[ROBOT] Reintegrate robot in main repository

Robot chart is currently in its own directory. As a lot will be done in
the charts with tight coordination between "common" part and components
parts, it's a lot easier to have everything in a same place for now.

we're using commit 85b5af5058bbda19b557add185d917f60c2188ee from robot

Issue-ID: OOM-2645
Signed-off-by: Sylvain Desbureaux <sylvain.desbureaux@orange.com>
Change-Id: I7c187b616d3436ed2eab7bf7e95cb6a1a90edf31
diff --git a/kubernetes/robot/templates/_ingress_svc_hostname.tpl b/kubernetes/robot/templates/_ingress_svc_hostname.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..160bfbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/robot/templates/_ingress_svc_hostname.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+# Copyright © 2020 Samsung Electronics
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+  For internal use only!
+  Return true value if robot via ingress test is enabled
+  The template takes two arguments:
+     - .parent: environment (.)
+     - .key: robot test component name
+{{- define "robot.ingress.svchost._isen" -}}
+  {{- $key := .key -}}
+  {{- $master := .parent.Values.config.useIngressHost -}}
+  {{- if hasKey $master "enabled" -}}
+    {{- if (index $master "enabled") -}}
+      {{- if hasKey $master $key -}}
+        {{- $en_parent := (index $master $key) -}}
+        {{- if hasKey $en_parent "enabled" -}}
+          {{- default "" (index $en_parent "enabled") -}}
+        {{- else -}}
+          {{- "" -}}
+        {{- end -}}
+      {{- else -}}
+        {{- "" -}}
+      {{- end -}}
+  {{- else -}}
+    {{- "" -}}
+  {{- end -}}
+ {{- else -}}
+   {{- "" -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+  For internal use only!
+  Return ingress alternative hotname if present
+  The template takes two arguments:
+     - .parent: environment (.)
+     - .key: robot test component name
+{{- define "robot.ingress.svchost._inghost" -}}
+  {{- $key := .key -}}
+  {{- $master := .parent.Values.config.useIngressHost -}}
+  {{- if hasKey $master $key -}}
+    {{- $h_parent := (index $master $key) -}}
+    {{- if hasKey $h_parent "hostname" -}}
+      {{- default "" (index $h_parent "hostname") -}}
+    {{- else -}}
+      {{- "" -}}
+    {{- end -}}
+  {{- else -}}
+    {{- "" -}}
+  {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+  For internal use only!
+  Return robot target port depending on the robot test configuration
+  or default value if config is not available
+  The template takes two arguments:
+     - .parent: environment (.)
+     - .key: robot test component name
+{{- define "robot.ingress.svchost._port" -}}
+  {{- $key := .key -}}
+  {{- $master := .parent.Values.config.useIngressHost -}}
+  {{- if hasKey $master $key -}}
+    {{- $https_parent := (index $master $key) -}}
+    {{- if hasKey $https_parent "https" -}}
+      {{- $ishttps := (index $https_parent "https") -}}
+      {{- ternary 443 80 $ishttps -}}
+    {{- else -}}
+      {{- 80 -}}
+    {{- end -}}
+  {{- else -}}
+    {{- 80 -}}
+  {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+  Return the hostname for tested compoment by robot
+  if the ingress is enabled it return cluster ingress
+  controller hostname. If the ingress controller in robot
+  test is disabled it returns the internal cluster hostname
+  The template takes two arguments:
+     - .root: root environment (.)
+     - .hostname: basename of host
+  Return string target hostname for robot test on particular component
+{{- define "robot.ingress.svchost" -}}
+  {{- $hostname := required "service hostname" .hostname -}}
+  {{- $tplhname := $hostname | replace "-" "_" -}}
+  {{- $ingress_enabled := include "robot.ingress.svchost._isen" (dict "parent" .root "key" $tplhname) -}}
+  {{- if $ingress_enabled -}}
+    {{- if .root.Values.global.ingress -}}
+    {{- if .root.Values.global.ingress.virtualhost -}}
+      {{- $domain := .root.Values.global.ingress.virtualhost.baseurl -}}
+      {{- $ihostname := default $hostname (include "robot.ingress.svchost._inghost" (dict "parent" .root "key" $tplhname)) -}}
+      {{- printf "%s.%s" $ihostname $domain -}}
+    {{- end -}}
+    {{- end -}}
+  {{- else -}}
+    {{- $domain := include "common.namespace" .root -}}
+    {{- printf "%s.%s" $hostname $domain -}}
+  {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+  Return the target port for the robot testing purpose
+  if the ingress is enabled it return cluster ingress
+  controller port. If the target port doesn't exists
+  it return default port
+  The template takes three arguments:
+     - .root: root environment (.)
+     - .hostname: basename of host
+     - .port Default target port
+  Return target port for tested components
+{{- define "robot.ingress.port" -}}
+  {{- $hostname := required "service hostname" .hostname -}}
+  {{- $port := required "service port" .port -}}
+  {{- $tplhname := $hostname | replace "-" "_" -}}
+  {{- $ingress_enabled := include "robot.ingress.svchost._isen" (dict "parent" .root "key" $tplhname) -}}
+  {{- if $ingress_enabled -}}
+    {{- include "robot.ingress.svchost._port" (dict "parent" .root "key" $tplhname) -}}
+  {{- else -}}
+    {{- printf "%d" $port -}}
+  {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}