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Tutorial: Enable ONAP HPA Orchestation to Wind River Titanium Cloud
To fulfil the functional requirement of HPA enablement, MultiCloud plugin for
Wind River Titanium Cloud expects the administrator to provision the Titanium
Cloud instance conforming to certain conventions.
This tutorial demonstrates how to enable ONAP HPA orchestration to Wind River Titanium Cloud.
Architecture & Policies & Mappings
Please refer to the link for more architecture details:
Please refer to the link for more Policies&Mappings details:
Provision Flavors
configure openstack with proper flavors (with name prefixed by "onap." to carry HPA information to ONAP), example flavor:
.. code-block:: console
nova flavor-create onap.hpa.medium 110 4096 0 6
#cpu pining
nova flavor-key onap.hpa.medium set hw:cpu_policy=dedicated
nova flavor-key onap.hpa.medium set hw:cpu_thread_policy=prefer
#cpu topology
nova flavor-key onap.hpa.medium set hw:cpu_sockets=2
nova flavor-key onap.hpa.medium set hw:cpu_cores=4
nova flavor-key onap.hpa.medium set hw:cpu_threads=8
nova flavor-key onap.hpa.medium set hw:mem_page_size=large
nova flavor-key onap.hpa.medium set hw:numa_nodes=2
nova flavor-key onap.hpa.medium set hw:numa_cpus.0=0,1 hw:numa_cpus.1=2,3,4,5 hw:numa_mem.0=2048 hw:numa_mem.1=2048
Access configuration of Titanium Cloud Instance
collect following information for on-boarding this Cloud instance to ONAP:
.. code-block:: console
your openstack project name
your openstack user
your openstack password
your openstack keystone endpoint
your openstack Region ID: e.g. RegionOne
On-board the Titanium Cloud instance
Now you can onboard this Titanium Cloud instance, make sure the multicloud registration process is triggered.
See `Tutorial: Onboard instance of Wind River Titanium Cloud`