End-to-end policy CSIT

Modified the CSIT for drools-apps to use more components:
- api to create policies
- pap to deploy policies

Also removed tabs.

Issue-ID: POLICY-2491
Change-Id: Iacd8d1953068bb718a63de8813dd1c307c21b1f8
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <jrh3@att.com>
diff --git a/tests/policy/drools-applications/drools-applications-test.robot b/tests/policy/drools-applications/drools-applications-test.robot
index c5c8a79..2104566 100644
--- a/tests/policy/drools-applications/drools-applications-test.robot
+++ b/tests/policy/drools-applications/drools-applications-test.robot
@@ -47,19 +47,107 @@
     ${result}=     Run Process        ${SCR2}/make_topic.sh     POLICY-CL-MGT
     Should Be Equal As Integers        ${result.rc}    0
-    [Documentation]    Activates the Policies
-    ${result}=     Run Process        ${SCR2}/manage.sh     ${SCR2}/policies.json
+    [Documentation]    Create VCPE Policy for Xacml
+    ${auth}=    Create List    healthcheck    zb!XztG34
+    ${postyaml}=  Get file  ${DATA}/vCPE.policy.monitoring.input.tosca.yaml
+    Log    Creating session https://${API_IP}:6969
+    ${session}=    Create Session      policy  https://${API_IP}:6969   auth=${auth}
+    ${headers}=  Create Dictionary     Accept=application/yaml    Content-Type=application/yaml
+    ${resp}=   Post Request   policy  /policy/api/v1/policies  data=${postyaml}   headers=${headers}
+    Log    Received response from api ${resp.text}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    200
+    [Documentation]    Create VCPE Policy for Drools
+    ${auth}=    Create List    healthcheck    zb!XztG34
+    ${postyaml}=  Get file  ${DATA}/vCPE.policy.operational.input.tosca.yaml
+    Log    Creating session https://${API_IP}:6969
+    ${session}=    Create Session      policy  https://${API_IP}:6969   auth=${auth}
+    ${headers}=  Create Dictionary     Accept=application/yaml    Content-Type=application/yaml
+    ${resp}=   Post Request   policy  /policy/api/v1/policies  data=${postyaml}   headers=${headers}
+    Log    Received response from api ${resp.text}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    200
+    [Documentation]    Create VDNS Policy for Xacml
+    ${auth}=    Create List    healthcheck    zb!XztG34
+    ${postyaml}=  Get file  ${DATA}/vDNS.policy.monitoring.input.tosca.yaml
+    Log    Creating session https://${API_IP}:6969
+    ${session}=    Create Session      policy  https://${API_IP}:6969   auth=${auth}
+    ${headers}=  Create Dictionary     Accept=application/yaml    Content-Type=application/yaml
+    ${resp}=   Post Request   policy  /policy/api/v1/policies  data=${postyaml}   headers=${headers}
+    Log    Received response from api ${resp.text}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    200
+    [Documentation]    Create VDNS Policy for Drools
+    ${auth}=    Create List    healthcheck    zb!XztG34
+    ${postjson}=  Get file  ${DATA}/vDNS.policy.operational.input.tosca.json
+    Log    Creating session https://${API_IP}:6969
+    ${session}=    Create Session      policy  https://${API_IP}:6969   auth=${auth}
+    ${headers}=  Create Dictionary     Accept=application/json    Content-Type=application/json
+    ${resp}=   Post Request   policy  /policy/api/v1/policies  data=${postjson}   headers=${headers}
+    Log    Received response from api ${resp.text}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    200
+    [Documentation]    Create VFW Policy for Xacml
+    ${auth}=    Create List    healthcheck    zb!XztG34
+    ${postyaml}=  Get file  ${DATA}/vFirewall.policy.monitoring.input.tosca.yaml
+    Log    Creating session https://${API_IP}:6969
+    ${session}=    Create Session      policy  https://${API_IP}:6969   auth=${auth}
+    ${headers}=  Create Dictionary     Accept=application/yaml    Content-Type=application/yaml
+    ${resp}=   Post Request   policy  /policy/api/v1/policies  data=${postyaml}   headers=${headers}
+    Log    Received response from api ${resp.text}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    200
+    [Documentation]    Create VFW Policy for Drools
+    ${auth}=    Create List    healthcheck    zb!XztG34
+    ${postjson}=  Get file  ${DATA}/vFirewall.policy.operational.input.tosca.json
+    Log    Creating session https://${API_IP}:6969
+    ${session}=    Create Session      policy  https://${API_IP}:6969   auth=${auth}
+    ${headers}=  Create Dictionary     Accept=application/json    Content-Type=application/json
+    ${resp}=   Post Request   policy  /policy/api/v1/policies  data=${postjson}   headers=${headers}
+    Log    Received response from api ${resp.text}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    200
+    [Documentation]    Deploys the Policies to Xacml
+    ${auth}=    Create List    healthcheck    zb!XztG34
+    Log    Creating session https://${PAP_IP}:6969
+    ${postjson}=  Get file  ${SCR2}/deploy.xacml.policies.json
+    ${session}=    Create Session      policy  https://${PAP_IP}:6969   auth=${auth}
+    ${headers}=  Create Dictionary     Accept=application/json    Content-Type=application/json
+    ${resp}=   Post Request     policy  /policy/pap/v1/pdps/deployments/batch    data=${postjson}     headers=${headers}
+    Log    Received response from pap ${resp.text}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}     200
+    ${result}=     Run Process        ${SCR2}/wait_topic.sh     POLICY-PDP-PAP
+    ...            responseTo    xacml    ACTIVE
+    Log    Received status ${result.stdout}
     Should Be Equal As Integers        ${result.rc}    0
-    ${result}=     Run Process        ${SCR2}/manage.sh     ${SCR2}/activate.drools.json
-    Should Be Equal As Integers        ${result.rc}    0
+    Should Contain    ${result.stdout}    onap.restart.tca
+    Should Contain    ${result.stdout}    onap.scaleout.tca
+    Should Contain    ${result.stdout}    onap.vfirewall.tca
+    [Documentation]    Deploys the Policies to Drools
+    ${auth}=    Create List    healthcheck    zb!XztG34
+    Log    Creating session https://${PAP_IP}:6969
+    ${postjson}=  Get file  ${SCR2}/deploy.drools.policies.json
+    ${session}=    Create Session      policy  https://${PAP_IP}:6969   auth=${auth}
+    ${headers}=  Create Dictionary     Accept=application/json    Content-Type=application/json
+    ${resp}=   Post Request     policy  /policy/pap/v1/pdps/deployments/batch    data=${postjson}     headers=${headers}
+    Log    Received response from pap ${resp.text}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}     200
     ${result}=     Run Process        ${SCR2}/wait_topic.sh     POLICY-PDP-PAP
     ...            responseTo    drools    ACTIVE
     Log    Received status ${result.stdout}
     Sleep    3s
     Should Be Equal As Integers        ${result.rc}    0
     Should Contain    ${result.stdout}    operational.restart
-    Should Contain    ${result.stdout}    operational.scale.up
+    Should Contain    ${result.stdout}    operational.scaleout
     Should Contain    ${result.stdout}    operational.modifyconfig