Added functional CSIT tests for DFC

New test case for single file download and publish
Minor refactoring of Management interface test

Issue-ID: DCAEGEN2-1313
Change-Id: I2436db42a5884a7d828dbefcf9678aa9cdf064e3
Signed-off-by: BjornMagnussonXA <>
diff --git a/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-datafile/testsuites/Functional-Single-File-suite/FuncSingleFile.robot b/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-datafile/testsuites/Functional-Single-File-suite/FuncSingleFile.robot
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a59fec6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-datafile/testsuites/Functional-Single-File-suite/FuncSingleFile.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Library		OperatingSystem
+Library		RequestsLibrary
+Library		Process
+Resource	../../resources/common-keywords.robot
+*** Variables ***
+*** Test Cases ***
+######### Single file, SFTP
+Verify single event with single 1MB SFTP file. From event poll to published file
+	[Documentation]					Verify single event with single SFTP 1MB file from event poll to published file.
+    Set Environment Variable  		MR_TC           --tc100
+    ${cli_cmd_output}=          	Run Process     ./    cwd=${SIMGROUP_ROOT}
+	MR Sim Emitted Files Equal    	0													                                #Verify 0 file emitted from MR sim
+	${cli_cmd_output}=          	Run Process		${DFC_ROOT}/  cwd=${DFC_ROOT}
+	Wait Until Keyword Succeeds	1 minute	10 sec	MR Sim Emitted Files Equal    	1	                                #Verify 1 file emitted from MR sim
+	${cli_cmd_output}=				Run Process     ${SIMGROUP_ROOT}/
+	${cli_cmd_output}=				Run Process     ${DFC_ROOT}/
+Verify single event with single 5MB SFTP file. From event poll to published file
+	[Documentation]					Verify single event with single SFTP 5MB file from event poll to published file.
+    Set Environment Variable  		MR_TC           --tc101
+    ${cli_cmd_output}=          	Run Process     ./    cwd=${SIMGROUP_ROOT}
+	MR Sim Emitted Files Equal    	0													                                #Verify 0 file emitted from MR sim
+	${cli_cmd_output}=          	Run Process		${DFC_ROOT}/  cwd=${DFC_ROOT}
+	Wait Until Keyword Succeeds	1 minute	10 sec	MR Sim Emitted Files Equal    	1	                                #Verify 1 file emitted from MR sim
+	${cli_cmd_output}=				Run Process     ${SIMGROUP_ROOT}/
+	${cli_cmd_output}=				Run Process     ${DFC_ROOT}/
+Verify single event with single 50MB SFTP file. From event poll to published file
+	[Documentation]					Verify single event with single SFTP 50MB file from event poll to published file.
+    Set Environment Variable  		MR_TC           --tc102
+    ${cli_cmd_output}=          	Run Process     ./    cwd=${SIMGROUP_ROOT}
+	MR Sim Emitted Files Equal    	0													                                #Verify 0 file emitted from MR sim
+	${cli_cmd_output}=          	Run Process		${DFC_ROOT}/  cwd=${DFC_ROOT}
+	Wait Until Keyword Succeeds	1 minute	10 sec	MR Sim Emitted Files Equal    	1	                                #Verify 1 file emitted from MR sim
+	${cli_cmd_output}=				Run Process     ${SIMGROUP_ROOT}/
+	${cli_cmd_output}=				Run Process     ${DFC_ROOT}/
+######### Single file, FTPS
+Verify single event with single 1MB FTPS file. From event poll to published file
+	[Documentation]					Verify single event with single FTPS 1MB file from event poll to published file.
+    Set Environment Variable  		MR_TC           --tc200
+    ${cli_cmd_output}=          	Run Process     ./    cwd=${SIMGROUP_ROOT}
+	MR Sim Emitted Files Equal    	0													                                #Verify 0 file emitted from MR sim
+	${cli_cmd_output}=          	Run Process		${DFC_ROOT}/  cwd=${DFC_ROOT}
+	Wait Until Keyword Succeeds	1 minute	10 sec	MR Sim Emitted Files Equal    	1	                                #Verify 1 file emitted from MR sim
+	${cli_cmd_output}=				Run Process     ${SIMGROUP_ROOT}/
+	${cli_cmd_output}=				Run Process     ${DFC_ROOT}/
+Verify single event with single 5MB FTPS file. From event poll to published file
+	[Documentation]					Verify single event with single FTPS 5MB file from event poll to published file.
+    Set Environment Variable  		MR_TC           --tc201
+    ${cli_cmd_output}=          	Run Process     ./    cwd=${SIMGROUP_ROOT}
+	MR Sim Emitted Files Equal    	0													                                #Verify 0 file emitted from MR sim
+	${cli_cmd_output}=          	Run Process		${DFC_ROOT}/  cwd=${DFC_ROOT}
+	Wait Until Keyword Succeeds	1 minute	10 sec	MR Sim Emitted Files Equal    	1	                                #Verify 1 file emitted from MR sim
+	${cli_cmd_output}=				Run Process     ${SIMGROUP_ROOT}/
+	${cli_cmd_output}=				Run Process     ${DFC_ROOT}/
+Verify single event with single 50MB FTPS file. From event poll to published file
+	[Documentation]					Verify single event with single FTPS 50MB file from event poll to published file.
+    Set Environment Variable  		MR_TC           --tc202
+    ${cli_cmd_output}=          	Run Process     ./    cwd=${SIMGROUP_ROOT}
+	MR Sim Emitted Files Equal    	0													                                #Verify 0 file emitted from MR sim
+	${cli_cmd_output}=          	Run Process		${DFC_ROOT}/  cwd=${DFC_ROOT}
+	Wait Until Keyword Succeeds	1 minute	10 sec	MR Sim Emitted Files Equal    	1	                                #Verify 1 file emitted from MR sim
+	${cli_cmd_output}=				Run Process     ${SIMGROUP_ROOT}/
+	${cli_cmd_output}=				Run Process     ${DFC_ROOT}/
+*** Keywords ***