| *** Settings *** |
| Library RequestsLibrary |
| Library Collections |
| Library PrhLibrary.py |
| Resource ../../../common.robot |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| Verify PNF ready sent |
| [Arguments] ${test_case_directory} |
| ${pnf_entry}= Get Data From File ${test_case_directory}/aai-entry.json |
| ${ves_event}= Get Data From File ${test_case_directory}/ves-event.json |
| ${expected_pnf_ready_event}= Get Data From File ${test_case_directory}/expected-pnf-ready-event.json |
| Add PNF entry in AAI ${pnf_entry} |
| Set VES event in DMaaP ${ves_event} |
| Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10x 3000ms Check CBS ready |
| Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10x 3000ms Check recorded PNF_READY notification ${expected_pnf_ready_event} |
| |
| Verify PNF ready sent and logical link created |
| [Arguments] ${test_case_directory} |
| ${expected_logical_link}= Get Data From File ${test_case_directory}/expected-logical-link.json |
| Verify PNF ready sent ${test_case_directory} |
| Check recorded Logical Link ${expected_logical_link} |
| |
| Verify event with missing required field is logged |
| [Arguments] ${test_case_directory} |
| ${invalid_ves_event}= Get Data From File ${test_case_directory}/invalid-ves-event.json |
| Set VES event in DMaaP ${invalid_ves_event} |
| ${notification}= Create invalid notification ${invalid_ves_event} |
| ${error_msg}= Set Variable Incorrect json, consumerDmaapModel can not be created: |
| Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10x 3000ms Check PRH json log ${error_msg} ${notification} |
| |
| Verify incorrect JSON event is logged |
| [Timeout] 60s |
| [Arguments] ${test_case_directory} |
| ${invalid_ves_event}= Get Data From File ${test_case_directory}/invalid-ves-event.json |
| Set VES event in DMaaP ${invalid_ves_event} |
| Check PRH log |com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: Expected a com.google.gson.JsonArray |
| |
| Verify missing AAI record is logged |
| [Timeout] 100s |
| [Arguments] ${test_case_directory} |
| ${incorrect_aai_entry}= Get Data From File ${test_case_directory}/incorrect-aai-entry.json |
| ${ves_event}= Get Data From File ${test_case_directory}/ves-event.json |
| Add PNF entry in AAI ${incorrect_aai_entry} |
| Set VES event in DMaaP ${ves_event} |
| Check PRH log Request failed for URL 'https://aai:3334/aai/v12/network/pnfs/pnf/NOK6061ZW8'. Response code: 404 Not Found |
| |
| Verify AAI not responding is logged |
| [Timeout] 100s |
| [Arguments] ${test_case_directory} |
| ${ves_event}= Get Data From File ${test_case_directory}/ves-event.json |
| Ensure Container Is Exited aai_simulator |
| Set VES event in DMaaP ${ves_event} |
| Check PRH log connection timed out: aai Host is unreachable: aai |
| Ensure Container Is Running aai_simulator |
| |
| Verify PNF re registration |
| [Timeout] 100s |
| [Arguments] ${test_case_directory} |
| ${expected_logical_link}= Get Data From File ${test_case_directory}/expected-logical-link.json |
| Verify PNF ready sent ${test_case_directory} |
| Check recorded Logical Link ${expected_logical_link} |
| |
| Check CBS ready |
| ${resp}= Get Request ${consul_setup_session} /v1/catalog/services |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 |
| Log Service Catalog response: ${resp.content} |
| Dictionary Should Contain Key ${resp.json()} cbs |Consul service catalog should contain CBS entry |
| |
| Check recorded PNF_READY notification |
| [Arguments] ${expected_event_pnf_ready_in_dpaap} |
| ${resp}= Get Request ${dmaap_setup_session} /setup/pnf_ready headers=${suite_headers} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 |
| Should Be Equal As JSON ${resp.content} ${expected_event_pnf_ready_in_dpaap} |
| |
| Check recorded Logical Link |
| [Arguments] ${expected_logical_link_in_aai} |
| ${resp}= Get Request ${aai_setup_session} /setup/created_logical_link headers=${suite_headers} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 |
| Should Be Equal As JSON ${resp.content} ${expected_logical_link_in_aai} |
| |
| Check PRH log |
| [Arguments] @{log_entries} |
| ${found}= Find one of log entryies ${log_entries} |
| Should Be True ${found} |
| |
| Check PRH json log |
| [Arguments] ${prefix} ${json} |
| ${found}= Find log json ${prefix} ${json} |
| Should Be True ${found} |
| |
| Create event parsing error |
| [Arguments] ${ves_event} |
| ${notification}= Create invalid notification ${ves_event} |
| ${error_msg}= Catenate SEPARATOR= \\n |Incorrect json, consumerDmaapModel can not be created: ${notification} |
| [Return] ${error_msg} |
| |
| Add PNF entry in AAI |
| [Arguments] ${pnf_entry} |
| ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json |
| ${resp}= Put Request ${aai_setup_session} /setup/add_pnf_entry headers=${suite_headers} data=${pnf_entry} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 |
| |
| Set VES event in DMaaP |
| [Arguments] ${ves_event} |
| ${resp}= Put Request ${dmaap_setup_session} /setup/ves_event headers=${suite_headers} data=${ves_event} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 |
| |
| Should Be Equal As JSON |
| [Arguments] ${actual} ${expected} |
| Log EXPECTED: ${expected} |
| Log ACTUAL: ${actual} |
| ${expected_json}= Evaluate json.loads("""${expected}""") json |
| ${actual_json}= Evaluate json.loads("""${actual}""") json |
| Should Be Equal ${actual_json} ${expected_json} |
| |
| Create sessions |
| Create Session dmaap_setup_session ${DMAAP_SIMULATOR_SETUP_URL} |
| Set Suite Variable ${dmaap_setup_session} dmaap_setup_session |
| Create Session aai_setup_session ${AAI_SIMULATOR_SETUP_URL} |
| Set Suite Variable ${aai_setup_session} aai_setup_session |
| Create Session consul_setup_session ${CONSUL_SETUP_URL} |
| Set Suite Variable ${consul_setup_session} consul_setup_session |
| |
| Reset Simulators |
| Reset AAI simulator |
| Reset DMaaP simulator |
| |
| Reset AAI simulator |
| ${resp}= Post Request ${aai_setup_session} /reset |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 |
| |
| Reset DMaaP simulator |
| ${resp}= Post Request ${dmaap_setup_session} /reset |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 |
| |
| Create headers |
| ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json |
| Set Suite Variable ${suite_headers} ${headers} |