[OOM-71] Message Router Kubernetes-Tosca Templates

Change-Id: I6f3afcea03a033a502b85aa7e7729b42e9e5dd4f
Signed-off-by: earthmant <trammell@cloudify.co>
diff --git a/cloudify/inputs/message-router-blueprint.yaml.example b/cloudify/inputs/message-router-blueprint.yaml.example
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecab0ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cloudify/inputs/message-router-blueprint.yaml.example
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+join_command: kubeadm join --token f66aad.cb001cc90bd69b38
+flavor: 3
+    apiVersion: v1
+    clusters:
+    - cluster:
+        server:
+      name: kubernetes
+    contexts:
+    - context:
+        cluster: kubernetes
+        user: kubernetes-admin
+      name: kubernetes-admin@kubernetes
+    current-context: kubernetes-admin@kubernetes
+    kind: Config
+    preferences: {}
+    users:
+    - name: kubernetes-admin
+      user:
diff --git a/cloudify/scripts/configure_node.py b/cloudify/scripts/configure_node.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cfa206
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cloudify/scripts/configure_node.py
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import subprocess
+from cloudify import ctx
+from cloudify.state import ctx_parameters as inputs
+def execute_command(_command):
+    ctx.logger.debug('_command {0}.'.format(_command))
+    subprocess_args = {
+        'args': _command.split(),
+        'stdout': subprocess.PIPE,
+        'stderr': subprocess.PIPE
+    }
+    ctx.logger.debug('subprocess_args {0}.'.format(subprocess_args))
+    process = subprocess.Popen(**subprocess_args)
+    output, error = process.communicate()
+    ctx.logger.debug('command: {0} '.format(_command))
+    ctx.logger.debug('output: {0} '.format(output))
+    ctx.logger.debug('error: {0} '.format(error))
+    ctx.logger.debug('process.returncode: {0} '.format(process.returncode))
+    if process.returncode:
+        ctx.logger.error('Running `{0}` returns error.'.format(_command))
+        return False
+    return output
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    join_command = inputs['join_command']
+    join_command = 'sudo {0} --skip-preflight-checks'.format(join_command)
+    execute_command(join_command)
+    # Install weave-related utils
+    execute_command('sudo curl -L git.io/weave -o /usr/local/bin/weave')
+    execute_command('sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/weave')
+    execute_command('sudo curl -L git.io/scope -o /usr/local/bin/scope')
+    execute_command('sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/scope')
+    execute_command('/usr/local/bin/scope launch')
+    hostname = execute_command('hostname')
+    ctx.instance.runtime_properties['hostname'] = hostname.rstrip('\n')
diff --git a/cloudify/scripts/create.py b/cloudify/scripts/create.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb362a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cloudify/scripts/create.py
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import subprocess
+from cloudify import ctx
+from cloudify.exceptions import OperationRetry
+def check_command(command):
+    try:
+        process = subprocess.Popen(
+            command.split()
+        )
+    except OSError:
+        return False
+    output, error = process.communicate()
+    ctx.logger.debug('command: {0} '.format(command))
+    ctx.logger.debug('output: {0} '.format(output))
+    ctx.logger.debug('error: {0} '.format(error))
+    ctx.logger.debug('process.returncode: {0} '.format(process.returncode))
+    if process.returncode:
+        ctx.logger.error('Running `{0}` returns error.'.format(command))
+        return False
+    return True
+def execute_command(_command):
+    ctx.logger.debug('_command {0}.'.format(_command))
+    subprocess_args = {
+        'args': _command.split(),
+        'stdout': subprocess.PIPE,
+        'stderr': subprocess.PIPE
+    }
+    ctx.logger.debug('subprocess_args {0}.'.format(subprocess_args))
+    process = subprocess.Popen(**subprocess_args)
+    output, error = process.communicate()
+    ctx.logger.debug('command: {0} '.format(_command))
+    ctx.logger.debug('output: {0} '.format(output))
+    ctx.logger.debug('error: {0} '.format(error))
+    ctx.logger.debug('process.returncode: {0} '.format(process.returncode))
+    if process.returncode:
+        ctx.logger.error('Running `{0}` returns error.'.format(_command))
+        return False
+    return output
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    docker_command = 'docker ps'
+    if not check_command(docker_command):
+        raise OperationRetry('Waiting for docker to be installed.')
+    finished = False
+    ps = execute_command('ps -ef')
+    for line in ps.split('\n'):
+        if '/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/cloud-init modules' in line:
+            ctx.logger.error('in line')
+            raise OperationRetry('Waiting for Cloud Init to finish.')
+    ctx.logger.info('Docker is ready and Cloud Init finished.')
diff --git a/cloudify/scripts/tasks.py b/cloudify/scripts/tasks.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..035a780
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cloudify/scripts/tasks.py
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from fabric.api import run
+def label_node(labels, hostname):
+    if labels:
+        label_list = []
+        for key, value in labels.items():
+            label_pair_string = '%s=%s' % (key, value)
+            label_list.append(label_pair_string)
+        label_string = ' '.join(label_list)
+        command = 'kubectl label nodes %s %s' % (hostname, label_string)
+        run(command)
+def stop_node(hostname):
+    command = 'kubectl drain %s' % (hostname)
+    run(command)
+def delete_node(hostname):
+    command = 'kubectl delete no %s' % (hostname)
+    run(command)
diff --git a/cloudify/types/kubernetes.yaml b/cloudify/types/kubernetes.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1698aa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cloudify/types/kubernetes.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+  join_command:
+    type: string
+  labels:
+    default:
+      app: { get_input: app_name }
+  kubernetes_master_ip:
+    type: string
+  kubernetes_master_agent_user:
+    default: { get_input: agent_user }
+  cloudify.nodes.Kubernetes.Node:
+    derived_from: cloudify.nodes.Root
+    interfaces:
+      cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle:
+        create:
+          implementation: cloudify/scripts/create.py
+        configure:
+          implementation: cloudify/scripts/configure_node.py
+          inputs:
+            join_command:
+              default: { get_input: join_command }
+        start:
+          implementation: fabric.fabric_plugin.tasks.run_task
+          inputs:
+            tasks_file:
+              default: cloudify/scripts/tasks.py
+            task_name:
+              default: label_node
+            task_properties:
+              default:
+                hostname: { get_attribute: [ SELF, hostname ] }
+                labels: { get_input: labels }
+            fabric_env:
+              default:
+                host_string: { get_input: kubernetes_master_ip }
+                user: { get_input: kubernetes_master_agent_user }
+                key: { get_secret: agent_key_private }
+#        stop:
+#          implementation: fabric.fabric_plugin.tasks.run_task
+#          inputs:
+#            tasks_file:
+#              default: cloudify/scripts/tasks.py
+#            task_name:
+#              default: stop_node
+#            task_properties:
+#              default:
+#                hostname: { get_attribute: [ SELF, hostname ] }
+#            fabric_env:
+#              default:
+#                host_string: { get_input: kubernetes_master_ip }
+#                user: { get_input: kubernetes_master_agent_user }
+#                key: { get_secret: agent_key_private }
+        delete:
+          implementation: fabric.fabric_plugin.tasks.run_task
+          inputs:
+            tasks_file:
+              default: cloudify/scripts/tasks.py
+            task_name:
+              default: delete_node
+            task_properties:
+              default:
+                hostname: { get_attribute: [ SELF, hostname ] }
+            fabric_env:
+              default:
+                host_string: { get_input: kubernetes_master_ip }
+                user: { get_input: kubernetes_master_agent_user }
+                key: { get_secret: agent_key_private }
+  cloudify.kubernetes.resources.Namespace:
+    derived_from: cloudify.kubernetes.resources.Main
+    properties:
+      _api_mapping:
+        default:
+          create:
+            api: CoreV1Api
+            method: create_namespace
+            payload: V1Namespace
+          read:
+            api: CoreV1Api
+            method: read_namespace
+          delete:
+            api: CoreV1Api
+            method: delete_namespace
+            payload: V1DeleteOptions
diff --git a/message-router-blueprint.yaml b/message-router-blueprint.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98a2830
--- /dev/null
+++ b/message-router-blueprint.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: cloudify_dsl_1_3
+description: >
+  This example deploys the OOM Message Router application. Each service/deployment pair is associated with a single Kubernetes node.
+  The following resources are created:
+  - Security Group
+  - openstack_port_zookeeper - NIC that connects to the Openstack Server
+  - openstack_port_kafka - NIC that connects to the Openstack Server
+  - openstack_port_dmaap - NIC that connects to the Openstack Server
+  - openstack_server_zookeeper - a VM that a Kubernetes Node is installed on.
+  - openstack_server_kafka - a VM that a Kubernetes Node is installed on.
+  - openstack_server_dmaap - a VM that a Kubernetes Node is installed on.
+  - kubernetes_node_zookeeper - a Kubernetes node that will join the Kubernetes cluster.
+  - kubernetes_node_kafka - a Kubernetes node that will join the Kubernetes cluster.
+  - kubernetes_node_dmaap - a Kubernetes node that will join the Kubernetes cluster.
+  - kubernetes_deployment_zookeeper - a Kubernetes deployment.
+  - kubernetes_deployment_kafka - a Kubernetes deployment.
+  - kubernetes_deployment_dmaap - a Kubernetes deployment.
+  - kubernetes_service_zookeeper - a Kubernetes service.
+  - kubernetes_service_kafka - a Kubernetes service.
+  - kubernetes_service_dmaap - a Kubernetes service.
+  The following pre-setup steps are assumed, but not required:
+  - Create Cloudify Example Environment: https://github.com/cloudify-examples/cloudify-environment-setup.
+  - Create Kubernetes Cluster: https://github.com/cloudify-examples/simple-kubernetes-blueprint.
+  - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloudify-cosmo/cloudify-manager/4.1/resources/rest-service/cloudify/types/types.yaml
+  # Plugin required: https://github.com/cloudify-cosmo/cloudify-openstack-plugin/releases/download/2.2.0/cloudify_openstack_plugin-2.2.0-py27-none-linux_x86_64-centos-Core.wgn
+  - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloudify-cosmo/cloudify-openstack-plugin/2.2.0/plugin.yaml
+  # Plugin required: https://github.com/cloudify-incubator/cloudify-utilities-plugin/releases/download/1.2.5/cloudify_utilities_plugin-1.2.5-py27-none-linux_x86_64-centos-Core.wgn
+  - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloudify-incubator/cloudify-utilities-plugin/1.2.5/plugin.yaml
+  # Plugin required: https://github.com/cloudify-incubator/cloudify-kubernetes-plugin/releases/download/1.2.0/cloudify_kubernetes_plugin-1.2.0-py27-none-linux_x86_64-centos-Core.wgn
+  - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloudify-incubator/cloudify-kubernetes-plugin/1.2.0/plugin.yaml
+  # Plugin required: http://repository.cloudifysource.org/cloudify/wagons/cloudify-diamond-plugin/1.3.5/cloudify_diamond_plugin-1.3.5-py27-none-linux_x86_64-centos-Core.wgn
+  - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloudify-cosmo/cloudify-diamond-plugin/1.3.5/plugin.yaml
+  # Plugin required: http://repository.cloudifysource.org/cloudify/wagons/cloudify-fabric-plugin/1.5/cloudify_fabric_plugin-1.5-py27-none-linux_x86_64-centos-Core.wgn
+  - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloudify-cosmo/cloudify-fabric-plugin/1.5/plugin.yaml
+  - cloudify/types/kubernetes.yaml
+  configuration_file_content:
+    type: string
+  NS:
+    default: oom
+  image:
+    description: Image to be used when launching agent VMs
+    default: { get_secret: centos_core_image }
+  flavor:
+    description: Flavor of the agent VMs
+    default: { get_secret: large_image_flavor }
+  agent_user:
+    description: >
+      User for connecting to agent VMs
+    default: centos
+  app_name:
+    default: message-router
+  security_group:
+    default: { concat: [ 'secgrp_', { get_input: app_name } ] }
+  openstack_config: &openstack_config
+    username: { get_secret: keystone_username }
+    password: { get_secret: keystone_password }
+    tenant_name: { get_secret: keystone_tenant_name }
+    auth_url: { get_secret: keystone_url }
+    region: { get_secret: region }
+  openstack_server_port_group_zookeeper:
+    members:
+      - openstack_server_zookeeper
+      - openstack_port_zookeeper
+  openstack_server_port_group_kafka:
+    members:
+      - openstack_server_kafka
+      - openstack_port_kafka
+  openstack_server_port_group_dmaap:
+    members:
+      - openstack_server_dmaap
+      - openstack_port_dmaap
+  openstack_server_port_policies_scaling:
+    type: cloudify.policies.scaling
+    properties:
+      default_instances:  1
+    targets:
+    - openstack_server_port_group_zookeeper
+    - openstack_server_port_group_kafka
+    - openstack_server_port_group_dmaap
+  kubernetes_service_zookeeper:
+    type: cloudify.kubernetes.resources.Service
+    properties:
+      definition:
+        apiVersion: v1
+        kind: Service
+        metadata:
+          name: zookeeper
+          labels:
+            app: zookeeper
+        spec:
+          ports:
+          - name: zookeeper1
+            port: 2181
+          selector:
+            app: zookeeper
+          clusterIP: None
+    relationships:
+      - type: cloudify.kubernetes.relationships.managed_by_master
+        target: k8s
+      - type: cloudify.relationships.depends_on
+        target: kubernetes_deployment_zookeeper
+  kubernetes_deployment_zookeeper:
+    type: cloudify.kubernetes.resources.Deployment
+    properties:
+      definition:
+        file:
+          resource_path: kubernetes/message-router/message-router-zookeeper.yaml
+    relationships:
+      - type: cloudify.kubernetes.relationships.managed_by_master
+        target: k8s
+      - type: cloudify.relationships.depends_on
+        target: kubernetes_node_zookeeper
+  kubernetes_node_zookeeper:
+    type: cloudify.nodes.Kubernetes.Node
+    relationships:
+      - type: cloudify.relationships.contained_in
+        target: openstack_server_zookeeper
+    interfaces:
+      cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle:
+        start:
+          implementation: fabric.fabric_plugin.tasks.run_task
+          inputs:
+            task_properties:
+              hostname: { get_attribute: [ SELF, hostname ] }
+              labels:
+                app: zookeeper
+  openstack_server_zookeeper:
+    type: cloudify.openstack.nodes.Server
+    properties: &openstack_server_properties
+      openstack_config: *openstack_config
+      agent_config:
+          user: { get_input: agent_user }
+          install_method: remote
+          port: 22
+          key: { get_secret: agent_key_private }
+      server:
+        key_name: ''
+        image: ''
+        flavor: ''
+      management_network_name: { get_property: [ private_network, resource_id ] }
+    relationships:
+      - type: cloudify.relationships.contained_in
+        target: k8s_node_scaling_tier
+      - target: openstack_port_zookeeper
+        type: cloudify.openstack.server_connected_to_port
+      - type: cloudify.relationships.depends_on
+        target: cloud_init_openstack_server
+    interfaces: &openstack_server_interfaces
+      cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle:
+        create:
+          inputs:
+            args:
+              image: { get_input: image }
+              flavor: { get_input: flavor }
+              userdata: { get_attribute: [ cloud_init_openstack_server, cloud_config ] }
+      cloudify.interfaces.monitoring_agent:
+          install:
+            implementation: diamond.diamond_agent.tasks.install
+            inputs:
+              diamond_config:
+                interval: 1
+          start: diamond.diamond_agent.tasks.start
+          stop: diamond.diamond_agent.tasks.stop
+          uninstall: diamond.diamond_agent.tasks.uninstall
+      cloudify.interfaces.monitoring:
+          start:
+            implementation: diamond.diamond_agent.tasks.add_collectors
+            inputs:
+              collectors_config:
+                CPUCollector: {}
+                MemoryCollector: {}
+                LoadAverageCollector: {}
+                DiskUsageCollector:
+                  config:
+                    devices: x?vd[a-z]+[0-9]*$
+                NetworkCollector: {}
+                ProcessResourcesCollector:
+                  config:
+                    enabled: true
+                    unit: B
+                    measure_collector_time: true
+                    cpu_interval: 0.5
+                    process:
+                      hyperkube:
+                        name: hyperkube
+  openstack_port_zookeeper:
+    type: cloudify.openstack.nodes.Port
+    properties:
+      openstack_config: *openstack_config
+    relationships: &openstack_port_relationships
+      - type: cloudify.relationships.contained_in
+        target: k8s_node_scaling_tier
+      - type: cloudify.relationships.connected_to
+        target: private_network
+      - type: cloudify.relationships.depends_on
+        target: private_subnet
+      - type: cloudify.openstack.port_connected_to_security_group
+        target: security_group
+  kubernetes_service_kafka:
+    type: cloudify.kubernetes.resources.Service
+    properties:
+      definition:
+        apiVersion: v1
+        kind: Service
+        metadata:
+          name: global-kafka
+          labels:
+            app: global-kafka
+        spec:
+          ports:
+          - name: kafka1
+            port: 9092
+          selector:
+            app: global-kafka
+          clusterIP: None
+    relationships:
+      - type: cloudify.kubernetes.relationships.managed_by_master
+        target: k8s
+      - type: cloudify.relationships.depends_on
+        target: kubernetes_deployment_kafka
+  kubernetes_deployment_kafka:
+    type: cloudify.kubernetes.resources.Deployment
+    properties:
+      definition:
+        file:
+          resource_path: kubernetes/message-router/message-router-kafka.yaml
+    relationships:
+      - type: cloudify.kubernetes.relationships.managed_by_master
+        target: k8s
+      - type: cloudify.relationships.depends_on
+        target: kubernetes_node_kafka
+      - type: cloudify.relationships.depends_on
+        target: kubernetes_deployment_zookeeper
+  kubernetes_node_kafka:
+    type: cloudify.nodes.Kubernetes.Node
+    relationships:
+      - type: cloudify.relationships.contained_in
+        target: openstack_server_kafka
+    interfaces:
+      cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle:
+        start:
+          implementation: fabric.fabric_plugin.tasks.run_task
+          inputs:
+            task_properties:
+              hostname: { get_attribute: [ SELF, hostname ] }
+              labels:
+                app: global-kafka
+  openstack_server_kafka:
+    type: cloudify.openstack.nodes.Server
+    properties: *openstack_server_properties
+    relationships:
+      - type: cloudify.relationships.contained_in
+        target: k8s_node_scaling_tier
+      - target: openstack_port_kafka
+        type: cloudify.openstack.server_connected_to_port
+      - type: cloudify.relationships.depends_on
+        target: cloud_init_openstack_server
+    interfaces: *openstack_server_interfaces
+  openstack_port_kafka:
+    type: cloudify.openstack.nodes.Port
+    properties:
+      openstack_config: *openstack_config
+    relationships: *openstack_port_relationships
+  kubernetes_service_dmaap:
+    type: cloudify.kubernetes.resources.Service
+    properties:
+      definition:
+        apiVersion: v1
+        kind: Service
+        metadata:
+          name: dmaap
+          labels:
+            app: dmaap
+            version: 1.0.0
+        spec:
+          ports:
+          - name: mr1
+            port: 3904
+            nodePort: 30227
+          - name: mr2
+            port: 3905
+            nodePort: 30226
+          selector:
+            app: dmaap
+          type: NodePort
+    relationships:
+      - type: cloudify.kubernetes.relationships.managed_by_master
+        target: k8s
+      - type: cloudify.relationships.depends_on
+        target: kubernetes_deployment_dmaap
+  kubernetes_deployment_dmaap:
+    type: cloudify.kubernetes.resources.Deployment
+    properties:
+      definition:
+        file:
+          resource_path: kubernetes/message-router/message-router-dmaap.yaml
+    relationships:
+      - type: cloudify.kubernetes.relationships.managed_by_master
+        target: k8s
+      - type: cloudify.relationships.depends_on
+        target: kubernetes_node_dmaap
+      - type: cloudify.relationships.depends_on
+        target: kubernetes_deployment_zookeeper
+  kubernetes_node_dmaap:
+    type: cloudify.nodes.Kubernetes.Node
+    relationships:
+      - type: cloudify.relationships.contained_in
+        target: openstack_server_dmaap
+    interfaces:
+      cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle:
+        start:
+          implementation: fabric.fabric_plugin.tasks.run_task
+          inputs:
+            task_properties:
+              hostname: { get_attribute: [ SELF, hostname ] }
+              labels:
+                app: global-dmaap
+  openstack_server_dmaap:
+    type: cloudify.openstack.nodes.Server
+    properties: *openstack_server_properties
+    relationships:
+      - type: cloudify.relationships.contained_in
+        target: k8s_node_scaling_tier
+      - target: openstack_port_dmaap
+        type: cloudify.openstack.server_connected_to_port
+      - type: cloudify.relationships.depends_on
+        target: cloud_init_openstack_server
+    interfaces: *openstack_server_interfaces
+  openstack_port_dmaap:
+    type: cloudify.openstack.nodes.Port
+    properties:
+      openstack_config: *openstack_config
+    relationships: *openstack_port_relationships
+  security_group:
+    type: cloudify.openstack.nodes.SecurityGroup
+    properties:
+      openstack_config: *openstack_config
+      security_group:
+        name: { get_input: security_group }
+        description: kubernetes master security group
+      rules:
+      rules:
+      - remote_ip_prefix:
+        port: 22
+      - remote_ip_prefix:
+        port: 53
+      - remote_ip_prefix:
+        port: 53
+        protocol: udp
+      - remote_ip_prefix:
+        port: 80
+      - remote_ip_prefix:
+        port: 443
+      - remote_ip_prefix:
+        port: 2379
+      - remote_ip_prefix:
+        port: 4001
+      - remote_ip_prefix:
+        port: 4789
+      - remote_ip_prefix:
+        port: 6443
+      - remote_ip_prefix:
+        port: 6783
+        protocol: tcp
+      - remote_ip_prefix:
+        port: 6783
+        protocol: udp
+      - remote_ip_prefix:
+        port: 6784
+        protocol: tcp
+      - remote_ip_prefix:
+        port: 6784
+        protocol: udp
+      - remote_ip_prefix:
+        port: 8000
+      - remote_ip_prefix:
+        port: 8080
+      - remote_ip_prefix:
+        port: 9090
+      - remote_ip_prefix:
+        port: 10250
+      - remote_ip_prefix:
+        port: 2181
+      - remote_ip_prefix:
+        port: 9092
+      - remote_ip_prefix:
+        port: 3904
+      - remote_ip_prefix:
+        port: 30227
+      - remote_ip_prefix:
+        port: 3905
+      - remote_ip_prefix:
+        port: 30226
+  private_subnet:
+    type: cloudify.openstack.nodes.Subnet
+    properties:
+      openstack_config: *openstack_config
+      use_external_resource: true
+      resource_id: { get_secret: private_subnet_name }
+    relationships:
+      - target: private_network
+        type: cloudify.relationships.contained_in
+  private_network:
+    type: cloudify.openstack.nodes.Network
+    properties:
+      openstack_config: *openstack_config
+      use_external_resource: true
+      resource_id: { get_secret: private_network_name }
+  external_network:
+    type: cloudify.openstack.nodes.Network
+    properties:
+      openstack_config: *openstack_config
+      use_external_resource: true
+      resource_id: { get_secret: external_network_name }
+  cloud_init_openstack_server:
+    type: cloudify.nodes.CloudInit.CloudConfig
+    properties:
+      resource_config:
+        groups:
+        - docker
+        users:
+        - name: { get_input: agent_user }
+          primary-group: wheel
+          groups: docker
+          shell: /bin/bash
+          sudo: ['ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL']
+          ssh-authorized-keys:
+            - { get_secret: agent_key_public }
+        write_files:
+        - path: /etc/yum.repos.d/kubernetes.repo
+          owner: root:root
+          permissions: '0444'
+          content: |
+            # installed by cloud-init
+            [kubernetes]
+            name=Kubernetes
+            baseurl=https://packages.cloud.google.com/yum/repos/kubernetes-el7-x86_64
+            enabled=1
+            gpgcheck=1
+            repo_gpgcheck=1
+            gpgkey=https://packages.cloud.google.com/yum/doc/yum-key.gpg
+                   https://packages.cloud.google.com/yum/doc/rpm-package-key.gpg
+        packages:
+        - [epel-release]
+        - [gcc]
+        - [python-dev]
+        - [python-wheel]
+        - [python-setuptools]
+        - [libffi-devel]
+        - [python-devel]
+        - [openssl-devel]
+        - [docker, 1.12.6-28.git1398f24.el7.centos]
+        - [kubelet, 1.6.4-0]
+        - [kubeadm, 1.6.4-0]
+        - [kubectl, 1.6.4-0]
+        - [kubernetes-cni, 0.5.1-0]
+        - [git]
+        - [wget]
+        runcmd:
+        - systemctl enable docker
+        - systemctl start docker
+        - systemctl enable kubelet
+        - systemctl start kubelet
+        - yum install -y python-pip
+        - pip install --upgrade pip
+        - pip install docker-compose
+        - pip install backports.ssl_match_hostname --upgrade
+        - mkdir -p /tmp/oom/
+        - git clone https://gerrit.onap.org/r/oom.git /tmp/oom
+        - sleep 15
+        - chmod 755 /tmp/oom/kubernetes/config/docker/init/src/config/message-router/dcae-startup-vm-message-router/deploy.sh
+        - sed -i -e "s/\.\/docker_files/\/tmp\/oom\/kubernetes\/config\/docker\/init\/src\/config\/message-router\/dcae-startup-vm-message-router\/docker_files/g" /tmp/oom/kubernetes/config/docker/init/src/config/message-router/dcae-startup-vm-message-router/deploy.sh
+        - sed -i -e "s/\/opt\/docker\/docker-compose/\/bin\/docker-compose/g" /tmp/oom/kubernetes/config/docker/init/src/config/message-router/dcae-startup-vm-message-router/deploy.sh
+        - mv /tmp/oom/kubernetes/config/docker/init/src/config/message-router/dcae-startup-vm-message-router/docker_files/__docker-compose.yml /tmp/oom/kubernetes/config/docker/init/src/config/message-router/dcae-startup-vm-message-router/docker_files/docker-compose.yml
+        - mv /tmp/oom/kubernetes/config/docker/init/src/config/message-router/dcae-startup-vm-message-router/docker_files/__MsgRtrApi.properties /tmp/oom/kubernetes/config/docker/init/src/config/message-router/dcae-startup-vm-message-router/docker_files/MsgRtrApi.properties
+        - sh -c /tmp/oom/kubernetes/config/docker/init/src/config/message-router/dcae-startup-vm-message-router/deploy.sh
+  k8s_node_scaling_tier:
+    type: cloudify.nodes.Root
+  k8s:
+    type: cloudify.kubernetes.nodes.Master
+    properties:
+      configuration:
+        file_content: { get_input: configuration_file_content }