Add DCAE deploy script
Add RAPPs blueprints
Add dcae-cli script for deploying RAPPs
Issue-ID: INT-1887
Signed-off-by: Krystian Kedron <>
Change-Id: I8aebf3e96b34d16e88432385c8fc61a42d283594
diff --git a/operations/dcae/ b/operations/dcae/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9af8284
--- /dev/null
+++ b/operations/dcae/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2019 by Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+# This software is the confidential and proprietary information of Samsung Electronics co., Ltd.
+# ("Confidential Information"). You shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use
+# it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into with Samsung.
+set -e
+declare -a rapp_blueprint_files=(
+ ${BLUEPRINTS_DIR}/k8s-datacollector.yaml
+ ${BLUEPRINTS_DIR}/k8s-sleepingcelldetector.yaml
+# Define deployment id names for rapps
+declare -a rapp_deployment_ids=(
+ rapp-datacollector
+ rapp-sleepingcelldetector
+exec_over_rapps() {
+ local action_func=$1
+ local rapp_filter=$2
+ for i in "${!rapp_blueprint_files[@]}"
+ do
+ if [[ "${DEPLOYMENT_ID_PREFIX}_${rapp_deployment_ids[$i]}" == *"$rapp_filter"* ]]; then
+ $action_func ${rapp_blueprint_files[$i]} ${rapp_deployment_ids[$i]}
+ fi
+ done
+case "$operation" in
+ -h|--help|help|?|"")
+ echo "Script usage:"
+ echo "$0 deploy - Deploy rapp(s)"
+ echo "$0 undeploy - Undeploy rapp(s)"
+ echo "$0 redeploy - Redeploy rapp(s)"
+ echo "$0 list - List rapps properties"
+ echo
+ echo "BLUEPRINTS_DIR and DEPLOYMENT_ID_PREFIX variables can be exported to override default value."
+ echo "BLUEPRINTS_DIR default value is 'blueprints'."
+ echo "DEPLOYMENT_ID_PREFIX is a string prefixed to given deployment_id in the deploy operation."
+ echo "In other operations prefixed form is used. DEPLOYMENT_ID_PREFIX default value is 'samsung'."
+ ;;
+ deploy)
+ rapp_filter=$2
+ # Create inputs. Currently the only input to be provided is database password and that is only
+ # applicable for datacollector r-app at the moment;
+ . ./
+ deployment_inputs="database_password=${DATABASE_PASSWORD}"
+ do_deploy() {
+ local blueprint_file=$1
+ local deployment_id=$2
+ if [[ "${deployment_id}" != "rapp-datacollector" ]]; then
+ deployment_inputs=""
+ fi
+ ./ deploy "${blueprint_file}" "${deployment_id}" "${DEPLOYMENT_ID_PREFIX}" "${deployment_inputs}"
+ }
+ exec_over_rapps do_deploy ${rapp_filter}
+ ./ list
+ ;;
+ undeploy)
+ rapp_filter=$2
+ do_undeploy() {
+ local blueprint_file=$1
+ local deployment_id=$2
+ ./ undeploy ${DEPLOYMENT_ID_PREFIX}_${deployment_id}
+ ./ delete $(basename ${blueprint_file} | cut -d'.' -f1)
+ }
+ exec_over_rapps do_undeploy ${rapp_filter}
+ ./ list
+ ;;
+ redeploy)
+ rapp_filter=$2
+ deployment_inputs_key_value=$3
+ do_redeploy() {
+ local blueprint_file=$1
+ local deployment_id=$2
+ ./ redeploy "${blueprint_file}" "${DEPLOYMENT_ID_PREFIX}_${deployment_id}" "${deployment_inputs_key_value}"
+ }
+ exec_over_rapps do_redeploy ${rapp_filter}
+ ./ list
+ ;;
+ get_deployment_input)
+ property=$2
+ rapp_filter=$3
+ do_input() {
+ local blueprint_file=$1
+ local deployment_id=$2
+ local full_id=${DEPLOYMENT_ID_PREFIX}_${deployment_id}
+ echo "${full_id}" "$(./ get_deployment_input ${full_id} ${property})"
+ }
+ exec_over_rapps do_input ${rapp_filter}
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Wrong usage, check '$0 -h'" >&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;