MSO K8S-Helm Parameterization

changed MSO k8s deployment to support helm parameterization
Issue-ID: OOM-52
Change-Id: Ifb192ee2d417aae6b0bdd05d662229e3542e7944
Signed-off-by: kerenj <>
diff --git a/kubernetes/oneclick/createAll.bash b/kubernetes/oneclick/createAll.bash
index 5e5f2dc..82956b8 100755
--- a/kubernetes/oneclick/createAll.bash
+++ b/kubernetes/oneclick/createAll.bash
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 . $(dirname "$0")/setenv.bash
 usage() {
   cat <<EOF
 Usage: $0 [PARAMs]
@@ -31,13 +32,25 @@
   mv ../$2/all-services.yaml-- ../$2/all-services.yaml
+create_onap_helm() {
+  helm install ../$2/ --name $2
 configure_app() {
   # if previous configuration exists put back original template file
-  for file in ../$2/*.yaml; do
+  for file in $3/*.yaml; do
     if [ -e "$file-template" ]; then
       mv "$file-template" "${file%}"
+  if [ -e "$2/Chart.yaml" ]; then
+    sed -i -- 's/nodePort: [0-9]\{2\}[02468]\{1\}/nodePort: '"$4"'/g' $3/all-services.yaml
+    sed -i -- 's/nodePort: [0-9]\{2\}[13579]\{1\}/nodePort: '"$5"'/g' $3/all-services.yaml
+    sed -i "s/onap-/$1-/g" ../$2/values.yaml
+  fi
   # replace the default 'onap' namespace qualification of K8s hostnames within
   # the config files
@@ -45,11 +58,11 @@
   #       this is not ideal and should be addressed (along with the replacement
   #       of sed commands for configuration) by the future configuration
   #       user stories (ie. OOM-51 to OOM-53)
-  find ../$2 -type f -exec sed -i -template "s/onap-/$1-/g" {} \;
+  find $3 -type f -exec sed -i -- "s/onap-/$1-/g" {} \;
   # replace the default '/dockerdata-nfs/onapdemo' volume mount paths
-  find ../$2 -iname "*.yaml" -type f -exec sed -i -e 's/dockerdata-nfs\/[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]*\//dockerdata-nfs\/'"$1"'\//g' {} \;
-  rm -f ../$2/*.yaml-e
+  find $3 -iname "*.yaml" -type f -exec sed -i -e 's/dockerdata-nfs\/[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]*\//dockerdata-nfs\/'"$1"'\//g' {} \;
+  rm -f $3/*.yaml-e
@@ -139,8 +152,25 @@
 printf "\n\n********** Creating deployments for ${ONAP_APPS[*]} ********** \n"
 for i in ${ONAP_APPS[@]}; do
-  configure_app $NS $i
+  _FILES_PATH=$(echo ../$i)
+  configure_app $NS $i $_FILES_PATH $start $end
   /bin/bash $ $NS $i 'create'
+for i in ${HELM_APPS[@]}; do
+  printf "\nCreating namespace **********\n"
+  create_namespace $NS $i 
+  printf "\nCreating registry secret **********\n"
+  printf "\nCreating deployments and services **********\n"
+  _FILES_PATH=$(echo ../$i/templates)
+  configure_app $NS $i $_FILES_PATH $start $end
+  create_onap_helm $NS $i
+  printf "\n"
 printf "\n**** Done ****\n"