[COMMON][DOC] Bump version Guilin

Update charts and requirements to 7.0.0.
Create release notes for Guilin
Update documentation

Issue-ID: OOM-2638
Signed-off-by: Sylvain Desbureaux <sylvain.desbureaux@orange.com>
Change-Id: I965ed6b6ebb7d74bfddaff73edd3dd55a657841c
diff --git a/docs/oom_cloud_setup_guide.rst b/docs/oom_cloud_setup_guide.rst
index 9a34036..e54992e 100644
--- a/docs/oom_cloud_setup_guide.rst
+++ b/docs/oom_cloud_setup_guide.rst
@@ -46,16 +46,21 @@
 .. table:: OOM Software Requirements
-  ==============     ===========  ======  ========  ========
-  Release            Kubernetes   Helm    kubectl   Docker
-  ==============     ===========  ======  ========  ========
-  amsterdam          1.7.x        2.3.x   1.7.x     1.12.x
-  beijing            1.8.10       2.8.2   1.8.10    17.03.x
-  casablanca         1.11.5       2.9.1   1.11.5    17.03.x
-  dublin             1.13.5       2.12.3  1.13.5    18.09.5
-  el alto            1.15.2       2.14.2  1.15.2    18.09.x
-  frankfurt          1.15.9       2.16.6  1.15.11   18.09.x
-  ==============     ===========  ======  ========  ========
+  ==============     ===========  =======  ========  ========
+  Release            Kubernetes   Helm     kubectl   Docker
+  ==============     ===========  =======  ========  ========
+  amsterdam          1.7.x        2.3.x    1.7.x     1.12.x
+  beijing            1.8.10       2.8.2    1.8.10    17.03.x
+  casablanca         1.11.5       2.9.1    1.11.5    17.03.x
+  dublin             1.13.5       2.12.3   1.13.5    18.09.5
+  el alto            1.15.2       2.14.2   1.15.2    18.09.x
+  frankfurt          1.15.9       2.16.6   1.15.11   18.09.x
+  guilin             1.15.11      2.16.10  1.15.11   18.09.x
+  ==============     ===========  =======  ========  ========
+.. note::
+  Guilin version also supports Kubernetes up to version 1.19.x and should work
+  with Helm with version up to 3.3.x but has not been thoroughly tested.
 Minimum Hardware Configuration