| .. |
| This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 |
| International License. |
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| Tutorial: Enable ONAP HPA Orchestation to Wind River Titanium Cloud |
| ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` |
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| To fulfil the functional requirement of HPA enablement, MultiCloud plugin for |
| Wind River Titanium Cloud expects the administrator to provision the Titanium |
| Cloud instance conforming to certain conventions. |
| |
| This tutorial demonstrates how to enable ONAP HPA orchestration to Wind River Titanium Cloud. |
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| Architecture & Policies & Mappings |
| ---------------------------------- |
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| Please refer to the link for more architecture details: |
| |
| .. |
| https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=20874679 |
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| Please refer to the link for more Policies&Mappings details: |
| |
| .. |
| https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/HPA+Policies+and+Mappings |
| |
| Provision Flavors |
| ----------------- |
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| configure openstack with proper flavors (with name prefixed by "onap." to carry HPA information to ONAP), example flavor: |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| nova flavor-create onap.hpa.medium 110 4096 0 6 |
| #cpu pining |
| nova flavor-key onap.hpa.medium set hw:cpu_policy=dedicated |
| nova flavor-key onap.hpa.medium set hw:cpu_thread_policy=prefer |
| #cpu topology |
| nova flavor-key onap.hpa.medium set hw:cpu_sockets=2 |
| nova flavor-key onap.hpa.medium set hw:cpu_cores=4 |
| nova flavor-key onap.hpa.medium set hw:cpu_threads=8 |
| #hugepage |
| nova flavor-key onap.hpa.medium set hw:mem_page_size=large |
| #numa |
| nova flavor-key onap.hpa.medium set hw:numa_nodes=2 |
| nova flavor-key onap.hpa.medium set hw:numa_cpus.0=0,1 hw:numa_cpus.1=2,3,4,5 hw:numa_mem.0=2048 hw:numa_mem.1=2048 |
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| Access configuration of Titanium Cloud Instance |
| ----------------------------------------------- |
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| collect following information for on-boarding this Cloud instance to ONAP: |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
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| your openstack project name |
| your openstack user |
| your openstack password |
| your openstack keystone endpoint |
| your openstack Region ID: e.g. RegionOne |
| |
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| On-board the Titanium Cloud instance |
| ------------------------------------ |
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| Now you can onboard this Titanium Cloud instance, make sure the multicloud registration process is triggered. |
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| See `Tutorial: Onboard instance of Wind River Titanium Cloud` |