Xacml-PDP CSIT tests with DmaaP Simulator
1. Added test cases for creating policy, deploying policy, and getting a
decision for monitoring policies
2. Included statistics check between some tests
3. Modified to use dmaap simulator, policy-pap, and policy-api for end
to end tests
5. UPDATE: made changes per Ajith's review
6. Removed most config overrides and changed dmaap to message-router
where appropriate
Change-Id: Ia9935193f189f249e11f23b2ffe49f87090b7b54
Issue-ID: POLICY-1767
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <jrh3@att.com>
diff --git a/tests/policy/xacml-pdp/xacml-pdp-test.robot b/tests/policy/xacml-pdp/xacml-pdp-test.robot
index 1a626c0..86463c3 100644
--- a/tests/policy/xacml-pdp/xacml-pdp-test.robot
+++ b/tests/policy/xacml-pdp/xacml-pdp-test.robot
@@ -26,3 +26,110 @@
Log Received response from policy ${resp.text}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()['code']} 200
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 5 sec CreateMonitorPolicyType
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 5 sec CreateNewMonitorPolicy
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 5 sec DeployMonitorPolicy
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 10 sec GetDecision
+*** Keywords ***
+ [Documentation] Create Monitoring Policy Type
+ ${auth}= Create List healthcheck zb!XztG34
+ ${postjson}= Get file ${CURDIR}/data/onap.policies.monitoring.cdap.tca.hi.lo.app.json
+ Log Creating session https://${POLICY_API_IP}:6969
+ ${session}= Create Session policy https://${POLICY_API_IP}:6969 auth=${auth}
+ ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json
+ ${resp}= Post Request policy /policy/api/v1/policytypes data=${postjson} headers=${headers}
+ Log Received response from policy2 ${resp.text}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+ ${postjsonobject} To Json ${postjson}
+ Dictionary Should Contain Key ${resp.json()} tosca_definitions_version
+ Dictionary Should Contain Key ${postjsonobject} tosca_definitions_version
+ [Documentation] Create a new Monitoring policy
+ ${auth}= Create List healthcheck zb!XztG34
+ ${postjson}= Get file ${CURDIR}/data/vCPE.policy.monitoring.input.tosca.json
+ Log Creating session https://${POLICY_API_IP}:6969
+ ${session}= Create Session policy https://${POLICY_API_IP}:6969 auth=${auth}
+ ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json
+ ${resp}= Post Request policy /policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.monitoring.cdap.tca.hi.lo.app/versions/1.0.0/policies data=${postjson} headers=${headers}
+ Log Received response from policy4 ${resp.text}
+ ${postjsonobject} To Json ${postjson}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+ Dictionary Should Contain Key ${resp.json()} tosca_definitions_version
+ Dictionary Should Contain Key ${postjsonobject} tosca_definitions_version
+ [Documentation] Runs Policy PAP to deploy a policy
+ ${auth}= Create List healthcheck zb!XztG34
+ ${postjson}= Get file ${CURDIR}/data/vCPE.policy.monitoring.input.tosca.deploy.json
+ Log Creating session https://${POLICY_PAP_IP}:6969
+ ${session}= Create Session policy https://${POLICY_PAP_IP}:6969 auth=${auth}
+ ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json
+ ${resp}= Post Request policy /policy/pap/v1/pdps/policies data=${postjson} headers=${headers}
+ Log Received response from policy5 ${resp.text}
+ ${postjsonobject} To Json ${postjson}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+ [Documentation] Runs Policy Xacml PDP Statistics after policy is deployed
+ ${auth}= Create List healthcheck zb!XztG34
+ Log Creating session https://${POLICY_PDPX_IP}:6969
+ ${session}= Create Session policy https://${POLICY_PDPX_IP}:6969 auth=${auth}
+ ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json
+ ${resp}= Get Request policy /policy/pdpx/v1/statistics headers=${headers}
+ Log Received response from policy ${resp.text}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()['code']} 200
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()['totalPoliciesCount'] 1
+ [Documentation] Get Decision from Policy Xacml PDP
+ ${auth}= Create List healthcheck zb!XztG34
+ ${postjson}= Get file ${CURDIR}/data/onap.policy.monitoring.decision.request.json
+ Log Creating session https://${POLICY_PDPX_IP}:6969
+ ${session}= Create Session policy https://${POLICY_PDPX_IP}:6969 auth=${auth}
+ ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json
+ ${resp}= Post Request policy /policy/pdpx/v1/decision data=${postjson} headers=${headers}
+ Log Received response from policy ${resp.text}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+ [Documentation] Runs Policy Xacml PDP Statistics after Decision request
+ ${auth}= Create List healthcheck zb!XztG34
+ Log Creating session https://${POLICY_PDPX_IP}:6969
+ ${session}= Create Session policy https://${POLICY_PDPX_IP}:6969 auth=${auth}
+ ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json
+ ${resp}= Get Request policy /policy/pdpx/v1/statistics headers=${headers}
+ Log Received response from policy ${resp.text}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()['code']} 200
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()['totalDecisionsCount'] 1
+ [Documentation] Runs Policy PAP to undeploy a policy
+ ${auth}= Create List healthcheck zb!XztG34
+ Log Creating session https://${POLICY_PAP_IP}:6969
+ ${session}= Create Session policy https://${POLICY_PAP_IP}:6969 auth=${auth}
+ ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json
+ ${resp}= Delete Request policy /policy/pap/v1/pdps/policies/onap.restart.tca headers=${headers}
+ Log Received response from policy ${resp.text}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+ [Documentation] Runs Policy Xacml PDP Statistics after policy is undeployed
+ ${auth}= Create List healthcheck zb!XztG34
+ Log Creating session https://${POLICY_PDPX_IP}:6969
+ ${session}= Create Session policy https://${POLICY_PDPX_IP}:6969 auth=${auth}
+ ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json
+ ${resp}= Get Request policy /policy/pdpx/v1/statistics headers=${headers}
+ Log Received response from policy ${resp.text}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()['code']} 200
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()['totalPoliciesCount'] 0