Adjust SDC-DCAE-DS to integration test changes

 Backport improvements made to corresponding integration
 test in to CSIT

Change-Id: Iadc7463b81a9860f1b625abdaff66a125b4a9c46
Issue-ID: SDC-2480
Signed-off-by: kaihlavi <>
diff --git a/tests/sdc-dcae-d/dcaed/asdc_interface.robot b/tests/sdc-dcae-d/dcaed/asdc_interface.robot
deleted file mode 100644
index 2310522..0000000
--- a/tests/sdc-dcae-d/dcaed/asdc_interface.robot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-*** Settings ***
-Library           Collections
-Library           OperatingSystem
-Library           RequestsLibrary
-Library           ONAPLibrary.Utilities
-Library           ONAPLibrary.Templating    WITH NAME    Templating
-Library           ONAPLibrary.SDC    WITH NAME    SDC
-Resource          common.robot
-***Variables ***
-${ASDC_CATALOG_SERVICES_PATH}    /sdc2/rest/v1/catalog/services
-${ASDC_CATALOG_RESOURCES_PATH}    /sdc2/rest/v1/catalog/resources
-${ASDC_CATALOG_LIFECYCLE_PATH}    /lifecycleState
-${SDC_CATALOG_RESOURCE_TEMPLATE}   component_catalog_resource.jinja
-${SDC_CATALOG_SERVICE_TEMPLATE}    catalog_service.jinja
-${SDC_ARTIFACT_UPLOAD_TEMPLATE}    artifact_upload.jinja
-${SDC_USER_REMARKS_TEMPLATE}    user_remarks.jinja
-${SDC_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_TEMPLATE}    resource_instance.jinja
-${ASDC_BE_ENDPOINT}  http://localhost:8080
-*** Keywords ***
-Create Catalog Resource Data
-    [Documentation]    Creates and returns data for ASDC Catalog Resource
-    [Arguments]    ${resource_name}    ${vendor_name}
-    ${map}=    Create Dictionary    resource_name=${resource_name}    vendor_name=${vendor_name}
-    Templating.Create Environment    sdc_catalog_resource    ${ASSETS_DIR}
-    ${data}=   Templating.Apply Template    sdc_catalog_resource   ${SDC_CATALOG_RESOURCE_TEMPLATE}    ${map}
-    [Return]    ${data}
-Post ASDC Resource Request Unauthenticated
-    [Documentation]   Makes unauthenticated Post request for ASDC Catalog resource and returns its unique id
-    [Arguments]  ${data}
-    ${resp}=    SDC.Run Post Request    ${ASDC_BE_ENDPOINT}    ${ASDC_CATALOG_RESOURCES_PATH}    ${data}   ${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}     201
-    [Return]    ${resp.json()['uniqueId']}
-# Based on testsuite/robot/resources/sdc_interface.robot's 'Setup SDC Catalog Resource Deployment Artifact Properties' keyword
-Add Tosca Artifact To Resource
-    [Documentation]  Add Tosca artifacts to given resource id
-    [Arguments]   ${artifact}   ${vf_id}
-    ${blueprint_data}    OperatingSystem.Get File    ${ASSETS_DIR}${artifact}.yaml
-    ${payloadData}=      Base64 Encode   ${blueprint_data}
-    ${dict}=    Create Dictionary  artifactLabel=${artifact}  artifactName=${artifact}.yaml   artifactType=DCAE_TOSCA  artifactGroupType=DEPLOYMENT  description=${artifact}.yaml  payloadData=${payloadData}
-    Templating.Create Environment    sdc_artifact_upload    ${ASSETS_DIR}
-    ${data}=   Templating.Apply Template    sdc_artifact_upload   ${SDC_ARTIFACT_UPLOAD_TEMPLATE}    ${dict}
-    # POST artifactUpload to resource
-    ${resp}=    SDC.Run Post Request    ${ASDC_BE_ENDPOINT}    ${ASDC_CATALOG_RESOURCES_PATH}/${vf_id}/artifacts    ${data}   ${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}     200
-    [Return]    ${resp}
-# Directly copied from testsuite/robot/resources/sdc_interface.robot
-Certify ASDC Catalog Resource
-    [Documentation]    Certifies an ASDC Catalog Resource by its id and returns the new id
-    [Arguments]    ${catalog_resource_id}    ${user_id}=${ASDC_TESTER_USER_ID}
-    ${map}=    Create Dictionary    user_remarks=Robot remarks
-    Templating.Create Environment    sdc_user_remarks    ${ASSETS_DIR}
-    ${data}=   Templating.Apply Template    sdc_user_remarks   ${SDC_USER_REMARKS_TEMPLATE}    ${map}
-    ${resp}=    SDC.Run Post Request    ${ASDC_BE_ENDPOINT}    ${ASDC_CATALOG_RESOURCES_PATH}/${catalog_resource_id}${ASDC_CATALOG_LIFECYCLE_PATH}/certify    ${data}   ${user_id}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}     200
-    [Return]    ${resp.json()['uniqueId']}   ${resp.json()['uuid']}
-Add Catalog Service For Monitoring Template
-    [Documentation]    Creates an ASDC Catalog Service for Monitoring Template with given name
-    [Arguments]   ${service_name}
-    ${map}=    Create Dictionary    service_name=${service_name}
-    Templating.Create Environment    sdc_catalog_service    ${ASSETS_DIR}
-    ${data}=   Templating.Apply Template    sdc_catalog_service   ${SDC_CATALOG_SERVICE_TEMPLATE}    ${map}
-    ${resp}=    SDC.Run Post Request    ${ASDC_BE_ENDPOINT}    ${ASDC_CATALOG_SERVICES_PATH}    ${data}   ${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}     201
-    [Return]    ${resp.json()['uniqueId']}   ${resp.json()['uuid']}
-# Based on testsuite/robot/resources/sdc_interface.robot's 'Add SDC Resource Instance' keyword
-Add ASDC Resource Instance
-    [Documentation]    Creates an ASDC Resource Instance and returns its id
-    [Arguments]    ${catalog_service_id}    ${catalog_resource_id}    ${catalog_resource_name}  ${xoffset}=${0}   ${yoffset}=${0}   ${resourceType}=VF
-    ${milli_timestamp}=    Generate Timestamp
-    ${xoffset}=    Set Variable   ${xoffset+306}
-    ${yoffset}=    Set Variable   ${yoffset+248}
-    ${map}=    Create Dictionary    catalog_resource_id=${catalog_resource_id}    catalog_resource_name=${catalog_resource_name}    milli_timestamp=${milli_timestamp}   posX=${xoffset}    posY=${yoffset}    originType=${resourceType}
-    Templating.Create Environment    sdc_resource_instance    ${ASSETS_DIR}
-    ${data}=   Templating.Apply Template    sdc_resource_instance   ${SDC_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_TEMPLATE}    ${map}
-    ${resp}=    SDC.Run Post Request    ${ASDC_BE_ENDPOINT}    ${ASDC_CATALOG_SERVICES_PATH}/${catalog_service_id}${ASDC_CATALOG_SERVICE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_PATH}    ${data}   ${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}     201
-    [Return]    ${resp.json()['uniqueId']}   ${resp.json()['name']}
-# All the following methods are adjusted from sdc_interface.robot
-Checkin ASDC Catalog Service
-    [Documentation]    Checks in an ASDC Catalog Service by its id
-    [Arguments]    ${catalog_service_id}
-    ${map}=    Create Dictionary    user_remarks=Robot remarks
-    Templating.Create Environment    sdc_user_remarks    ${ASSETS_DIR}
-    ${data}=   Templating.Apply Template    sdc_user_remarks   ${SDC_USER_REMARKS_TEMPLATE}    ${map}
-    ${resp}=    SDC.Run Post Request    ${ASDC_BE_ENDPOINT}    ${ASDC_CATALOG_SERVICES_PATH}/${catalog_service_id}${ASDC_CATALOG_LIFECYCLE_PATH}/checkin    ${data}   ${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}     200
-    [Return]    ${resp.json()}
-Request Certify ASDC Catalog Service
-    [Documentation]    Requests certification of an ASDC Catalog Service by its id
-    [Arguments]    ${catalog_service_id}
-    ${map}=    Create Dictionary    user_remarks=Robot remarks
-    Templating.Create Environment    sdc_user_remarks    ${ASSETS_DIR}
-    ${data}=   Templating.Apply Template    sdc_user_remarks   ${SDC_USER_REMARKS_TEMPLATE}    ${map}
-    ${resp}=    SDC.Run Post Request    ${ASDC_BE_ENDPOINT}    ${ASDC_CATALOG_SERVICES_PATH}/${catalog_service_id}${ASDC_CATALOG_LIFECYCLE_PATH}/certificationRequest    ${data}   ${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}     200
-    [Return]    ${resp.json()}
-Start Certify ASDC Catalog Service
-    [Documentation]    Start certification of an ASDC Catalog Service by its id
-    [Arguments]    ${catalog_service_id}
-    ${resp}=    SDC.Run Post Request    ${ASDC_BE_ENDPOINT}    ${ASDC_CATALOG_SERVICES_PATH}/${catalog_service_id}${ASDC_CATALOG_LIFECYCLE_PATH}/startCertification    ${None}   ${ASDC_TESTER_USER_ID}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}     200
-    [Return]    ${resp.json()}
-Certify ASDC Catalog Service
-    [Documentation]    Certifies an ASDC Catalog Service by its id and returns the new id
-    [Arguments]    ${catalog_service_id}
-    ${map}=    Create Dictionary    user_remarks=Robot remarks
-    Templating.Create Environment    sdc_user_remarks    ${ASSETS_DIR}
-    ${data}=   Templating.Apply Template    sdc_user_remarks   ${SDC_USER_REMARKS_TEMPLATE}    ${map}
-    ${resp}=    SDC.Run Post Request    ${ASDC_BE_ENDPOINT}    ${ASDC_CATALOG_SERVICES_PATH}/${catalog_service_id}${ASDC_CATALOG_LIFECYCLE_PATH}/certify    ${data}   ${ASDC_TESTER_USER_ID}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}     200
-    [Return]    ${resp.json()['uniqueId']}
-Approve ASDC Catalog Service
-    [Documentation]    Approves an ASDC Catalog Service by its id
-    [Arguments]    ${catalog_service_id}
-    ${map}=    Create Dictionary    user_remarks=Robot remarks
-    Templating.Create Environment    sdc_user_remarks    ${ASSETS_DIR}
-    ${data}=   Templating.Apply Template    sdc_user_remarks   ${SDC_USER_REMARKS_TEMPLATE}    ${map}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}     200
-    [Return]    ${resp.json()}
diff --git a/tests/sdc-dcae-d/dcaed/assets/catalog_service.jinja b/tests/sdc-dcae-d/dcaed/assets/catalog_service_monitoring.jinja
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/sdc-dcae-d/dcaed/assets/catalog_service.jinja
rename to tests/sdc-dcae-d/dcaed/assets/catalog_service_monitoring.jinja
diff --git a/tests/sdc-dcae-d/dcaed/assets/component_catalog_resource.jinja b/tests/sdc-dcae-d/dcaed/assets/dcae_component_microservice.jinja
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/sdc-dcae-d/dcaed/assets/component_catalog_resource.jinja
rename to tests/sdc-dcae-d/dcaed/assets/dcae_component_microservice.jinja
diff --git a/tests/sdc-dcae-d/dcaed/common.robot b/tests/sdc-dcae-d/dcaed/common.robot
index d1e8c74..5b85570 100644
--- a/tests/sdc-dcae-d/dcaed/common.robot
+++ b/tests/sdc-dcae-d/dcaed/common.robot
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 *** Variables ***
-${ASDC_TESTER_USER_ID}    jm0007
-${ASDC_OPS_USER_ID}    op0001
+${SDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}    cs0008
+${SDC_TESTER_USER_ID}    jm0007
+${SDC_GOVERNOR_USER_ID}    gv0001
+${SDC_OPS_USER_ID}    op0001
diff --git a/tests/sdc-dcae-d/dcaed/monitoring_configuration_service_test.robot b/tests/sdc-dcae-d/dcaed/monitoring_configuration_service_test.robot
index 9a4bbc6..1941e35 100644
--- a/tests/sdc-dcae-d/dcaed/monitoring_configuration_service_test.robot
+++ b/tests/sdc-dcae-d/dcaed/monitoring_configuration_service_test.robot
@@ -1,78 +1,22 @@
 *** Settings ***
-Library           ONAPLibrary.Utilities
-Resource          asdc_interface.robot
-Resource          dcaed_interface.robot
+Resource          sdc_interface.robot
+Resource          sdc_dcaed_interface.robot
 *** Test Cases ***
+# This test case implements the steps described in
 Create Service With Monitoring Configuration Test
-    [Tags]  dcaed
-    [Documentation]   Create a service with a monitoring configuration -
-    ...               this test case implements the steps described in
-    ...     
-    ...               excluding distribution of the service
+    [Tags]  sdc-dcae-d
+    [Documentation]   Create a service with a monitoring configuration
-    ${unique_postfix}=  Generate Unique Postfix
+    ${unique_postfix}=  sdc_interface.Generate Unique Postfix
     ${test_vf_name}=   Set Variable   TestVF_${unique_postfix}
     ${test_cs_name}=   Set Variable   TestService_${unique_postfix}
     ${test_vfcmt_name}=   Set Variable   TestVFCMT_${unique_postfix}
     ${test_mc_name}=   Set Variable   TestMC_${unique_postfix}
-    ${cert_vf_unique_id}    ${cert_vf_uuid}   Onboard DCAE Microservice   ${test_vf_name}
-    ${cert_vfcmt_uuid}   Create Monitoring Template   ${test_vfcmt_name}   ${cert_vf_uuid}
-    ${cs_unique_id}   Create Monitoring Configuration   ${test_cs_name}   ${cert_vf_unique_id}   ${test_vf_name}   ${cert_vfcmt_uuid}   ${test_mc_name}
-    Approve Service    ${cs_unique_id}
-*** Keywords ***
-Generate Unique Postfix
-    [Documentation]   Create and return unique postfix to be used in various unique names  
-    ${tmp_id} =   Generate Timestamp
-    ${tmp_str} =   Convert To String   ${tmp_id}
-    [return]    ${tmp_str}
-Onboard DCAE Microservice
-    [Documentation]   Create DCAE Microservice with a given name, add Tosca artifacts to it and certify it
-    ...               Return the unique_id and uuid of the certified VF
-    [Arguments]   ${test_vf_name}
-    ${data}=  asdc_interface.Create Catalog Resource Data   ${test_vf_name}   TestVendor
-    ${vf_unique_id}=  asdc_interface.Post ASDC Resource Request Unauthenticated  ${data}
-    asdc_interface.Add Tosca Artifact to Resource   template   ${vf_unique_id}
-    asdc_interface.Add Tosca Artifact to Resource   translate   ${vf_unique_id}
-    asdc_interface.Add Tosca Artifact to Resource   schema   ${vf_unique_id}
-    ${cert_vf_unique_id}    ${cert_vf_uuid}    asdc_interface.Certify ASDC Catalog Resource   ${vf_unique_id}   ${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
-    [return]   ${cert_vf_unique_id}    ${cert_vf_uuid}
-Create Monitoring Template
-    [Documentation]   Create a new monitoring template containing the DCAE VF, certify it and return the uuid   
-    [Arguments]   ${vfcmt_name}   ${vf_uuid}
-    ${vfcmt_uuid}   dcaed_interface.Add VFCMT To DCAE-DS   ${vfcmt_name}
-    dcaed_interface.Save Composition   ${vfcmt_uuid}   ${vf_uuid}
-    # Note that certification is not instructed in
-    #
-    # due to limitations of GUI so this test case goes beyond the instructions at this certification step
-    ${cert_vfcmt_uuid}   dcaed_interface.Certify VFCMT   ${vfcmt_uuid}
-    [return]   ${cert_vfcmt_uuid}
-Create Monitoring Configuration
-    [Documentation]   Create a monitoring configuration for a given service based on a previously created VFCMT 
-    ...               Return the unique_id of the created catalog service for the monitoring configuration
-    [Arguments]   ${service_name}   ${vf_unique_id}   ${vf_name}   ${vfcmt_uuid}   ${mc_name}
-    ${cs_unique_id}   ${cs_uuid}    asdc_interface.Add Catalog Service For Monitoring Template   ${service_name}
-    ${vfi_uuid}  ${vfi_name}   asdc_interface.Add ASDC Resource Instance   ${cs_unique_id}   ${vf_unique_id}   ${vf_name}
-    ${mc_uuid}   dcaed_interface.Add Monitoring Configuration To DCAE-DS  ${vfcmt_uuid}   ${cs_uuid}    ${vfi_name}   ${mc_name}
-    dcaed_interface.Submit Monitoring Configuration To DCAE-DS   ${mc_uuid}   ${cs_uuid}  ${vfi_name}
-    [return]   ${cs_unique_id}
-Approve Service
-    [Documentation]    Perform the required steps to certify and approve the given ASDC catalog service
-    [Arguments]    ${cs_unique_id}
-    asdc_interface.Checkin ASDC Catalog Service    ${cs_unique_id}
-    asdc_interface.Request Certify ASDC Catalog Service    ${cs_unique_id}
-    asdc_interface.Start Certify ASDC Catalog Service    ${cs_unique_id}
-    ${cert_cs_unique_id}=    asdc_interface.Certify ASDC Catalog Service    ${cs_unique_id}
-    asdc_interface.Approve ASDC Catalog Service    ${cert_cs_unique_id}
+    ${cert_vf_unique_id}    ${cert_vf_uuid}   sdc_interface.Onboard DCAE Microservice   ${test_vf_name}
+    ${cert_vfcmt_uuid}   sdc_dcaed_interface.Create Monitoring Template   ${test_vfcmt_name}   ${cert_vf_uuid}
+    ${cs_unique_id}   ${cs_uuid}    ${vfi_name}   sdc_interface.Create Monitoring Configuration   ${test_cs_name}   ${cert_vf_unique_id}   ${test_vf_name}
+    sdc_dcaed_interface.Create Monitoring Configuration To DCAE-DS   ${cert_vfcmt_uuid}   ${cs_uuid}    ${vfi_name}    ${test_mc_name}
+    sdc_interface.Certify And Approve SDC Catalog Service    ${cs_unique_id}
diff --git a/tests/sdc-dcae-d/dcaed/dcaed_interface.robot b/tests/sdc-dcae-d/dcaed/sdc_dcaed_interface.robot
similarity index 64%
rename from tests/sdc-dcae-d/dcaed/dcaed_interface.robot
rename to tests/sdc-dcae-d/dcaed/sdc_dcaed_interface.robot
index 481210d..6f95ebc 100644
--- a/tests/sdc-dcae-d/dcaed/dcaed_interface.robot
+++ b/tests/sdc-dcae-d/dcaed/sdc_dcaed_interface.robot
@@ -14,6 +14,16 @@
 ${DCAE_BE_ENDPOINT}   http://localhost:8082
 *** Keywords ***
+Create Monitoring Template
+    [Documentation]   Create a new monitoring template containing the DCAE VF, certify it and return the uuid
+    [Arguments]   ${vfcmt_name}   ${vf_uuid}
+    ${vfcmt_uuid}   Add VFCMT To DCAE-DS   ${vfcmt_name}
+    Save Composition   ${vfcmt_uuid}   ${vf_uuid}
+    # Note that certification is not instructed in
+    #
+    # due to limitations of GUI so this test case goes beyond the instructions at this certification step
+    ${cert_vfcmt_uuid}   Certify VFCMT   ${vfcmt_uuid}
+    [return]   ${cert_vfcmt_uuid}
     [Documentation]   Create VFCMT with the given name and return its uuid
@@ -21,7 +31,7 @@
     ${map}=    Create Dictionary    vfcmtName=${vfcmt_name}   description=VFCMT created by robot
     Create Environment   create_vfcmt   ${ASSETS_DIR}
     ${data}=   Apply Template   create_vfcmt   ${DCAE_VFCMT_TEMPLATE}    ${map}
-    ${resp}=    SDC.Run Post Request    ${DCAE_BE_ENDPOINT}    ${DCAE_PATH}/createVFCMT     ${data}    ${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
+    ${resp}=    SDC.Run Post Request    ${DCAE_BE_ENDPOINT}    ${DCAE_PATH}/createVFCMT     ${data}    ${SDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
     Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}     200
     [Return]    ${resp.json()['uuid']}
@@ -30,27 +40,34 @@
     ${map}=    Create Dictionary    cid=${vfcmt_uuid}   vf_id=${vf_uuid}
     Create Environment   dcae_composition   ${ASSETS_DIR}
     ${data}=   Apply Template   dcae_composition   ${DCAE_COMPOSITION_TEMPLATE}    ${map}
-    ${resp}=    SDC.Run Post Request    ${DCAE_BE_ENDPOINT}    ${DCAE_PATH}/saveComposition/${vfcmt_uuid}     ${data}    ${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
+    ${resp}=    SDC.Run Post Request    ${DCAE_BE_ENDPOINT}    ${DCAE_PATH}/saveComposition/${vfcmt_uuid}     ${data}    ${SDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
     Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}     200
 Certify VFCMT
     [Arguments]   ${vfcmt_uuid}
-    ${resp}=    SDC.Run Put Request    ${DCAE_BE_ENDPOINT}    ${DCAE_PATH}/certify/vfcmt/${vfcmt_uuid}    ${None}    ${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
+    ${resp}=    SDC.Run Put Request    ${DCAE_BE_ENDPOINT}    ${DCAE_PATH}/certify/vfcmt/${vfcmt_uuid}    ${None}    ${SDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
     Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}     200
     [Return]    ${resp.json()['uuid']}
+Create Monitoring Configuration To DCAE-DS
+    [Documentation]   Create a monitoring configuration to DCAE-DS using SDC Catalog Service uuid,
+    ...               VFMCT uuid and instance name and monitoring configuration name
+    [Arguments]   ${vfcmt_uuid}   ${cs_uuid}   ${vfi_name}   ${mc_name}
+    ${mc_uuid}   Add Monitoring Configuration To DCAE-DS  ${vfcmt_uuid}   ${cs_uuid}    ${vfi_name}   ${mc_name}
+    Submit Monitoring Configuration To DCAE-DS   ${mc_uuid}   ${cs_uuid}  ${vfi_name}
 Add Monitoring Configuration To DCAE-DS
     [Arguments]   ${vfcmt_uuid}   ${cs_uuid}   ${vfi_name}   ${mc_name}
     ${map}=    Create Dictionary    template_uuid=${vfcmt_uuid}   service_uuid=${cs_uuid}   vfi_name=${vfi_name}  name=${mc_name}
     Create Environment   dcae_monitoring_configuration   ${ASSETS_DIR}
     ${data}=   Apply Template   dcae_monitoring_configuration   ${DCAE_MONITORING_CONFIGURATION_TEMPLATE}    ${map}
-    ${resp}=    SDC.Run Post Request    ${DCAE_BE_ENDPOINT}    ${DCAE_PATH}/importMC     ${data}    ${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
+    ${resp}=    SDC.Run Post Request    ${DCAE_BE_ENDPOINT}    ${DCAE_PATH}/importMC     ${data}    ${SDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
     Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}     200
     [Return]    ${resp.json()['vfcmt']['uuid']}
 Submit Monitoring Configuration To DCAE-DS
     [Arguments]   ${mc_uuid}   ${cs_uuid}   ${vfi_name}
     ${url_vfi_name}   url_encode_string  ${vfi_name}
-    ${resp}=    SDC.Run Post Request    ${DCAE_BE_ENDPOINT}    ${DCAE_PATH}${DCAE_CREATE_BLUEPRINT_PATH}/${mc_uuid}/${cs_uuid}/${url_vfi_name}     ${None}    ${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
+    ${resp}=    SDC.Run Post Request    ${DCAE_BE_ENDPOINT}    ${DCAE_PATH}${DCAE_CREATE_BLUEPRINT_PATH}/${mc_uuid}/${cs_uuid}/${url_vfi_name}     ${None}    ${SDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
     Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}     200
diff --git a/tests/sdc-dcae-d/dcaed/sdc_interface.robot b/tests/sdc-dcae-d/dcaed/sdc_interface.robot
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c1ceca4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/sdc-dcae-d/dcaed/sdc_interface.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Library           Collections
+Library           OperatingSystem
+Library           RequestsLibrary
+Library           ONAPLibrary.Utilities
+Library           ONAPLibrary.Templating    WITH NAME    Templating
+Library           ONAPLibrary.SDC    WITH NAME    SDC
+Resource          common.robot
+***Variables ***
+${SDC_CATALOG_SERVICES_PATH}    /sdc2/rest/v1/catalog/services
+${SDC_CATALOG_RESOURCES_PATH}    /sdc2/rest/v1/catalog/resources
+${SDC_CATALOG_LIFECYCLE_PATH}    /lifecycleState
+${SDC_DCAE_COMPONENT_MICROSERVICE_TEMPLATE}   dcae_component_microservice.jinja
+${SDC_CATALOG_SERVICE_MONITORING_TEMPLATE}    catalog_service_monitoring.jinja
+${SDC_ARTIFACT_UPLOAD_TEMPLATE}    artifact_upload.jinja
+${SDC_USER_REMARKS_TEMPLATE}    user_remarks.jinja
+${SDC_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_TEMPLATE}    resource_instance.jinja
+${SDC_BE_ENDPOINT}  http://localhost:8080
+*** Keywords ***
+Onboard DCAE Microservice
+    [Documentation]   Create DCAE Microservice with a given name, add Tosca artifacts to it and certify it
+    ...               Return the unique_id and uuid of the certified VF
+    [Arguments]   ${test_vf_name}
+    ${data}=  Create SDC Catalog Resource For DCAE Component MicroService Data   ${test_vf_name}   TestVendor
+    ${resp}=    SDC.Run Post Request    ${SDC_BE_ENDPOINT}    ${SDC_CATALOG_RESOURCES_PATH}    ${data}   ${SDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}     201
+    ${vf_unique_id}=    Set Variable    ${resp.json()['uniqueId']}
+    Add Tosca Artifact to Resource   template   ${vf_unique_id}
+    Add Tosca Artifact to Resource   translate   ${vf_unique_id}
+    Add Tosca Artifact to Resource   schema   ${vf_unique_id}
+    ${cert_vf_unique_id}    ${cert_vf_uuid}    Certify SDC Catalog Resource   ${vf_unique_id}   ${SDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
+    [return]   ${cert_vf_unique_id}    ${cert_vf_uuid}
+Create SDC Catalog Resource For DCAE Component MicroService Data
+    [Documentation]    Creates and returns data for DCAE Component MicroService SDC Catalog Resource
+    [Arguments]    ${resource_name}    ${vendor_name}
+    ${map}=    Create Dictionary    resource_name=${resource_name}    vendor_name=${vendor_name}
+    Templating.Create Environment    sdc_dcaed    ${ASSETS_DIR}
+    ${data}=   Templating.Apply Template    sdc_dcaed   ${SDC_DCAE_COMPONENT_MICROSERVICE_TEMPLATE}    ${map}
+    [Return]    ${data}
+# Based on testsuite/robot/resources/sdc_interface.robot's 'Setup SDC Catalog Resource Deployment Artifact Properties' keyword
+Add Tosca Artifact To Resource
+    [Documentation]  Add Tosca artifacts to given resource id
+    [Arguments]   ${artifact}   ${vf_id}
+    ${blueprint_data}    OperatingSystem.Get File    ${ASSETS_DIR}${artifact}.yaml
+    ${payloadData}=      Base64 Encode   ${blueprint_data}
+    ${dict}=    Create Dictionary  artifactLabel=${artifact}  artifactName=${artifact}.yaml   artifactType=DCAE_TOSCA  artifactGroupType=DEPLOYMENT  description=${artifact}.yaml  payloadData=${payloadData}
+    Templating.Create Environment    sdc_artifact_upload    ${ASSETS_DIR}
+    ${data}=   Templating.Apply Template    sdc_artifact_upload   ${SDC_ARTIFACT_UPLOAD_TEMPLATE}    ${dict}
+    # POST artifactUpload to resource
+    ${resp}=    SDC.Run Post Request    ${SDC_BE_ENDPOINT}    ${SDC_CATALOG_RESOURCES_PATH}/${vf_id}/artifacts    ${data}   ${SDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}     200
+    [Return]    ${resp}
+Add Catalog Service For Monitoring Template
+    [Documentation]    Creates SDC Catalog Service for Monitoring Template with given name
+    [Arguments]   ${service_name}
+    ${map}=    Create Dictionary    service_name=${service_name}
+    Templating.Create Environment    sdc_catalog_service    ${ASSETS_DIR}
+    ${data}=   Templating.Apply Template    sdc_catalog_service   ${SDC_CATALOG_SERVICE_MONITORING_TEMPLATE}    ${map}
+    ${resp}=    SDC.Run Post Request    ${SDC_BE_ENDPOINT}    ${SDC_CATALOG_SERVICES_PATH}    ${data}   ${SDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}     201
+    [Return]    ${resp.json()['uniqueId']}   ${resp.json()['uuid']}
+Generate Unique Postfix
+    [Documentation]   Create and return unique postfix to be used in various unique names
+    ${tmp_id} =   Generate Timestamp
+    ${tmp_str} =   Convert To String   ${tmp_id}
+    [return]    ${tmp_str}
+# Directly copied from testsuite/robot/resources/sdc_interface.robot
+Certify SDC Catalog Resource
+    [Documentation]    Certifies an SDC Catalog Resource by its id and returns the new id
+    [Arguments]    ${catalog_resource_id}    ${user_id}=${SDC_TESTER_USER_ID}
+    ${map}=    Create Dictionary    user_remarks=Robot remarks
+    Templating.Create Environment    sdc_user_remarks    ${ASSETS_DIR}
+    ${data}=   Templating.Apply Template    sdc_user_remarks   ${SDC_USER_REMARKS_TEMPLATE}    ${map}
+    ${resp}=    SDC.Run Post Request    ${SDC_BE_ENDPOINT}    ${SDC_CATALOG_RESOURCES_PATH}/${catalog_resource_id}${SDC_CATALOG_LIFECYCLE_PATH}/certify    ${data}   ${user_id}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}     200
+    [Return]    ${resp.json()['uniqueId']}   ${resp.json()['uuid']}
+# Based on testsuite/robot/resources/sdc_interface.robot's 'Add SDC Resource Instance' keyword
+Add SDC Resource Instance
+    [Documentation]    Creates an SDC Resource Instance and returns its id
+    [Arguments]    ${catalog_service_id}    ${catalog_resource_id}    ${catalog_resource_name}  ${xoffset}=${0}   ${yoffset}=${0}   ${resourceType}=VF
+    ${milli_timestamp}=    Generate Timestamp
+    ${xoffset}=    Set Variable   ${xoffset+306}
+    ${yoffset}=    Set Variable   ${yoffset+248}
+    ${map}=    Create Dictionary    catalog_resource_id=${catalog_resource_id}    catalog_resource_name=${catalog_resource_name}    milli_timestamp=${milli_timestamp}   posX=${xoffset}    posY=${yoffset}    originType=${resourceType}
+    Templating.Create Environment    sdc_resource_instance    ${ASSETS_DIR}
+    ${data}=   Templating.Apply Template    sdc_resource_instance   ${SDC_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_TEMPLATE}    ${map}
+    ${resp}=    SDC.Run Post Request    ${SDC_BE_ENDPOINT}    ${SDC_CATALOG_SERVICES_PATH}/${catalog_service_id}${SDC_CATALOG_SERVICE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_PATH}    ${data}   ${SDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}     201
+    [Return]    ${resp.json()['uniqueId']}   ${resp.json()['name']}
+Create Monitoring Configuration
+    [Documentation]   Create a monitoring configuration for a given service based on a previously created VFCMT
+    ...               Return the unique_id and uuid of the created catalog service for the monitoring configuration
+    ...               and the name of the related VFCMT instance
+    [Arguments]   ${service_name}   ${vf_unique_id}   ${vf_name}
+    ${cs_unique_id}   ${cs_uuid}    Add Catalog Service For Monitoring Template   ${service_name}
+    ${vfi_uuid}  ${vfi_name}   Add SDC Resource Instance   ${cs_unique_id}   ${vf_unique_id}   ${vf_name}
+    [return]   ${cs_unique_id}   ${cs_uuid}    ${vfi_name}
+Certify And Approve SDC Catalog Service
+    [Documentation]    Perform the required steps to certify and approve the given SDC catalog service
+    [Arguments]    ${cs_unique_id}
+    Checkin SDC Catalog Service    ${cs_unique_id}
+    Request Certify SDC Catalog Service    ${cs_unique_id}
+    Start Certify SDC Catalog Service    ${cs_unique_id}
+    ${cert_cs_unique_id}=    Certify SDC Catalog Service    ${cs_unique_id}
+    Approve SDC Catalog Service    ${cert_cs_unique_id}
+# All the following methods are adjusted from sdc_interface.robot
+Checkin SDC Catalog Service
+    [Documentation]    Checks in an SDC Catalog Service by its id
+    [Arguments]    ${catalog_service_id}
+    ${map}=    Create Dictionary    user_remarks=Robot remarks
+    Templating.Create Environment    sdc_user_remarks    ${ASSETS_DIR}
+    ${data}=   Templating.Apply Template    sdc_user_remarks   ${SDC_USER_REMARKS_TEMPLATE}    ${map}
+    ${resp}=    SDC.Run Post Request    ${SDC_BE_ENDPOINT}    ${SDC_CATALOG_SERVICES_PATH}/${catalog_service_id}${SDC_CATALOG_LIFECYCLE_PATH}/checkin    ${data}   ${SDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}     200
+    [Return]    ${resp.json()}
+Request Certify SDC Catalog Service
+    [Documentation]    Requests certification of an SDC Catalog Service by its id
+    [Arguments]    ${catalog_service_id}
+    ${map}=    Create Dictionary    user_remarks=Robot remarks
+    Templating.Create Environment    sdc_user_remarks    ${ASSETS_DIR}
+    ${data}=   Templating.Apply Template    sdc_user_remarks   ${SDC_USER_REMARKS_TEMPLATE}    ${map}
+    ${resp}=    SDC.Run Post Request    ${SDC_BE_ENDPOINT}    ${SDC_CATALOG_SERVICES_PATH}/${catalog_service_id}${SDC_CATALOG_LIFECYCLE_PATH}/certificationRequest    ${data}   ${SDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}     200
+    [Return]    ${resp.json()}
+Start Certify SDC Catalog Service
+    [Documentation]    Start certification of an SDC Catalog Service by its id
+    [Arguments]    ${catalog_service_id}
+    ${resp}=    SDC.Run Post Request    ${SDC_BE_ENDPOINT}    ${SDC_CATALOG_SERVICES_PATH}/${catalog_service_id}${SDC_CATALOG_LIFECYCLE_PATH}/startCertification    ${None}   ${SDC_TESTER_USER_ID}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}     200
+    [Return]    ${resp.json()}
+Certify SDC Catalog Service
+    [Documentation]    Certifies an SDC Catalog Service by its id and returns the new id
+    [Arguments]    ${catalog_service_id}
+    ${map}=    Create Dictionary    user_remarks=Robot remarks
+    Templating.Create Environment    sdc_user_remarks    ${ASSETS_DIR}
+    ${data}=   Templating.Apply Template    sdc_user_remarks   ${SDC_USER_REMARKS_TEMPLATE}    ${map}
+    ${resp}=    SDC.Run Post Request    ${SDC_BE_ENDPOINT}    ${SDC_CATALOG_SERVICES_PATH}/${catalog_service_id}${SDC_CATALOG_LIFECYCLE_PATH}/certify    ${data}   ${SDC_TESTER_USER_ID}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}     200
+    [Return]    ${resp.json()['uniqueId']}
+Approve SDC Catalog Service
+    [Documentation]    Approves an SDC Catalog Service by its id
+    [Arguments]    ${catalog_service_id}
+    ${map}=    Create Dictionary    user_remarks=Robot remarks
+    Templating.Create Environment    sdc_user_remarks    ${ASSETS_DIR}
+    ${data}=   Templating.Apply Template    sdc_user_remarks   ${SDC_USER_REMARKS_TEMPLATE}    ${map}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}     200
+    [Return]    ${resp.json()}