[PLATFORM][KEYCLOAK] Update Keycloak instructions and Realm import

Update Keycloak installation instructions to use keycloakx
(Quarkus based) and update of REALM import
Move the creation of the keycloak-ui ingress setup from helmchart
to documentation.

Issue-ID: OOM-3267

Change-Id: I3c79b05edd488f60a112590584974ba94a8c71a8
Signed-off-by: Andreas Geissler <andreas-geissler@telekom.de>
diff --git a/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_base_config_setup.rst b/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_base_config_setup.rst
index 4c21217..f25f4e7 100644
--- a/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_base_config_setup.rst
+++ b/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_base_config_setup.rst
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@
 - create keycloak namespace::
   > kubectl create namespace keycloak
-  > kubectl label namespace keycloak istio-injection=enabled
+  > kubectl label namespace keycloak istio-injection=disabled
 Install Keycloak-Database
@@ -388,7 +388,21 @@
 - Install keycloak::
-  > helm -n keycloak upgrade -i keycloak codecentric/keycloak --values ./keycloak-server-values.yaml
+  > helm -n keycloak upgrade -i keycloak codecentric/keycloakx --values ./keycloak-server-values.yaml
 The required Ingress entry and REALM will be provided by the ONAP "Platform"
+- Create Ingress gateway entry for the keycloak web interface
+  using the configured Ingress <base-url> (here "simpledemo.onap.org")
+  as described in :ref:`oom_customize_overrides`
+    .. collapse:: keycloak-ingress.yaml
+      .. include:: ../../resources/yaml/keycloak-ingress.yaml
+         :code: yaml
+- Add the Ingress entry for Keycloak::
+    > kubectl -n keycloak apply -f keycloak-ingress.yaml
diff --git a/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_deployment_options.rst b/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_deployment_options.rst
index dc206e0..3b198cf 100644
--- a/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_deployment_options.rst
+++ b/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_deployment_options.rst
@@ -36,5 +36,5 @@
 .. figure:: ../../resources/images/servicemesh/ServiceMesh.png
    :align: center
-For external access we start to establish Authentication via Oauth2-proxy
-and Keycloak which will be completed in the coming release.
+For external access we propose to establish Authentication via Oauth2-proxy
+and Keycloak which is described in this document.
diff --git a/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_deployment_requirements.rst b/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_deployment_requirements.rst
index 4eefdaf..dbb965d 100644
--- a/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_deployment_requirements.rst
+++ b/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_deployment_requirements.rst
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
   ==============     ======  ============ ==============
   London             1.17.2  v0.6.2       19.0.3-legacy
   Montreal           1.19.3  v1.0.0       19.0.3-legacy
-  New Delhi          1.19.3  v1.0.0       19.0.3-legacy
+  New Delhi          1.19.3  v1.0.0       22.0.4
   ==============     ======  ============ ==============
 .. table:: OOM Software Requirements (optional)
diff --git a/docs/sections/resources/yaml/keycloak-ingress.yaml b/docs/sections/resources/yaml/keycloak-ingress.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91fc34f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/sections/resources/yaml/keycloak-ingress.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1
+kind: HTTPRoute
+  labels:
+    app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Helm
+  name: keycloak-ui-http-route
+  namespace: keycloak
+  hostnames:
+  - keycloak-ui.simpledemo.onap.org
+  parentRefs:
+  - group: gateway.networking.k8s.io
+    kind: Gateway
+    name: common-gateway
+    namespace: istio-ingress
+    sectionName: https-80
+  rules:
+    Filters:
+      Request Redirect:
+        Port:         443
+        Scheme:       https
+        Status Code:  301
+      Type:           RequestRedirect
+    Matches:
+      Path:
+        Type:   PathPrefix
+        Value:  /auth
+apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1
+kind: HTTPRoute
+  labels:
+    app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Helm
+  name: keycloak-ui-http-route
+  namespace: keycloak
+  hostnames:
+  - keycloak-ui.simpledemo.onap.org
+  parentRefs:
+  - group: gateway.networking.k8s.io
+    kind: Gateway
+    name: common-gateway
+    namespace: istio-ingress
+    sectionName: https-443
+  rules:
+  - backendRefs:
+    - group: ""
+      kind: Service
+      name: keycloak-keycloakx-http
+      port: 80
+      weight: 1
+    matches:
+    - path:
+        type: PathPrefix
+        value: /auth
diff --git a/docs/sections/resources/yaml/keycloak-server-values.yaml b/docs/sections/resources/yaml/keycloak-server-values.yaml
index 7eaecbe..0160ce8 100644
--- a/docs/sections/resources/yaml/keycloak-server-values.yaml
+++ b/docs/sections/resources/yaml/keycloak-server-values.yaml
@@ -1,53 +1,48 @@
-  # The Keycloak image repository
-  repository: quay.io/keycloak/keycloak
-  # Overrides the Keycloak image tag whose default is the chart appVersion
-  tag: "19.0.3-legacy"
-  # If `true`, the Postgresql dependency is enabled
-  enabled: false
+  - "/opt/keycloak/bin/kc.sh"
+  - "--verbose"
+  - "start"
+  - "--http-enabled=true"
+  - "--http-port=8080"
+  - "--hostname-strict=false"
+  - "--hostname-strict-https=false"
+  - "--spi-events-listener-jboss-logging-success-level=info"
+  - "--spi-events-listener-jboss-logging-error-level=warn"
 extraEnv: |
-  - name: KEYCLOAK_USER
         name: {{ include "keycloak.fullname" . }}-admin-creds
         key: user
         name: {{ include "keycloak.fullname" . }}-admin-creds
         key: password
-  - name: DB_VENDOR
-    value: postgres
-  - name: DB_ADDR
-    value: keycloak-db-postgresql
-  - name: DB_PORT
-    value: "5432"
-  - name: DB_DATABASE
-    value: keycloak
-  - name: DB_USER
-    value: dbusername
-    value: /secrets/db-creds/password
+    value: >-
+      -XX:+UseContainerSupport
+      -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=50.0
+      -Djava.awt.headless=true
+      -Djgroups.dns.query={{ include "keycloak.fullname" . }}-headless
     value: "true"
-extraVolumeMounts: |
-  - name: db-creds
-    mountPath: /secrets/db-creds
-    readOnly: true
+  enabled: true
-extraVolumes: |
-  - name: db-creds
-    secret:
-      secretName: keycloak-db-postgresql
+  vendor: postgres
+  hostname: keycloak-db-postgresql
+  port: 5432
+  username: dbusername
+  password: dbpassword
+  database: keycloak
-    annotations:
-      my-test-annotation: Test secret for {{ include "keycloak.fullname" . }}
       user: admin
-      password: secret
\ No newline at end of file
+      password: secret