Helm Chart for Authentication Application

This component delivers:

  • Keycloak Realm creation and import
  • (Optionally) creation of AuthenticationPolicies for Ingress to enable OAuth Authentication and RoleBased access to Ingress APIs and UIs

REALM Configuration settings

General REALM settings

This sections sets the realm general attributes shown in Keycloak

  - name: <Realm ID>                - unique ID for a realm (e.g. "ONAP")
    displayName: <Display Name>     - (optional) Keycloak Display Name (e.g. "ONAP Realm")
    themes:                         - (optional) Keycloak Theme settings
      login: <login theme>          - (optional) Keycloak Theme for Login UI (e.g. "base")
      admin: <admin theme>          - (optional) Keycloak Theme for Admin UI (e.g. "base")
      account: <account theme>      - (optional) Keycloak Theme for Account UI (e.g. "base")
      email: <email theme>          - (optional) Keycloak Theme for Email UI (e.g. "base")
      frontendUrl: "<Keycloak URL>" - External Url for Keycloak access (e.g. "https://keycloak-$PARAM_BASE_URL/")

CLIENT definitions

In this section each realm authentication client is defined e.g. portal-bff, oauth2-proxy, grafana

possible "attribute" settings (maybe more):

  • id.token.as.detached.signature: "false"
  • exclude.session.state.from.auth.response: "false"
  • tls.client.certificate.bound.access.tokens: "false"
  • saml.allow.ecp.flow: "false"
  • saml.assertion.signature: "false"
  • saml.force.post.binding: "false"
  • saml.multivalued.roles: "false"
  • saml.encrypt: "false"
  • saml.server.signature: "false"
  • saml.server.signature.keyinfo.ext: "false"
  • saml.artifact.binding: "false"
  • saml_force_name_id_format: "false"
  • saml.client.signature: "false"
  • saml.authnstatement: "false"
  • saml.onetimeuse.condition: "false"
  • oidc.ciba.grant.enabled: "false"
  • frontchannel.logout.session.required: "true"
  • backchannel.logout.session.required: "true"
  • backchannel.logout.revoke.offline.tokens: "false"
  • client_credentials.use_refresh_token: "false"
  • acr.loa.map: "{}"
  • require.pushed.authorization.requests: "false"
  • oauth2.device.authorization.grant.enabled: "false"
  • display.on.consent.screen: "false"
  • token.response.type.bearer.lower-case: "false"
  • use.refresh.tokens: "true"
  • post.logout.redirect.uris: ''
        clientId: "<client ID>"                   - client ID
        name: "<client name>"                     - (optional) client name
        secret: <client secret>                   - (optional) client secret
        clientAuthenticatorType: <type>           - (optional) auth type (default: client-secret)
        protocol: <protocol>                      - (optional) auth protocol (default: openid-connect)
        description: "<description>"              - (optional) client description
        baseUrl: "<base path>"                    - (optional) url subpath (e.g. /application)
        rootUrl: "<root URL>"                     - (optional) root url
        adminUrl: "<admin URL>"                   - (optional) admin url
        bearerOnly: "<false|true>"                - (optional) bearerOnly (default: false)
        consentRequired: "<false|true>"           - (optional) consentRequired (default: false)
        standardFlowEnabled: "<false|true>"       - (optional) standardFlowEnabled (default: true)
        implicitFlowEnabled: "<false|true>"       - (optional) implicitFlowEnabled (default: false)
        directAccessGrantsEnabled: "<false|true>" - (optional) directAccessGrantsEnabled (default: true)
        serviceAccountsEnabled: "<false|true>"    - (optional) serviceAccountsEnabled (default: false)
        frontchannelLogout: "<false|true>"        - (optional) frontend channel logout (default: true)
        surrogateAuthRequired: "<false|true>"     - (optional) surrogate Auth Required (default: false)
        publicClient: "<false|true>"              - (optional) public Client (default: false)
        attributes:                               - (optional) attributes settings (see code)
          post.logout.redirect.uris: '<url>'      - example
        protocolMappers:                          - (optional) protocol mappers
          - name: "Audience for Oauth2Proxy"      - examples
            protocolMapper: "oidc-audience-mapper"
              included.client.audience: "oauth2-proxy-onap"
              id.token.claim: "false"
              access.token.claim: "true"
              included.custom.audience: "oauth2-proxy-onap"
          - name: "SDC-User"
            protocolMapper: "oidc-usermodel-attribute-mapper"
              multivalued: "false"
              userinfo.token.claim: "true"
              user.attribute: "sdc_user"
              id.token.claim: "true"
              access.token.claim: "true"
              claim.name: "sdc_user"
              jsonType.label: "String"
          - "onap_roles"
          - "https://portal-$PARAM_BASE_URL/*"
          - "http://localhost/*"
          - "https://argocd-$PARAM_BASE_URL"
          - "web-origins"
          - "profile"
          - "acr"
          - "email"
          - "roles"
          - "groups"

CLIENT SCOPE definitions

Here additional scopes besides the default scopes can be defined and set as default client scope

default scopes:

  • roles
  • groups
  • acr
  • profile
  • address
  • web-origin
  • phone
  • email
  • offline_access
  • role_list
  • microprofile-jwt
      - "onap_roles"
      - name: onap_roles
        description: OpenID Connect scope for add user onap roles to the access token
        - name: aud
          protocol: openid-connect
          protocolMapper: oidc-audience-mapper
          consentRequired: false
            included.client.audience: oauth2-proxy
            id.token.claim: 'false'
            access.token.claim: 'true'
        - name: client roles
          protocol: openid-connect
          protocolMapper: oidc-usermodel-client-role-mapper
          consentRequired: false
            multivalued: 'true'
            userinfo.token.claim: 'false'
            id.token.claim: 'true'
            access.token.claim: 'true'
            claim.name: onap_roles
            jsonType.label: String
            usermodel.clientRoleMapping.clientId: oauth2-proxy

Access control definitions

In this section additional roles (assignableRoles) besides the default roles can be set.

default roles:

  • user
  • admin
  • offline_access
  • uma_authorization
  • default-roles-

(optional) accessRoles can be defined. These access roles are used in the Ingress "Auhorization Policy" to restrict the access to certain services The access role is assigned to a realm client (e.g. oauth2_proxy)

        - name: onap-operator-read
          description: "Allows to perform GET operations for all ONAP components"
          associatedAccessRoles: [ "dmaap-bc-api-read", ... ]
        - name: dmaap-bc-api-read
          methodsAllowed: ["GET"]
          servicePrefix: dmaap-bc-api

GROUP definitions

    groups:                         - (optional) Group definitions
      - name: <group name>          - Group name
        path: /path>                - Group URL path
        roles: [ <role>,... ]       - (optional) List of Realm roles

USER definitions

    initialUsers:                   - (optional) List of initial users
      - username: <user name>       - Name of the User
        firstName: <first name>     - (optional) First Name
        lastName: <last name>       - (optional) Last Name
        email: <email>              - (optional) Email Address
        emailVerified : <true|false>- (optional)Email verified
        credentials:                - (optional) credentials
          - type: password          - (optional) initial password (<pwd>: encrypted password, <salt>: used salt)
            secretData: "{\"value\":\"<pwd>\",\"salt\":\"<salt>\"}"
            credentialData: "{\"hashIterations\":27500,\"algorithm\":\"pbkdf2-sha256\"}"
        attributes:                 - (optional) additional attributes
          sdc_user:                 - example attribute
            - "cs0008"
        realmRoles:                 - (optional) assigned realm roles
          - <role name>
        groups:                     - (optional) group membership
          - <group name>

Identity Provider and Mapper definitions

      - name: "gitlab"
        displayName: "gitlab"
          userInfoUrl: "https://gitlab.devops.telekom.de/oauth/userinfo"
          validateSignature: "true"
          clientId: "ee4e0db734157e9cdad16733656ba285f2f813354aa7c590a8693e48ed156860"
          tokenUrl: "https://gitlab.devops.telekom.de/oauth/token"
          jwksUrl: "https://gitlab.devops.telekom.de/oauth/discovery/keys"
          issuer: "https://gitlab.devops.telekom.de"
          useJwksUrl: "true"
          authorizationUrl: "https://gitlab.devops.telekom.de/oauth/authorize"
          clientAuthMethod: "client_secret_post"
          syncMode: "IMPORT"
          clientSecret: "gloas-35267790bf6fb7c4b507aea11db46d80174cb8ef4192e77424803b595eef735e"
          defaultScope: "openid read_user email"
      - name: "argo-admins"
        identityProviderAlias: "gitlab"
        identityProviderMapper: "oidc-advanced-group-idp-mapper"
          claims: "[{\"key\":\"groups_direct\",\"value\":\"dt-rc\"}]"
          syncMode: "FORCE"
          group: "/ArgoCDAdmins"
      - name: "ArgoCDRestricted"
        identityProviderAlias: "gitlab"
        identityProviderMapper: "oidc-advanced-group-idp-mapper"
          claims: "[{\"key\":\"groups_direct\",\"value\":\"\"}]"
          syncMode: "FORCE"
          group: "/ArgoCDRestricted"
      - name: "lastName "
        identityProviderAlias: "gitlab"
        identityProviderMapper: "oidc-user-attribute-idp-mapper"
          claim: "nickname"
          syncMode: "FORCE"
          user.attribute: "lastName"

SMTP Server definitions

      password: "<password>"
      starttls: "true"
      auth: "true"
      port: "587"
      host: "<mailserver>"
      from: "<mail-address>"
      fromDisplayName: "onapsupport"
      ssl: "false"
      user: "onapsupport"

Ingress Authentication settings

Activating the Ingress Authentication (enabled: true) will create AuthorizationPolicy resources for each defined "accessControl.accessRoles" in a REALM definition.

  enabled: false
    - '{{ include "ingress.config.host" (dict "dot" . "baseaddr" "keycloak-ui") }}'
    - '{{ include "ingress.config.host" (dict "dot" . "baseaddr" "portal-ui") }}'
    - '{{ include "ingress.config.host" (dict "dot" . "baseaddr" "minio-console") }}'
    - '{{ include "ingress.config.host" (dict "dot" . "baseaddr" "uui-server") }}'