

To facilite branching of CSIT tests, all CSIT test
code and scripts are relocated to the integration/csit

Change-Id: I1e4c0eff44691f73f8098b3c52764107f6b8b8df
Issue-ID: INT-671
Signed-off-by: Gary Wu <>
diff --git a/tests/dmaap-datarouter/dr-suite/dr-suite.robot b/tests/dmaap-datarouter/dr-suite/dr-suite.robot
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fcac202
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dmaap-datarouter/dr-suite/dr-suite.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Library           OperatingSystem
+Library           RequestsLibrary
+Library           requests
+Library           Collections
+Library           String
+*** Variables ***
+${TARGET_URL}                   https://${DR_PROV_IP}:8443
+${TARGET_URL_FEED}              https://${DR_PROV_IP}:8443/feed/1
+${TARGET_URL_SUBSCRIBE}         https://${DR_PROV_IP}:8443/subscribe/1
+${TARGET_URL_SUBSCRIPTION}      https://${DR_PROV_IP}:8443/subs/1
+${TARGET_URL_PUBLISH}           https://${DR_NODE_IP}:8443/publish/1/csit_test
+${CREATE_FEED_DATA}             {"name": "CSIT_Test", "version": "m1.0", "description": "CSIT_Test", "business_description": "CSIT_Test", "suspend": false, "deleted": false, "changeowner": true, "authorization": {"classification": "unclassified", "endpoint_addrs": [],  "endpoint_ids": [{"password": "rs873m", "id": "rs873m"}]}}
+${UPDATE_FEED_DATA}             {"name": "CSIT_Test", "version": "m1.0", "description": "UPDATED-CSIT_Test", "business_description": "CSIT_Test", "suspend": true, "deleted": false, "changeowner": true, "authorization": {"classification": "unclassified", "endpoint_addrs": [],  "endpoint_ids": [{"password": "rs873m", "id": "rs873m"}]}}
+${SUBSCRIBE_DATA}               {"delivery":{ "url":"https://${DR_PROV_IP}:8080/",  "user":"rs873m", "password":"rs873m", "use100":true}, "metadataOnly":false, "suspend":false, "groupid":29, "subscriber":"sg481n"}
+${UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_DATA}     {"delivery":{ "url":"https://${DR_PROV_IP}:8080/",  "user":"sg481n", "password":"sg481n", "use100":true}, "metadataOnly":false, "suspend":true, "groupid":29, "subscriber":"sg481n"}
+${FEED_CONTENT_TYPE}            application/vnd.att-dr.feed
+${SUBSCRIBE_CONTENT_TYPE}       application/vnd.att-dr.subscription
+${PUBLISH_FEED_CONTENT_TYPE}    application/octet-stream
+*** Test Cases ***
+Run Feed Creation
+    [Documentation]                 Feed Creation
+    [Timeout]                       1 minute
+    ${resp}=                        PostCall                         ${TARGET_URL}         ${CREATE_FEED_DATA}    ${FEED_CONTENT_TYPE}    rs873m
+    log                             ${TARGET_URL}
+    log                             ${resp.text}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings      ${resp.status_code}              201
+    log                             'JSON Response Code:'${resp}
+Run Subscribe to Feed
+    [Documentation]                 Subscribe to Feed
+    [Timeout]                       1 minute
+    ${resp}=                        PostCall                         ${TARGET_URL_SUBSCRIBE}    ${SUBSCRIBE_DATA}      ${SUBSCRIBE_CONTENT_TYPE}    sg481n
+    log                             ${TARGET_URL_SUBSCRIBE}
+    log                             ${resp.text}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings      ${resp.status_code}              201
+    log                             'JSON Response Code:'${resp}
+Run Publish Feed
+    [Documentation]                 Publish to Feed
+    [Timeout]                       1 minute
+    Sleep                           10s                              Behaviour was noticed where feed was not created in time for publish to be sent
+    ${resp}=                        PutCall                          ${TARGET_URL_PUBLISH}    ${CREATE_FEED_DATA}      ${PUBLISH_FEED_CONTENT_TYPE}    rs873m
+    log                             ${TARGET_URL_PUBLISH}
+    log                             ${resp.text}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings      ${resp.status_code}              204
+    log                             'JSON Response Code:'${resp}
+Run Update Subscription
+    [Documentation]                 Update Subscription to suspend and change delivery credentials
+    [Timeout]                       1 minute
+    ${resp}=                        PutCall                          ${TARGET_URL_SUBSCRIPTION}    ${UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_DATA}      ${SUBSCRIBE_CONTENT_TYPE}    sg481n
+    log                             ${TARGET_URL_SUBSCRIPTION}
+    log                             ${resp.text}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings      ${resp.status_code}              200
+    log                             'JSON Response Code:'${resp}
+    ${resp}=                        GetCall                          ${TARGET_URL_SUBSCRIPTION}    ${SUBSCRIBE_CONTENT_TYPE}    sg481n
+    log                             ${resp.text}
+    Should Contain                  ${resp.text}                     "password":"sg481n","user":"sg481n"
+    log                             'JSON Response Code:'${resp}
+Run Update Feed
+    [Documentation]                 Update Feed description and suspend
+    [Timeout]                       1 minute
+    ${resp}=                        PutCall                          ${TARGET_URL_FEED}    ${UPDATE_FEED_DATA}      ${FEED_CONTENT_TYPE}    rs873m
+    log                             ${TARGET_URL_FEED}
+    log                             ${resp.text}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings      ${resp.status_code}              200
+    log                             'JSON Response Code:'${resp}
+    ${resp}=                        GetCall                          ${TARGET_URL_FEED}    ${FEED_CONTENT_TYPE}    rs873m
+    log                             ${resp.text}
+    Should Contain                  ${resp.text}                     "UPDATED-CSIT_Test"
+    log                             'JSON Response Code:'${resp}
+Run Delete Subscription
+    [Documentation]                 Delete Subscription
+    [Timeout]                       1 minute
+    ${resp}=                        DeleteCall                       ${TARGET_URL_SUBSCRIPTION}    sg481n
+    log                             ${resp.text}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings      ${resp.status_code}              204
+    log                             'JSON Response Code:'${resp}
+Run Delete Feed
+    [Documentation]                 Delete Feed
+    [Timeout]                       1 minute
+    ${resp}=                        DeleteCall                       ${TARGET_URL_FEED}    rs873m
+    log                             ${resp.text}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings      ${resp.status_code}              204
+    log                             'JSON Response Code:'${resp}
+*** Keywords ***
+    [Arguments]      ${url}              ${data}            ${content_type}        ${user}
+    ${headers}=      Create Dictionary   X-ATT-DR-ON-BEHALF-OF=${user}    Content-Type=${content_type}
+    ${resp}=         Evaluate  '${url}',data='${data}', headers=${headers},verify=False)    requests
+    [Return]         ${resp}
+    [Arguments]      ${url}              ${data}            ${content_type}        ${user}
+    ${headers}=      Create Dictionary   X-ATT-DR-ON-BEHALF-OF=${user}    Content-Type=${content_type}    Authorization=Basic cnM4NzNtOnJzODczbQ==
+    ${resp}=         Evaluate            requests.put('${url}',data='${data}', headers=${headers},verify=False)    requests
+    [Return]         ${resp}
+    [Arguments]      ${url}              ${content_type}        ${user}
+    ${headers}=      Create Dictionary   X-ATT-DR-ON-BEHALF-OF=${user}    Content-Type=${content_type}
+    ${resp}=         Evaluate            requests.get('${url}', headers=${headers},verify=False)    requests
+    [Return]         ${resp}
+    [Arguments]      ${url}              ${user}
+    ${headers}=      Create Dictionary   X-ATT-DR-ON-BEHALF-OF=${user}
+    ${resp}=         Evaluate            requests.delete('${url}', headers=${headers},verify=False)    requests
+    [Return]         ${resp}