[AAI] Use CertInitializer for AAI Proxy

Instead of using an harcoded certificate for AAI Haproxy, let's use
certInitializer in order to have a fresh one.

Issue-ID: OOM-2654
Signed-off-by: Sylvain Desbureaux <sylvain.desbureaux@orange.com>
Change-Id: Id07af4084ae714bc7ba7132b218434229a0ba866
diff --git a/kubernetes/aai/values.yaml b/kubernetes/aai/values.yaml
index 86ecb8b..08a1fb8 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aai/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aai/values.yaml
@@ -295,6 +295,44 @@
         # since when this is enabled, it prints a lot of information to console
         enabled: false
+# Certificate configuration
+  nameOverride: aai-cert-initializer
+  aafDeployFqi: deployer@people.osaaf.org
+  aafDeployPass: demo123456!
+  # aafDeployCredsExternalSecret: some secret
+  fqdn: "aai"
+  app_ns: "org.osaaf.aaf"
+  fqi_namespace: "org.onap.aai"
+  fqi: "aai@aai.onap.org"
+  public_fqdn: "aaf.osaaf.org"
+  cadi_longitude: "0.0"
+  cadi_latitude: "0.0"
+  credsPath: /opt/app/osaaf/local
+  aaf_add_config: |
+    echo "*** retrieving passwords from AAF"
+    /opt/app/aaf_config/bin/agent.sh local showpass \
+      {{.Values.fqi}} {{ .Values.fqdn }} > {{ .Values.credsPath }}/mycreds.prop
+    export $(grep '^c' {{ .Values.credsPath }}/mycreds.prop | xargs -0)
+    echo "*** transform AAF certs into pem files"
+    mkdir -p {{ .Values.credsPath }}/certs
+    keytool -exportcert -rfc -file {{ .Values.credsPath }}/certs/cacert.pem \
+      -keystore {{ .Values.credsPath }}/{{ .Values.fqi_namespace }}.trust.jks \
+      -alias ca_local_0 \
+      -storepass $cadi_truststore_password
+    openssl pkcs12 -in {{ .Values.credsPath }}/{{ .Values.fqi_namespace }}.p12 \
+      -nokeys -out {{ .Values.credsPath }}/certs/cert.pem \
+      -passin pass:$cadi_keystore_password_p12 \
+      -passout pass:$cadi_keystore_password_p12
+    echo "*** generating needed file"
+    cat {{ .Values.credsPath }}/certs/cert.pem \
+        {{ .Values.credsPath }}/certs/cacert.pem \
+        {{ .Values.credsPath }}/{{ .Values.fqi_namespace }}.key \
+        > {{ .Values.credsPath }}/certs/fullchain.pem;
+    chown 1001 {{ .Values.credsPath }}/certs/*
 # application image
 dockerhubRepository: registry.hub.docker.com
 image: aaionap/haproxy:1.4.2
@@ -379,4 +417,3 @@
       cpu: 2
       memory: 2Gi
   unlimited: {}