What does this MR do?

Related issues

Author's checklist

  • [ ] The title of the MR is in form of [IMPACTED] A title

    • IMPACTED being an ONAP component (SO, AAI, ...) or OOM component ( DOC, COMMON, GENERAL, CI, ...)
  • [ ] You have filled What does thirs MR do?

  • [ ] You have filled Related issues

  • [ ] Your last commit message follows the rule:

    [IMPACTED] A title
    One or several sentences describing the isssue and the way it's solved
    Issue-ID: PROJECT-1234
    Signed-off-by: Your Name <your.email@company.com>
  • [ ] Your CLA is submitted in LF

Maintener's checklist

  • [ ] Title is OK
  • [ ] Commit Message is OK
  • [ ] Administrative checks are green
  • [ ] Linting checks are green
  • [ ] Gate is OK

/assign @maintainers