[WAIVER] Align file format fo  waiver management processing

for the nonssl_check, there is a light GO processing parsing the
xfail file
the comments at the end of a line are wrongly interprated
and the xfail file is not loaded

so 30277 # comment
is wrong
it shall be
so 30277

we can modify either the processing or the waiver file..
the waiver file change is trivial

Test succesfuly executed on daily
shoudl lead to a full 100% next time on security test on master
(istanbul candidate)

Issue-ID: TEST-360

Signed-off-by: morganrol <morgan.richomme@orange.com>
Change-Id: If67d295d6f1a84e3261468fa80c0c0342e564773
1 file changed
tree: 008a3e10b626709d4979a3c2f3ab4af3ffcd89fc
  1. waivers/
  2. .coafile
  3. .yamllint
  4. INFO.yaml
  5. recommended_versions.yaml
  6. tox.ini